Hmm, I haven't bailed on too many, then again, I don't watch too much anime. Kinda picky. Anywho here is my list
found out it can burn the brain after two episodes and the dubbing was slightly better then the subtitle at some points. Overall, just trying too hard to be deep and seem to stall about getting into the juice of the story.
I watched it up to the point that the Narato started going all Seymore(FF10)... I watched after a while just for Fluffy. That was the most entertaining part. It seemed after a while, he stopped showing up.
-Ruroni Kenshin
Stopped watching after the Kyoto Arc... I did see a few episodes proceeding that Arc, but was not impressed to revisit them. Loved the OVI Trust and Betrayal. That is what got me started on RK. Though I have to say, some of the dumb was made up with the outtakes. Funny stuff!!!?
It really didn't seem to make much sense and didn't draw me in
That was flat out crack. There is funny crack and bad crack...and let me tell you kids, that was bad of the bad.
Techinically I watched the whole series through....but was not impressed. One of my roomies was just in love with that series and I never quite understood why.
Yo Yo hackasho(sp?)
Saw an episode and wished I hadn't.
Mostly likely going to bail on:
Going to watch a few just to see what people are all worked up about.
And about the Inuyasha series moving too slow and too drawn out...the writer is notorious for doing that with her stories. It's like she doesn't want to let it is a major cash cow when it comes to merchandising. Sadly could be something really awesome if they cinched up the plot and made things more efficient. But that is my humble opinion.