I wanted to warn as much people as possible......
If you live in Salem DO NOT go shopping or near Lancaster today!!!
My sister's friend just called on the phone, she is stuk in the mall. Bomb threats have been made on Roths, Salem Hospital, and other stores.
One bomb went off in Roths but luckily didnt start a fire and a furniture shop is on fire right now.
My sister and I are keeping a close eye on news channels, but nothing yet.
Apparetly D Street has also been theratened. There are a bunch of police surrounding Roths, and those in the Mall cant get out because police are re-directing traffic throught the mall parking lot.
Thats All.
I dont know If this is related or not, but apparetly the news says were on Red Alert, they found plans for a flight jacking or something to do with bombs and a flight coming from England to here. So at the air port no liquids are being allowed onboard, not even water, except for baby foruma and something else.
Another friend of my sisters says she is coming in from West Salem and she can see smoke.