One Day Left
ITS TOMORROW!!!!Dont forget to say Rabbit Rabbit once it turns midnight for good luck as we go into September.
Can u Beleive it??? *dies* My house is a COSPLAY MESS. We all feel like overworked shop keepers. My sisters friend just started hers yesterday, and is a first time sewer (Our Pluto) But she did a really good job and is almost done. My sister couldnt find her old P-Chan body suit so she has to make a whole new one in one night as well as finishing her head and helping me put finishg touches on mine. We will be working even today before we go get our badges. So while she works, I agreed I would go food shopping for all of us later in the day. is gonna be hectic. Then we all got to pack and I have to count and check bags (Last year someone *cough* left their cosplay in Salem and had to go back to get it >.> *stares at her*) And then I got to give myself french nails for my character which takes 2 hours min to do.
There is one dog on the Cowboy Bebop
There is one senshi from each planet
There is one kid on the cowboy Bebop.
Ichi is the japanese word for one.
I have one thing left to attatch to my cosplay dress
I have one thing left to attatch to my cosplay wig
Minako owns one cat
Kikyo gave Kagome one arrow in the fourth InuYasha movie.
Bleach episode 1 will start on Adult Swim september 9th. (Has n e 1 seen the trailer for it yet? I've only seen the one for Trinity Blood)
Seiya is one sex in the manga, along with the other starlights.
The Earth has one moon........for now.
Also, I noticed as I post these at midnight, why is the Kumoricon forums an hour behind?? It says I posted this at 11pm and not 12am.... O.O