Author Topic: Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?  (Read 9618 times)

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Offline SephiChan

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« on: September 05, 2006, 01:27:20 pm »
I don't want to whine too much here, I really want the staff to take what I have to say to heart. While I was amazed at the organization of the karaoke contests, I have to say the end of the Hybrid contest puzzled and irritated me. (I sat in on the idol contest, and participated in the hybrid, just so you know.)

There are two things I didn't understand. First--why did the award categories change at the last minute? If staff had decided to go from Best Male, Best Female, etc., to Best Anime Song, Best Filk, etc, why couldn't they say so before the contest? Suddenly, I found myself in the Best Dir en Grey Song category, which pitted me against someone who always rocks the house at karaoke contests--Nick--and without question, he won. I was disappointed, because with the original rules, I thought I would have had a better shot (not that I WOULD have won anything) competing for Best Female.

The second thing I was wondering--did the winners even get prizes? At the idol contest, it looked like people were getting CDs and DVDs and such, and at the hybrid, I only saw the plaques/certificates handed to winners, and nothing else. What happened here..?

Offline Radien

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2006, 02:53:28 pm »
Well, first of all, on the general subject of changing categories... it tends to happen in contests, because of the unpredictability of who will enter and what they will present. Gender is an easy one to explain: if many more of one gender perform in a contest than the other gender, some would say that it's only fair to change up the categories, as anyone in a minority gender will end up having much less competition.

Do you think pre-announcing the categories led you to make a bad choice for your song/act? Perhaps in the future, categories could instead be left unannounced until the awards are given? Because change is practically unavoidable, unless the contest is given a bland "1st / 2nd / 3rd" award structure.

Now, about the Dir En Grey category. I can see how you'd feel a bit outclassed by Nick, who if nothing else has been performing Dir En Grey songs since before attending Kumori Con. But what would have happened if the gender categories had remained?  Could we have possibly had TWO Dir En Grey songs that won awards? I think Jacki (karaoke coordinator) was trying to avoid that scenario.

To let a bit of personal opinion leak out... I think there's a bit of a hint to be taken here: seriously, folks, we have too many Dir En Grey entries. If you have fun performing them, then go right ahead anyway. But remember that it will make it harder to win an award. The number of Dir En Grey entries has been slowly increasing since year one.

I'm not even saying you have to avoid gothic J-rock. Just pick something that isn't Dir En Grey. Aren't they running out of songs that haven't been done by now? ;)

To tell the truth, I'm the one who won in the Best Anime Song category (my first karaoke award). So as for prizes, they had a few things to choose from, including three DVDs and a bunch of T-shirts (Shounen Jump T's and a few old Kumori Con T's, no big deal). I chose the Burst Angel DVD, just because somebody said it was good. Unfortunately, I think we were picking from the same pool as the Idol contest, which means that the pickings were slim by the time they got to us.

Were there things I'd change about the contest? Yeah. But I ran karaoke in 2004, and they've already improved on a lot of things I did back then, so I'm going to keep my thoughts limited to casual suggestions.

By the way, remember that while Karaoke is a major event, the Karaoke Coordinator is essentially a taskmaster, and very rarely does the same person take the position two years in a row. Programming staff only tells the Coordinator what to do in broad terms.
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Offline SephiChan

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2006, 03:05:47 pm »
Aha. Sorry, I have to disagree with you a bit... there were only 3 acts performing Dir en Grey, and us three were the only ones who did jrock at all. (I think it'll be a while before anyone runs out of different songs of theirs to sing; they've been around almost 10 years and are still making music.) I know "only three" doesn't sound like a lot when there weren't a lot of people in the contest--I'm used to Sakura Con, where there are usually 3 jrock acts, but 30 contestants in the conest.

There was a time when jrock wasn't allowed at Sakura Con's contest. I don't think it's fair to say that people shouldn't sing a certain genre or band--certain songs, perhaps, but just because it seems "overdone" doesn't mean it should be axed... because I certainly don't think it's overdone. (Not trying to be agressive here, so pardon if I'm coming across that way. ^^; )

I honestly wasn't paying attention to how many male/female participants there were, so you could be right about more or less competition that way. I've been watching Nick perform since Sakura Con 2002, and I knew I'd have no chance competing against him, so I just felt a little hopeful that they'd be awarding the best in each gender, because then I wouldn't be in his bracket. My real issue with the awards system is that they announced the change right before handing out the awards, rather than at the begining of the contest--I did hear them discussing it before the contest started, so they could have at least let us know then. It just seemed improvised that they did it that way.
I know it'd probably look tacky for two Diru performers to win, too, if the judges were in fact trying to avoid that (though I seriously doubt if I'd have even won best female, there were several strong competitors)--but let's say that the best male performance and best female performance were actually, hands down, Diru performers--would it be fair to cut one of them just to make other people happy?

And good, I didn't know if you guys had gotten any prizes. Either I wasn't paying attention, or I wasn't around when prizes were given out.

I'm done now... sorry if any of this has been offensive in any way; I can understand the differences of oppinion here.

Offline Radien

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2006, 03:58:47 pm »
Quote from: "SephiChan"
Aha. Sorry, I have to disagree with you a bit... there were only 3 acts performing Dir en Grey, and us three were the only ones who did jrock at all. (I think it'll be a while before anyone runs out of different songs of theirs to sing; they've been around almost 10 years and are still making music.) I know "only three" doesn't sound like a lot when there weren't a lot of people in the contest--I'm used to Sakura Con, where there are usually 3 jrock acts, but 30 contestants in the conest.

Oh, believe me... I know about the question of 3 songs being "a lot" or "not a lot." Whereas you are a Jrock advocate, I started becoming a filk advocate two years ago. We had three filk entries in 2004, and that alone made me quite happy. ;)

3 entries is "a lot of Dir En Grey" because it means that 100% of the Jrock seen in the Hybrid... was Dir En Grey. I'm not a Jrock fan, but I'm quite open to it. I even LIKE some Dir En Grey, as I realized when a carpooler played me one of their albums on the way home from Kumori Con last year. Just not the songs that are entirely bloody screaming (which tend to be the only ones that are ever performed at karaoke... >.>; )

Quote from: "SephiChan"
There was a time when jrock wasn't allowed at Sakura Con's contest. I don't think it's fair to say that people shouldn't sing a certain genre or band--certain songs, perhaps, but just because it seems "overdone" doesn't mean it should be axed... because I certainly don't think it's overdone. (Not trying to be agressive here, so pardon if I'm coming across that way. ^^; )

Again, please don't misread. I said I'd enjoy a wider variety of Jrock, and definitely not less Jrock.

I intentionally made sure Jrock was a valid entry in 2004 after complaints of Sakura Con's rules that year. I think Sakura Con learned from their own mistakes, too. In fact, my rules were so inclusive of music sung in Japanese that somebody entered with a rendition of the official Japanese recording of A Whole New World. o_o; (I sensed Kingdom Hearts undertones...)

Quote from: "SephiChan"
I honestly wasn't paying attention to how many male/female participants there were, so you could be right about more or less competition that way.

I only attended Hybrid, and I only saw half of the acts, due to some time conflicts, but my friend Derrick did comment that Idol had only 3 male performers out of 12.

In general, gender-based categories in singing tend to be a disadvantage for the girls. I've been in various choirs for years, and the simple fact is that young males are frequently led to believe that "singing is for girls," and by the time we reach adulthood, we male singers tend to either be less experienced or fewer in numbers.

On the other hand, how many people this year -- including you AND me -- costumed as and chose solos intended for the opposite gender? :) Perhaps the significance of gender is becoming less pronounced. ;)

Quote from: "SephiChan"
I've been watching Nick perform since Sakura Con 2002, and I knew I'd have no chance competing against him, so I just felt a little hopeful that they'd be awarding the best in each gender, because then I wouldn't be in his bracket. My real issue with the awards system is that they announced the change right before handing out the awards, rather than at the begining of the contest--I did hear them discussing it before the contest started, so they could have at least let us know then. It just seemed improvised that they did it that way.

The blunt truth of the matter is that during a con, a lot of what we do is flying by the seat of our pants. That's why judging takes so long. It's a very subjective matter that the judges want to handle as fairly as possible.

The difficulty for judges and coordinators is to find the most realistic and fair answer to each dilemma at the earliest point possible. In some cases, trial and error and feedback are the only proven method. That's where you come in(...?)

Quote from: "SephiChan"
I know it'd probably look tacky for two Diru performers to win, too, if the judges were in fact trying to avoid that (though I seriously doubt if I'd have even won best female, there were several strong competitors)--but let's say that the best male performance and best female performance were actually, hands down, Diru performers--would it be fair to cut one of them just to make other people happy?

Here's the thing:

Dir En Grey songs (and perhaps other Jrock) are very, very different from any other type of song in the contest. They involve a large amount of screaming, and rely heavily on extreme theatrical techniques.

...whereas I sang a ballad, and I hardly took ten steps during my song.

Really, it's VERY hard to compare the two. It's like comparing apples and... wombats. That's why most judges prefer to have some sort of genre or style categories.

Quote from: "SephiChan"
And good, I didn't know if you guys had gotten any prizes. Either I wasn't paying attention, or I wasn't around when prizes were given out.

Big Chris was distracting you. It's his job. :)

Quote from: "SephiChan"
I'm done now... sorry if any of this has been offensive in any way; I can understand the differences of oppinion here.

Not at all. Venting frustration is what this forum is for. You've been quite considerate. ;)
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Offline SephiChan

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2006, 04:06:15 pm »
Thanks for the detailed reply. Yes, Chris makes for a good distraction. ^_^

I actually have to take off for work now, or I'd write more in response! But, I do appreciate your professional manner in discussing this with me--some people on con forums aren't so civil.
I understand what you're saying about it all being Dir en Grey; they're actually one of the two or three jrock bands I listen to, so I don't really have a lot to pick from that I'm familiar with in that genere. And, I specifically picked a song with screaming because I thought it'd be more unique for a girl to attempt something like that, and it was VERY challenging. x_x; As was your choice too, I'd imagine. Wewt for cross-gender costumes and performances!

-Skitters off to work.-

Offline Radien

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2006, 05:26:25 pm »
Quote from: "SephiChan"
I actually have to take off for work now, or I'd write more in response! But, I do appreciate your professional manner in discussing this with me--some people on con forums aren't so civil.

You're quite welcome. :) I'm obviously not answering as staff for the event in question (I was on staff -- technically Gaming staff), but ever since Kumori Con #1, my friends who started the con wanted to have a reputation for friendly staff. Definitely let us know if any of us ever truly break that.

Quote from: "SephiChan"
I understand what you're saying about it all being Dir en Grey; they're actually one of the two or three jrock bands I listen to, so I don't really have a lot to pick from that I'm familiar with in that genere. And, I specifically picked a song with screaming because I thought it'd be more unique for a girl to attempt something like that, and it was VERY challenging. x_x;

Indeed; I wasn't disappointed by the Jrock performances. :) And there was a little bit of variety within Dir En Grey. I tend to switch song sources constantly, because I'm very picky, and I like a lot of genres, but that's just me.

Quote from: "SephiChan"
As was your choice too, I'd imagine. Wewt for cross-gender costumes and performances!

Thanks! ;) Believe it or not, the costume was actually a coincidence. I had intended to perform in Idol, but got placed in hybrid, so I ended up doing it in my Sunday costume instead of my Saturday one. It was strange, but perhaps it worked out for the better.

I do, however, have a thing for female solos, it seems. >.>; My last non-filk karaoke was Sayonara Solitia, which is an incredibly sappy and feminine ballad, and a year before that I intended to sing Jump by ELT at Sakura Con (though I arrived too late to sign up T_T).

P.S. -

I made a snafu in the last post: I originally listed that three males were entered into the in the Hybrid contest. Wrong!!... I mistyped: three males were slated to perform in the Idol contest. There were at LEAST four guys in Hybrid, probably several more.
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Offline sk_chan

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2006, 08:07:10 pm »
On the other hand, how many people this year -- including you AND me -- costumed as and chose solos intended for the opposite gender?  Perhaps the significance of gender is becoming less pronounced.

Heck yeah! I'm female and I sung "Lost Heaven" while crossplaying as Tsuzuki Asato, and if I karaoke again I'm 99% I'll choose a song sung by a male (mostly because I don't like singing high-pitched songs).

I unfortunately missed the Hybrid Contest, though. D8

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Offline SephiChan

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2006, 10:38:54 pm »
Nice. I seriously love crossplay.

Funny it turned out that way, Radien; I do think it worked out for you. ^_^

Offline Jamiche

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2006, 03:07:56 am »
The awards for the hybrid contest changed at the last minute due to the fact that after sign-in and no-shows, we had 1 group, 2 guys, and the rest were filks or female singers.  The re-organization was done so that we didn't have an automatic winner because of only one entry, and also because of the prizes - all the contest prizes for the convention, not just karaoke, come from the same pool, and since we were after cosplay, there wasn't much left (which I intend to see does -not- happen again next year  :x ).  The award categories that we ended up with were what we felt was the best fit for the situtation - there were only 3 or 4 people in each category.

We had some great contestants this year, and you guys all did a great job.  I'm sorry for the confusion we had with this year's contest, but we will make next year's even better, so I hope we see you again  :) .
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Offline SephiChan

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2006, 03:21:23 am »
Quote from: "Jamiche"
The awards for the hybrid contest changed at the last minute due to the fact that after sign-in and no-shows, we had 1 group, 2 guys, and the rest were filks or female singers.  The re-organization was done so that we didn't have an automatic winner because of only one entry, and also because of the prizes - all the contest prizes for the convention, not just karaoke, come from the same pool, and since we were after cosplay, there wasn't much left (which I intend to see does -not- happen again next year  :x ).  The award categories that we ended up with were what we felt was the best fit for the situtation - there were only 3 or 4 people in each category.

We had some great contestants this year, and you guys all did a great job.  I'm sorry for the confusion we had with this year's contest, but we will make next year's even better, so I hope we see you again  :) .

Thanks for the explination; that was all I was looking for. I was just a bit confused that you guys did change the categories, but as I said before, I wasn't really keeping up with how many male/female entrants there were. I can understand the prize pool; I think that's happened before at Sakura Con.
Well, thanks again for addressing the issue. I did really enjoy karaoke this year. ^-^

Offline Radien

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2006, 06:33:07 am »
Quote from: "sk_chan"
Heck yeah! I'm female and I sung "Lost Heaven" while crossplaying as Tsuzuki Asato, and if I karaoke again I'm 99% I'll choose a song sung by a male (mostly because I don't like singing high-pitched songs).

Well, my song was in the usual female vocal range, but I sang it an octave lower. That mix of the song wasn't originally written to be sung, but someone later added lyrics and passed it on to someone else who recorded a vocal track.

Hope to see (and hear) you at karaoke next year.

Quote from: "Jamiche"
The awards for the hybrid contest changed at the last minute due to the fact that after sign-in and no-shows, we had 1 group, 2 guys, and the rest were filks or female singers.  The re-organization was done so that we didn't have an automatic winner because of only one entry


Holy cow... o_o I must have been accidentally including the "filler" acts in my count of the number of male entrants. Sheesh, guys, where are you??...

Did any male acts get cut during auditions? Or are our guys just shy? :P

Quote from: "Jamiche"
and also because of the prizes - all the contest prizes for the convention, not just karaoke, come from the same pool, and since we were after cosplay, there wasn't much left (which I intend to see does -not- happen again next year  :x ).  The award categories that we ended up with were what we felt was the best fit for the situtation - there were only 3 or 4 people in each category.

...You're kidding. >_<

Before the con, I offered to handle prize inventory to make sure prizes were divvied up evenly between the various events. They told me the position was not necessary, because each contest was supposedly being given a separate budget for buying their own prizes.

It looks like that didn't happen. I guess I'll have an "I told you so" for the next general meeting. ;)

By the way, the reason I offered to take that position wasn't because I felt *I* was getting gypped with leftover prizes. Actually, last year I won the Soul Calibur 2 tournament and received a video game worth 40 bucks. Nice. But then I went over to the karaoke contest and watched the winners receive... Teen Titan action figures...? >_o;

Personally, I don't compete for the prizes anymore. But I'm sure the con can at least afford to make sure the contests get a desirable assortment of prizes.
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Offline Ruk

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2006, 09:47:51 pm »
I didn't feel like reading all of this but really, if you dont want so many damn Dir en grey songs, then put that in the rules. There's ALWAYS gonna be a Dir en grey song or a few in any karaoke contest just because they are good songs to perform. Mixes thing up a bit from all that pop.

If you judges are SO tired of having to sit through a Jrock song, then here's a suggestion; MAKE A JROCK KARAOKE CONTEST. I've won karaoke singing Dir en grey at Sakuracon and the prizes don't fit either. Sure I like anime, but a Hellsing soundtrack and a Tenchi Muyo Dvd doesn't really fit a j-rocker that wins.

Hmm maybe I should just schedule a Jrock karaoke. An idea...

Offline Prince_Milk

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2006, 09:56:44 pm »
Quote from: "Ruk"
I didn't feel like reading all of this but really, if you dont want so many damn Dir en grey songs, then put that in the rules. There's ALWAYS gonna be a Dir en grey song or a few in any karaoke contest just because they are good songs to perform. Mixes thing up a bit from all that pop.

If you judges are SO tired of having to sit through a Jrock song, then here's a suggestion; MAKE A JROCK KARAOKE CONTEST. I've won karaoke singing Dir en grey at Sakuracon and the prizes don't fit either. Sure I like anime, but a Hellsing soundtrack and a Tenchi Muyo Dvd doesn't really fit a j-rocker that wins.

Hmm maybe I should just schedule a Jrock karaoke. An idea...

as some of the biggest jrock fans at the con, you and I are going to fight for this. I think the problem is that many people don't like to hear this because they think all japanese songs are "lolz kawaii anime neko chan 454". news flash, it's not. If the judges have a problem with it, then dont be a judge.
i agree with you though, maybe there should be a jrock karaoke

Offline Radien

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2006, 06:32:13 am »
Quote from: "Prince_Milk"
If you judges are SO tired of having to sit through a Jrock song, then here's a suggestion; MAKE A JROCK KARAOKE CONTEST. I've won karaoke singing Dir en grey at Sakuracon and the prizes don't fit either. Sure I like anime, but a Hellsing soundtrack and a Tenchi Muyo Dvd doesn't really fit a j-rocker that wins.

Quote from: "Prince_Milk"
as some of the biggest jrock fans at the con, you and I are going to fight for this. I think the problem is that many people don't like to hear this because they think all japanese songs are "lolz kawaii anime neko chan 454". news flash, it's not. If the judges have a problem with it, then dont be a judge.

*I* am the one who said that we may perhaps have too many Dir En Grey entries. Anything regarding judge opinion this year was purely speculation on my part. And I was referring specifically to Dir En Grey; not JRock in general.

Actually, out of all the karaoke contests I've attended, I have yet to see a JRock performance that didn't get thunderous applause, and most of the time a JRock entry has won an award of some sort. Judges don't generally dislike JRock entries.  A Dir En Grey or JRock category isn't necessarily a negative thing, either. Filk has had their own category, and I've always seen that as encouragement for more filk.


Normally I'd disagree with splitting up a contest solely on the basis of genre, but I do have to admit that I see a LOT of JRock cosplayers out there, and only a few of them ever enter the karaoke contest. If you think you can draw more of them in to perform by creating a separate contest, then hey, go ahead and pitch it to the Director of Programming after the General Election on Oct. 28th (in person or via email).
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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2006, 09:25:31 am »
like ive said im not mad we didnt win i had a blast and i effing love you ruk your my bestest insane j rock friend ever but chill fo shiz they did there best to tolerate they are a brave bunch to stand up and tell me steven and you that we lost lol

There was a girl that ran out of the room scared of our screaming at least the judges didnt do that

Offline Jamiche

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2006, 10:33:59 am »
Like I said before, the award categories were changed at the last minute to fit the entries we had, and it happened to fit based on genre.  It was not because the judges are tired of Jrock songs, or Dir en Grey songs in particular.  It was not because we think all karaoke songs are anime based, or pop songs.  The judges rated the performances, and -I- changed the award categories so we had a more balanced competition - they didn't know about the change until after they had scored everyone.  If you have a concern/question/problem with that, then direct it towards me.

Personally, I like the way the categories came out - it was a better balance than the gender based, and I like that similar song styles were competing against each other.  I think we may see this change in the rules for next year's contest.

Jrock, and more specifically Dir en Grey, will not be excluded from the Idol or Hybrid contest.  All forms of Japanese music, whether Jrock, anime or game based, are what the contests are about.  I could care less if all the contest entries were from one anime/artist - they would just have to be different songs  :D.  We just want to hear you sing.

As for having a Jrock karaoke contest - the number of entries we had singing Jrock songs was small, not really enough to have their own contest.  Then there is the matter of time (to have it), people (to run, judge) and prizes.  But if you are really interested, then come and talk to us at one of the general meetings.

As for prizes - I agree, the prizes aren't always the most appropriate to the contest, and this year, we were lacking in the prize department  :x   So please, give me suggestions - what would you like to see as prizes in the contest for next year?  What would you, as contestants, like to receive?

I think we had a great contest this year, and all the contestants were awesome.  I hope you guys compete again next year.  And I appreciate all the feedback you give us on the contests - we want next year to be even better.  But please, don't just comment "I hated this", or "This really sucked" - give us suggestions, how would you change it?  As contestants, you have a different perspective than us.
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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2006, 04:52:22 pm »
I'm not mad about it, this is the suggestion/complaint section, I've done karaoke for a long time.

Why is there categories anyways? It's alot easier to do a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners along with maybe a judges choice.

And what's with the auditions? I know people chicken out and don't show up and that's why you probably decided. BUT more people end up going to that because they think it IS the karaoke contest. Sure, you wanna get rid of the bad people to start with in an audition but I can say that doesn't always work. Just do a sign up like you do before hand. If there are openings, have a sign up to fill up those openings at the con.

Sure there aren't alot of jrock entries at the karaoke, but the karaoke contest isnt that big in the first place. But I know alot of people that would be interested in it.

I don't have time to go to a general meeting or post anywhere else. Just pass this on in all respects.

This is just my opinion.

Prizes shouldn't be something already bought. They should be something universal like Gift certificates to I donno, the dealer's room, a local anime store, or an online asian everything store. That way whoever wins can get what they like.

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2006, 06:04:00 pm »
I think that the prizes for any contest should reflect the categories, or at least the contest itself.

*watch tom go on a swag rant!*

Everyone loves getting anime DVDs, but it's a little weird getting a depressing drama series for "funniest skit" in the cosplay contest (I won Now and then here and there for getting "best punchline", heh heh).  

I would suggest concert DVDs and soundtracks to anime/video games. As well as some best selling Jrock. You can never guess someone's personal tastes so certificates to Kinokuniya are always good. I also like the idea of kumoricash as well (money JUST for the vendors), but it's not as good on Monday. Heh.

I've got a better idea, contest-prize....
Idol karaoke- soundtracks, albums, concert dvds, anime dvds, mp3 downloads
hybrid karaoke- anime DVD, concert dvds, albums, soundtracks, mp3 downloads
cosplay contest- manga, anime dvds, video games, cash
video game tournaments- video games, videog game artbooks/manga
fanfic contests- manga, artbooks, cells, anime dvds
AMV contest- albums, soundtracks, anime dvds, mp3 downloads

Did I miss any?

I saw the swag box this year and I thought it was small, especially since I knew how many people would likely be in the winning skits at the cosplay (it's hard to divvy up with 6 people). It was sort of sad that there were only 4 albums in the box when karaoke is one of the bigger contests.

Maybe that's something that can be budgetted for in the future. Not just more prizes, but strategic prizes. Know what I mean?
Tom the Fanboy
Passion over Pedantry!
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Offline superjaz

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2006, 07:47:20 pm »
i'm not sure but are the prizes donated then they dont have much of a choice in what they give out,
i still need to redeem my prize for the skit last year (hope its still good)
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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2006, 07:53:48 pm »
I have a few comments...

- Since the categories were changed at the last minute to reflect the entrants, it'd be really hard to get prizes in advance that reflect the categories. And, I don't think that someone singing an anime song would really be interested in a jrock CD, so it's hit-and-miss, really; the best the prize people can do is get an assortment of prizes.

- I really, really disagree with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ESPECIALLY for the hybrid contest. It works for a vocal contest like idol, but I'd like to quote Radien here--comparing a jrock performance and anime performance is like comparing apples and wombats! Performance-based entries in the hybrid tend to be very different, so I can imagine id't be hard to compare them all and rank them.
Personally, I do think categorizing them is the best idea and giving awards for the best in each category works the best.

- Having a jrock contest--it'd be something I would LOVE to see, but the reality is, it's just not going to happen. I don't think there would be enough people interested in participating, even if there are enough people to fill the audience. I say this coming from Sakura Con, which has two 30-person karaoke contests, and anually, I've seen at most 3 jrock performances in one. (As far as I know, the second contest--youth--didn't have ANY jrock performances.)
I just don't think there'd be enough people.

- I think auditions are a great idea, and stand by them. If people think that's the actual contest, it's their problem for not reading the room schedule that's posted RIGHT next to the door. The turnouts for both contests was really, really lacking, compared to the stampede to get into the ones at Sakura Con, but I think that just comes with Kumori being a small con. At least there were -some- people there to watch.

And lastly, Ruk, Kumorisaint, you guys kicked ass. <3 I was crossing my fingers you'd sing some Dethklok when testing the mics before the contest.
Wewt to my fellow jrock performers, though Nick crushed us all. x_x

Offline TomtheFanboy

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2006, 11:56:27 pm »
Quote from: "superjaz3p"
i'm not sure but are the prizes donated then they dont have much of a choice in what they give out,
i still need to redeem my prize for the skit last year (hope its still good)

Most of them are donated of course. Which is why the prizes can seem random at times. I was just ranting a bit.

I also happened to have some inside information on budgets.... :roll:

Oh, and Sephichan just rmeinded me of something....
VORPAL WOMBAT!!!!! *rocks out to the kickin' techno*

..... sorry, it was a Mortal Kombat/Monty Python/Australia joke I made years ago. *happy sigh*

Deathklok is awesome.
Tom the Fanboy
Passion over Pedantry!
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Offline SephiChan

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2006, 11:58:21 pm »
Quote from: "TomtheFanboy"
Oh, and Sephichan just rmeinded me of something....
VORPAL WOMBAT!!!!! *rocks out to the kickin' techno*

..... sorry, it was a Mortal Kombat/Monty Python/Australia joke I made years ago. *happy sigh*

Deathklok is awesome.

What the deuce?
XD Although I don't get it, funny nonetheless.

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2006, 12:04:46 am »
I really don't want to hijack anything but the ONE person who really laughed at that joke was actually helping staff the convention this year so I figured I'd say it on the very slim chance she'd pop into the forums. *shrug*

Oh, and it came to mind thanks to your "apples and wombats" quote.
Tom the Fanboy
Passion over Pedantry!
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Offline BlackjackGabbiani

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2006, 10:51:01 pm »
One thing I think would help (and I noticed this problem with a few people, not just me) is having a sound check before each act. It was hard to hear some people because they were too far away from the microphone. When I was on stage and noticed that about myself, I tried to adjust the mike, but it wouldn't come.

Offline superjaz

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2006, 11:13:18 pm »
Quote from: "BlackjackGabbiani"
One thing I think would help (and I noticed this problem with a few people, not just me) is having a sound check before each act. It was hard to hear some people because they were too far away from the microphone. When I was on stage and noticed that about myself, I tried to adjust the mike, but it wouldn't come.

thing is it just takes so much time , its gonna be mikes needed peeps remeber to yell or perrecording
(tom your new icon scares me...)
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
Proud mom of 2 awesome kids

Offline BlackjackGabbiani

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Hybrid Karaoke -- What happened...?
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2006, 12:13:52 am »
It only takes a few seconds to get a test sentence.