Square Enix hates cosplayers.
Note: this is a joke
You wouldn't think so with all the people emulating their characters at every convention in the world, but look. FFX-2 presents almost an entire wardrobe of costume choices for people to choose from, just on its own. The variations of each costume for the three girls compounds and confuses matters even more. Further confusing the costumers who wished to pay tribute to their favorites were the appearances of characters multiple times through Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Advent Children, The Last Order, the variant games for the Gameboy Advanced and DS, and as rumor has told a whole new version of FFVII for the PS3.
All these variations on characters causes chaos in the cosplay world as people bicker about accuracy of this person and that person's costumes and the subtle differences between them all.
I was not sure of my theory until I got to play Final Fantasy 12. The insane clothing and accessories of the characters and the incredible details you can now see thanks to the advanced graphics are murder on aspiring cosplayers. The costumes for almost every character are incredibly gorgeous and in some cases dangerously so!
We all know that seeing your supermodel of choice in a spot-on Fran outfit would be to die for, but have you thought of how true that statement is? If the costume itself weren't enough of a danger to a person's ankles and anyone within flailing distance of the claws, think of all the poor teenage girls who'll be starving themselves for months before the convention just to fit into such a monstrosity!
A less dangerous example is Basch. What the heck is that criss cross, rainbow patch thing he has strapped to his torso?
People, for the good of cosplayers across the world, lets send Square-Enix a message. Boycott Final Fantasy characters this year. If no-one cosplays anyone from their games their fan-cred will drop massively and they'll pay the price for their cruelty.
So won't you please cosplay a character from an actual cartoon series? The world will be a better place for it. Take a stand with me this year and boycott Final Fantasy character.