I've been a Cingular(now AT&T) customer for several years now and I just got my iphone... *sigh* it's love...
I thought about the Iphone... well until I saw how much it was. But I think even if I had the money like any new technology I would wait a bit. But I must admit I'm still jealous :twisted:
The one thing I have the laugh about is I found this great website called www.phonedog.com that has ratings on phones and services. I checked out all the different carriers. Each one had the same complaints as other between t-mobile, verizon, spring and cingular and all had close to the same positives by users. It sure in the end didn't help :cry:
Well I know I want something that can text and instant message. I really don't need something for music sense I have an ipod. But pictures would be nice sense there are always those times you want to take a picture you don't have a camera but I always have my phone. Well hopefully I few more people will have added some comments by the time I do a little drive by phone shopping 
So true, I used to have the sidekick under tmobile. I disabled the phone service since I still used cingular then. I just used the sidekick to surf the internet, use AIM, take photos, and text message. It was 30 dollars a month *shrug*
As you can tell I'm a big spender on the equipments, but the thing was a deal from amazon.com that had a rebate for the phone after purchase. Of course it never came but we sold the phone for a fraction of the price and broke more or less even in other ways as well...
My still favorite and fondest phone would be Nokia... and I still swear by cingualr. A lot of the providers are the same in quality and service, but sprint sucky

g'luck though :3