While this response won't cover everything you mentioned, in regards to the "apparent lack of RPG planning," that was in fact very much not the case. I know I personally spent more than 40 hours working on two one-shots for the weekend, and I know for a fact that Nyco spent a great deal of time preparing for her games as well. We planned out when we would be where, how long the games would be, and how many players we could take on. If anything we OVERPLANNED it due to...
...the three big problems we had with the RPGs, which were: (1) NOBODY SIGNED UP!!! Virtually every time Nyco or I (as we were the primary GMs) walked by the RPG room, the signup sheets were completely devoid of signatures, leading us to believe that noone was interested. This truly baffled me on Saturday, as a goodly number of people had voiced interest in a Magical Girl game, yet noone had signed up on the sheet for it; (2) On Saturday, at least, there was a major problem (unrelated to Kumoricon) on the 7th floor that prevented people from being able to go to their rooms. This prevented at least myself from returning to my room for the stuff needed to run the game I had planned on until it was far too late; (3) Both Nyco and I were on registration duty as well, which tied us up for much longer than expected due to the registration issues that have already been beaten to death, so I won't go into them again.
Now, to be fair, I can easily understand why when someone who went into that room could see disarray or lack of planning, but in our defense, there was a lot of unforseen circumstance that we couldn't have planned for in advance that hit us upside the head. At least the games that DID go on seemed to be a hit on both Saturday and Sunday, and for that I am very thankful.