I love green too! Yay!
Last year Pocky Club (me) had the Programming staff's digital camera to take pictures out in the convention for the Hall cosplay contest. However since I never got any instructions on HOW it was supposed to work and what I was supposed to ask people it didn't really happen.
However I still want to thank the Naruto and Sasuke and friend that came by the Programming suite last year to specifically have their pictures taken for the contest. You guys were great!
I think that they're going to have Pocky Club helping man the con-merch booth downstairs but if we can get another camera involved (shouldn't be hard) I think that the Hall cosplay contest would be a perfect way for us to contribute to the convention. I'm up for it, I just gotta ask the Club membership.
As far as things for each day, I think you have a good plan, especially since you can wear a Rock Lee costume for the whole convention and be a winner everyday. Then again, if you're in a Rock Lee costume you're ALWAYS a winner.
.....OK that was cheesy.
I think that if this plan is put into action the Japanese day should be day one and the cosplay character day should be day two of the con. Sunday is usually the day of the cosplay contest itself and even if they're not entering their costumes; the skit people will be wearing their favorites.
Pink, I agree that the makers of the costume should get some credit as well but usually it's pretty hard to do. Most people that have their costumes specially made have it done by someone who's not at the con, like a relative or an internet seamstress. We should definitely have a way for people to get recognition, but I think that the person
wearing the costume should be responsible for communicating it to us.
As far as prizes, people seemed happy enough just getting the rainbow ribbons back in 2003. A nice little participation prize would be great for everyone and the winner should get something about half as awesome as the winner of the Official cosplay costume contest. That way they'll know if they ENTER they have a shot at something better.
If you use the theme days then each day should have it's own theme prize. The last one should have a Green Day album in the prize pack. :wink: