My Kumoricon 2007 photos are now available online:
After you select a photo by clicking on a thumbnail, you can use left and right arrow keys to navigate (or you can use the navigation thumbnail images). When a single photo is displayed, you can click on the photo to see a larger version. Click again on the large image to dismiss it.
You'll note that I generally don't take pictures of poses. I think everyone else has that style covered, and I'd rather do something different. A lot of times my experiments don't work, and I discard a lot of mediocre photos. But I try not to take it all too seriously.
My personal blog entry for this year's convention is at: you are featured in one or more of my photos and want me to take it down, please email me and identify the photos (by number) of concern. I'll remove photos as soon as I can. For everyone else, thank you for allowing me to practice and share my art.