Which is the better name:
The Completely, Oppressively, Mildly Prosthetically, Luxuriously Easily, Thoughtlessly Eloquent, Lovingly Yellow, Abhorrently, Nerdily Obsessive, Nastily Yucky, Monotonous, Obese, Undersized, Synthetic Guild of Musical, Understandable, Sympathetic Illicit Cockroaches, Artistic Nepalese Indigenes Making Ample Lavish Syllabi, Hugely Uproarious Men Opposing Unconstitutional Relevance, Intelligent Thyroids Asking London If Apples Nap, Dung-Raking Ulcers Growing Down East Alphabetically, Leaving Elevators Raving, Stunned, (Also, No Doomsday Bombs Ever Altered Noises In North Greenland!!!) And North Dakota Claiming Hamburg, Among Other Stuff!!!!
(The C.O.M.P.L.E.T.E.L.Y. A.N.O.N.Y.M.O.U.S. Guild of M.U.S.I.C. A.N.I.M.A.L.S. H.U.M.O.U.R. I.T.A.L.I.A.N. D.R.U.G. D.E.A.L.E.R.S. [A.N.D. B.E.A.N.I.N.G!!!] A.N.D. C.H.A.O.S!!!!)
OMG Pirates Spam Over 9000 Zombie Smash Memorial Super-Mega Fun Kawaii Hearts Neko Hello Board!
First one's my completely dead guild on Gaia btw. It has the longest title on the site.