Seven is the most bestest! Gah, FF7 was my first Final Fantasy and I will forever favour this game. 6 is wonderful, 10 is a great storyline! Agh, i love 8 despite the fact that Squall needs to stop angsting because it's Vincent's job (FF7) to angst all the time. The job is taken! I don't know why people don't like 8. It's a good, involved storyline. I like how it looks, too.
But 7 is my heart's desire . . . Cid Highwind, you pimp! How I love thee . .. and the Cid x Vincent yaoi is yummy!
Gah, X-2 disappoints me HUGELY. I mean, Final Fantast always leaves those endings open for you to decide what is going to happen and they ruined it. I don't wanna be told that Yuna and Rikku decide to dress like skanks and go on some stupid crusade after Lulu gets knocked up by Wakka. Seriously, guys . . . what were you thinking Square?!?!
But 6 is super-awesome, too! A great storyline, despite the less than amazing graphicals . . . but Setzer is the pimp of this game. GAWD, he is drool-worthy as any bishounen. Kefka's laugh alone is reason to play the game! XD
I love you, Final Fantasy . . .