Author Topic: AMV Contest  (Read 31664 times)

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Offline DannyCat

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Re: Some comments & Some Answers:
« Reply #50 on: June 16, 2004, 01:56:27 am »
Quote from: "Anonymous"
The system I will use currently plays MPGs and AVIs well, and DivX up to 5.05. I'm not upgrading. If somebody releases a codec in mid August, and you encode with it, and your AMV doesn't play on 'Ol Sawbones' here, it won't show at the contest - because it doesn't play on the system.

Aside from DivX, what video codecs can the AVIs be in? Will plain ol' HuffYUV work?

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Re: HuffYUV et alia.
« Reply #51 on: June 17, 2004, 09:26:29 am »
Quote from: "DannyCat"

Aside from DivX, what video codecs can the AVIs be in? Will plain ol' HuffYUV work?

The risk with HuffYUV files is that they are HUGE and may bog down the player.
You can submit the SAME VIDEO in one or two different encodings, and I'll
select the encoding which runs the smoothest when I compile the show.

Just be sure that the 'title' portion of the filename is the same among the
different encodings:


Something like that would be fine. If NONE of the versions play, I will let you know, and we can try again a couple times.

Good Luck!



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« Reply #52 on: July 04, 2004, 12:17:20 am »
So, we can submit AMV's to the contest even if we can't attend?  I want to attend, but getting there and paying for the hotel is a question I'm going to have to deal with. Help me Please!!

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AMV contest Entry Sheet.
« Reply #53 on: July 06, 2004, 10:45:32 am »
Quote from: "DMStudios"
So, we can submit AMV's to the contest even if we can't attend?Help me Please!!

YES! You do not have to be present to participate.
Send your entries to:

P.O. Box 3213
Eugene, OR 97403

The drop-dead date is 8-Aug-04 (Set by Kumoricon, not me.)
Include your return address so I can send you a prize if
you win something ...

As a quick review:

1. Format is AVI or MPEG. No mov's, ra's ram's wmv's swf's. Select one or two codecs which will play on Winamp 5 or Windows Media Player 8 or earlier. If you use DivX, encode at version 5.05 or earlier. If it doesn't play on the system I'll let you know and you can try another codec and get it to me even a little after the deadline. I will -NOT- accept new AMV's after August 8th for the competition. Send either a ZIP-drive or a burned CD. Do -not- expect the physical media to be returned; although I -may- have it with me during the contest. No promises. Also, it would be neat to have an AMV server going somewhere for folks to jack in & download or burn off of, but I've seen nothing concrete so I cannot make any pledges or promises about this either (but it certainly is a cool idea.)

2. AMV Categories, and their approximate show order:

a. Action & Adventure
b. Romantic / Drama
c. Period / Traditional Japanese Setting
d. SF & Futuristic Setting
e. Comedy
f. Trailers and Commercial Parodies

3. Each entry (and its encoding)  should have a second file, exactly 10 seconds long, containing audio and video ONLY from your AMV. You get to select the 10-second spot. This 'spot' will be used as a refresher during the audence voting phase.

4. Since the contest rules website did NOT post the entry sheet I made for them, here it is. Highlight (select) & copy the following text, drop it into your favorite text editor, fill in the info, and mail it in with your entry:


Submit Burned CD -or- I-Omega ZIP Disk
Creator name:
Creator Contact Information: (Address, phone#, e-mail)

A M V Title: "                                                        "
Category -  Fill in the 'O'

 O   Action & Adventure
 O   Romantic / Drama
 O   Period / Traditional Japanese Setting
 O  SF & Futuristic Setting
 O  Comedy
 O  Trailer
 O  Commercial Parody

Duration:   ____ : ____  [ min : sec ]
File Name on Medium:

File Name of 10-SECOND
Excerpt on Medium:
Encoding -  Circle ONE:     .avi     .mpg

Other Encoding Notes:

Other Remarks:

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 3213
Eugene, OR 97403


Offline sassy_lassy

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« Reply #54 on: July 15, 2004, 10:43:18 am »
I have another question... what are the limits on song cusswords.... and meanings and such... @.@ For example, an Eminem song... would you have to cut out all the cusswords and such?
Sweet Times

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« Reply #55 on: July 19, 2004, 07:37:20 am »
Quote from: "sassy_lassy"
I have another question... what are the limits on song cusswords.... and meanings and such... @.@ For example, an Eminem song...

I had thrown this question up for discussion a while back, and nobody ran with it.
I had wanted to get a sample of opinions, rather than be The One Guy who sets down The Law. [Thud.]

Quote from: "sassy_lassy"
would you have to cut out all the cusswords and such?

So, my first impulse had been 'If they can't play it on the radio then NO,' but then I was also thinking, 'This isn't Sesame Street either.' So, here's the deal, so far:

I will not automatically BAN any AMV, on cussword content alone.

That being said, I'd like to introduce a new term. You've heard of "Linkin-Ball-Z," so now I'd like to define "Ho-F*kkn-Hum"  to mean any of those noizy AMV's which have the audience just glazed over,  not laughing, not thinking 'Whoa, that was brilliant!" They're all just waiting for the sounds and images to STOP. Ask yourself what the video is about, and how NECESSARY are the salty terms. What's your message? Is it:

"Like sucks and everything is sh*t"
[HO-F-HUM, seen that AMV before. ]

"Alucard and Vash wield large fantasy pistols and Spike fights a lot."

"Lain is a troubled girl who looks sta-honed most of the time."
[Wake me when it's over.]

"FLCL is really zany and non-linear."
[Bring pen-light to read the latest NewType, listen for noise to
end, look up and see what's next. Keep flashlight & magazine handy
in case it's metal-to-mecha. or ANYTHING to 'Bring Me to Life."]

OK, now focussing on 'swear words' themselves: It may sound trite, but you can often get a stronger message across in clear words - the cusswords come out when a frustrated person lacks the vocabulary or self-understanding to explain his wrath. If your AMV is all about a couple of duelling mecha trashing Tokyo south-side, the cusswords aren't adding a necessary dimension, no matter HOW cool you are with AfterEffects. Try an instrumental if you can - they're a lot rarer, but people can plug into the video effects better. You can probably get more 'Whoa's" and "Wow's" out of the crowd if you're not swearing at them.

But an AMV which is mostly trash lyrics for no engaging reason will be LESS likely to show than the same sort of vid without the crap - OR - a vid in which the words are an integral part of the message: Imagine a vid in which the scenes are PUNS on the cusswords, with NO repeats - with a new joke for every time the refrain comes around - That's an example of how the words themselves are a NECESSARY part of the action.

By the way, I'd like to extend this idea to what some stuffy-shirts call (ahem) "inappropriate exposure." If it's gratuitous, (just because it's there, so shake it or expose it)  it's LESS likely to show. But if there's a positive, creative, or important message happening, or a funny joke or a pun - then it's possible that a flash or two won't auto-PLONK the AMV. But showing us a series of 12-yr olds in various states of violated pain to Goth-rock would be .... boring. (As in "Okay, so you can be shocking and crass. What else do you have to say?" [Delete.])

I am not exactly sure how I intend to pre-screen the AMV's (and I will keep it a secret anyways in order to keep things fair) BUT:
a) there will very likely be a panel, which will NOT include my own opinion.
b)  BUT they still might decide that an AMV is just noisy, violent garbage,
and that project would get TORPEDOED.  {glug-glug/not-shown/glug.]

A last rule of thumb: If the projector were to crash during your AMV, would the audience roar with disappointment, or would they feel RELIEVED?

Comments & opinions welcome.


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« Reply #56 on: July 27, 2004, 08:03:03 pm »
Hello, Guy L. again. After last Sunday's Kumoricon staff meeting, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS and CHANGES were suggested to me by con STAFF:

NEWS: There will be TWO and possibly THREE EVENTS. Watch for con schedule & programming announcements wherever they decide to pop up!

Yeah, yeah, what we have been talking about here all along. Submissions have been pretty thin so far; I MAY have to combine categories in order to get enough entries to play off each other. But I hope not. NEWS-FLASH: Con Staff strongly suggested that I run the AMV contest as "PG-13," so that-answers-THAT as far as nudity and cusswords go. I think the 'standard' is ONE instance of ONE naughty word you can't say on Sesame Street, and ONE flash of IMPLIED nudity, (help me on this) which I GUESS can mean, say certain SHOU-JO transformation scenes as an example - if the unclothed figure is a silhouette with NO internal details that's OK, shading onto non-descript zones within the silhouette is OK, but if discrete lines such as cel lines appear within the silhouette, then you're illustrating 'contraband,' and that's your ONE allowed NO-NO. Sheesh.

Duration of the visual NO-NO shall not exceed 0.20 seconds or 6 frames at 30 fps.
So, them's the rules as discussed. [Sound effect: ONE sharp rap of a gavel.]

EVENT TWO: AMV SHOW. (not a contest)

This will be a 2 - 3 hour event which will feature about an hour of AMV parody trailers, commercial spoofs (spooves?) and parody TV show openers, followed by a mix of MOSTLY comedy AMV's sprinkled with technical masterpieces (eg, 'Mystery Conundrum') or other suprising mind-blowing, or just blatantly SILLY works. Although I too, must keep this PG-13 I will do my personal, zany best to guarantee to rot your head with WRONGNESS ( ... but in a good way.)

I -alone- am selecting the AMV content of this event, so if the pre-screening panel PLONKS an AMV while I HAPPEN to like it anyway, I'll probably run it HERE. As a non-judged event, this can be cool for you creators, because you may get a chance to see an audience reaction, go back and tune up a few things, and TRY AGAIN submitting it to a new AMV contest later, based on how it was received.


THIS would be the slot where (ahem) 'Mature Content' AMV's would be shown, supposedly starting sometime at or past a midnight hour. (Not my gig, someone else at staff may be running this and I have -NO- idea who that would be at this time.)

- Guy Letourneau

Offline TomtheFanboy

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AMV Contest
« Reply #57 on: July 27, 2004, 08:06:07 pm »
I really hope that AMV Hell 1 and 2 are featured on the late night show!
Tom the Fanboy
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AMV Contest
« Reply #58 on: July 28, 2004, 06:14:06 am »
I've started another thread on suggestions & comments for the shows, so as to keep this zone clear & focussed on the AMV Contest.



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« Reply #59 on: August 05, 2004, 12:06:01 pm »
1.  I had already made an AMV with 'Bring Me to Life' before you posted the "ANYTHING to 'Bring me to Life," post.  Can I still send it in and show it?

2.  Can I burn all of my AMV's onto one CD?  Or do they have to be on separate ones?

Offline FilkAeris

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« Reply #60 on: August 05, 2004, 09:33:24 pm »
Are we allowed to have...oh, I don't know what they're called...those brief intervals that show your "studio" logo and the title of the AMV at the beginning?  I know that some cons allow them and some don't...


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Titles & Logos
« Reply #61 on: August 06, 2004, 06:51:48 am »
Quote from: "FilkAeris"
Are we allowed to have...oh, I don't know what they're called...those brief intervals that show your "studio" logo and the title of the AMV at the beginning?  I know that some cons allow them and some don't...

Sure. I see no reason why NOT!
You can even include them in the 10-second snippet if you that's what you think people will best remember ...

- G

Offline Teregate

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AMV Contest
« Reply #62 on: August 06, 2004, 07:01:40 am »
Oh forget that blatant advertising stuff. Go subliminal! Just throw it in every 15-30 frames. What do you think about that? :D :P
I can count all de way to schfifty-five...

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Re: questions
« Reply #63 on: August 06, 2004, 07:26:29 am »
Quote from: "DMStudios"
1.  I had already made an AMV with 'Bring Me to Life' before you posted the "ANYTHING to 'Bring me to Life," post.  Can I still send it in and show it?

Yes. There will be a pre-screening panel (NOT including ME,) who will decide if the AMV is 'suitable' or 'not suitable' for the con. I have no idea what those critera might be beyond the PG-13 thing handed to me by Con Staff and discussed previously. But my own opinion (which will not 'count' though) is that "Seen TONs of stuff like this before" isn't a "final damnation" in and of itself. But they might PLONK it anyway - I cannot predict that.

In any case, even if it DOES get plonked, I may be able to squeeze it into my own AMV showing... (whenever THAT happens to be scheduled..)

Quote from: "DMStudios"
2.  Can I burn all of my AMV's onto one CD?

Yes, that's fine. Be sure to include your 10-second snippet(s) as well.
And again, I suggest trying two different encodings (Example: one file in DivX 5.03, another in Microsoft Mpeg-4 ver 2; these are just examples though) to increase your chances that one of these files plays well on the system.

But: WARNING! It is 6-Aug-04 and the deadline is 8-AUG-04!
So, read this TODAY, burn the CD TODAY, and mail off your entry TODAY!
Otherwise you'll likely MISS the deadline!

Anyways, Good Luck to you and to ALL!

- G

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Subliminal (PRETZ!) Ads
« Reply #64 on: August 06, 2004, 09:04:57 am »
Quote from: "Teregate"
Oh forget that blatant advertising stuff. Go subliminal! Just throw it in every 15-30 frames. What do you think about that? :D :P

... must ... must buy ... Glico ... Pocky ... mmmmmm
... not knowing why ... mmmm .. must buy ... must ... eat ...

- G

Offline Teregate

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Re: Subliminal (PRETZ!) Ads
« Reply #65 on: August 06, 2004, 10:14:04 am »
Quote from: "Anonymous"
Quote from: "Teregate"
Oh forget that blatant advertising stuff. Go subliminal! Just throw it in every 15-30 frames. What do you think about that? :D :P

... must ... must buy ... Glico ... Pocky ... mmmmmm
... not knowing why ... mmmm .. must buy ... must ... eat ...

- G

Alright! It works! Now to get women to want to date me....

But seriously, I can't wait to see the videos. (If I can make it there)
I can count all de way to schfifty-five...

Offline Pie Row Maniac

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« Reply #66 on: August 06, 2004, 11:34:43 am »
Oh... hell.

I sent in my CD without a 10-second clip of the video. ><

How will that effect it's entry or playing at the contest?

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« Reply #67 on: August 06, 2004, 03:01:28 pm »
Quote from: "PIE"
Oh... hell.
I sent in my CD without a 10-second clip of the video. ><
How will that effect its entry or playing at the contest?

I'll make my best judgement myself and select a 10-second slice. This will be shown during the Judging Phase. There will be an external 'frame' in AfterEffects which will have your name & title to help people vote. Kind of a neat effect.

- G

Offline Pie Row Maniac

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« Reply #68 on: August 08, 2004, 02:27:45 am »
Alright. Thanks man.

My bad.  :oops:

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« Reply #69 on: August 16, 2004, 02:11:06 pm »
Many thanks to the FIVE editors who sent in a total of EIGHT entries:
Jack & Janis Sweek, Rylan Hilman, Beeb Ashcroft and David Smith.

Now, -my- side of the work:

FOUR of the entries were submitted in a 'jittery' codec, in otherwords, there is a frame-order hiccup the way it was encoded. Luckily, Virtual Dub can straighten this out, so I am re-packing these as .AVI files in mpeg-4 v2 video, and LAME mp3 encoding at 192kb/sec audio.

A Chrno Trigger entry has a few sections of pixellated mosaic artifacts. To me this is like hitting a rock or two in thin cover while mogel-blasting in late spring - get past it and enjoy the show.

Several folks forgot the 10-second clip, so I am grabbing 10-second clips myself. One clip was LONGER than 10 seconds (duh) and had to be trimmed.

Anent** the "PG-13" spec, three vids have one questionable moment each and I will be contacting the individual editors privately before the pre-judging.

Overall, things look pretty good for the contest, and I hope the audience enjoys these works!

So far it looks like FOUR for Action/Adventure, THREE for Drama/Romance, and ONE comedy. If one of the of the seven is light-hearted enough, I'd like to run it against the Comedy entry, so that we can have a challenge in each of three categories.

I will also request a Best of Show, or Best Technical Effects prize, and the pre-screening panel may elect a Judges' Choice if they wish. (I am not included in the pre-screening panel.)

- G

** Yes, that's a real English word.

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« Reply #70 on: August 29, 2004, 01:26:19 pm »
Many thanks to ALL who submitted AMVs and
especially those folks who submitted their FIRST-TIME works.

Anyways, the pre-screening judges met and selected ELEVEN AMVs to run in THREE Categories:

Action/Adventure (4)
Romance/Drama (4) and
Comedy (3)


Offline Sinaj

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« Reply #71 on: September 06, 2004, 11:38:01 am »
Can someone please post the winners? I had to leave before it was announced. All the entries were really awesome!

Offline Negima

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« Reply #72 on: September 06, 2004, 08:10:12 pm »
Quote from: "Sinaj"
Can someone please post the winners? I had to leave before it was announced. All the entries were really awesome!

I don't know the names so consider this an unofficial announcment.

Best Action/Adventure - The one with the cats (anime: unknown)
Best Drama/Romance - The one with Belledandy
Judge's Choice - The one with Full Metal Alchemist and the Weird Al song
Best Comedy - Trigun
Best in Show - Trigun (same as above)

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Entries & Winners
« Reply #73 on: September 07, 2004, 09:49:55 am »
Here are the Official Entry List and Winners:

Action / Adventure:

1. "Haru's Excellent Adventure"
Anime: The Cat Returns
Music: Neverending Story OST
Creator: Rylan Hilman

2. "Chrno Trigger / In the End"
Anime: Chrno trigger
Music: Lincoln Park, "in the End"
Creator: David Smith

3. "Ill-Tempered Saviour"
Anime: Gensoumaden Sayuki
Music: Stabbing Westward, "Save Yourself"
Creator: Janis Sweek

4. "Trigger Happy"
Anime: Witch Hunter Robin, Gundam Wing
Music: Poe, "Trigger Happy Jack"
Creator: Janis Sweek

Romance / Drama:

1. "Blood Love"
Anime: Vampire Hunter D: Blood Lust
Music: Queensryche, "Lady Jane"
Creator: Janis Sweek

2. "Words from a Distant Star"
Anime: Voices from a Distant Star
Music: Jade, "1000 Words"
Creator: Jack Sweek

3. "Belldandy's Dream"
Anime: Ah! Megamisama
Music: BoA, "Valenti," (Japanese version)
Creator: Rylan Hilman

4. "Bring Soujiro to Life"
Anime: Rurouni Kenshin
Music: Evanescence, "Bring Me to Life"
Creator: Derick Flory


1. "Weird AL(phonse)"
Anime: Full Metal Alchemist
Music: Al Yancovic, "The Weird Al Show Theme"
Creator: Derick Flory

2. "You Know He's Gonna Be ..."
Anime: Trigun
Music: Less Than Jake "I would Walk 500 Miles"
Creator: Derick Flory

3. "Holy Crap"
Anime: Memories ("Stink Bomb")
Music: Offspring "Special Delivery"
Creator: Kirk Fryrear


BEST of SHOW: Derick Flory, "You Know He's Gonna Be ..."

Best ACTION / ADVENTURE: Rylan Hilman, "Haru's Excellent Adventure"
Best DRAMA / ROMANCE: Rylan Hilman, "Belldandy's Dream"
Best COMEDY: Derick Flory, "You Know He's Gonna Be ..."

Judges' Choice: Derick Flory, "Weird AL(phonse)"

See you all again NEXT YEAR!

- G

Offline DannyCat

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AMV Contest
« Reply #74 on: September 08, 2004, 06:06:46 am »
Hmm...that's the list, but over at, entering "Kumoricon  AMV Contest" in the Participation field in Super Search returns 21 matches, only three of those being actual participants in the contest. The rest seem to be people who came to the "Participation" field in their entry and checked a whole bunch of contests at random. Any chance of them hearing from an official KumoriCon organizer to remove the KumoriCon 2004 flag from all the videos that weren't actually there?


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artist change
« Reply #75 on: September 09, 2004, 09:23:41 am »
'I Would Walk 500 Miles' is done by "The Proclaimers"  , not "Less Than Jake" just to let you know.

Derick - creator of the Full Metal Alchemist and Trigun AMV's.

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Imposter Entries?
« Reply #76 on: September 10, 2004, 05:05:49 am »
Quote from: "DannyCat"
Hmm...that's the list, but over at, entering "Kumoricon  AMV Contest" in the Participation field in Super Search returns 21 matches, [ ... ] Any chance of them hearing from an official KumoriCon organizer to remove the KumoriCon 2004 flag from all the videos that weren't actually there?

Good idea. Does anyone remember what was shown LAST year?

- G

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Re: artist change
« Reply #77 on: September 10, 2004, 05:14:19 am »
Quote from: "dmstudios3"
'I Would Walk 500 Miles' is done by "The Proclaimers"  , not "Less Than Jake" just to let you know.

Apologies and Thanks - and this is exactly why I had requested that people include a paper sheet for each entry, with all that info written out. I did a web search using "lyrics" + "would walk 500 more" (or something like that,) and I just went to one of the first sites that looked like it had the rest of the lyrics. Seems that some of these other sites are wrong as well.

- G

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Removing "Imposter" Entries?
« Reply #78 on: September 10, 2004, 05:25:03 am »
Quote from: "DannyCat"
Hmm...that's the list, but over at, entering "Kumoricon  AMV Contest" in the Participation field in Super Search returns 21 matches, only three of those being actual participants in the contest. The rest seem to be people who came to the "Participation" field in their entry and checked a whole bunch of contests at random. Any chance of them hearing from an official KumoriCon organizer to remove the KumoriCon 2004 flag from all the videos that weren't actually there?

I just sent a short e-mail to "" asking them what they might want to do about this.

- G

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Re: Removing "Imposter" Entries?
« Reply #79 on: September 14, 2004, 04:47:58 pm »
Quote from: "DannyCat"
Hmm...that's the list, but over at, entering "Kumoricon  AMV Contest" in the Participation field in Super Search returns 21 matches, only three of those being actual participants in the contest.

Quote from: "Kumoricon 2004 AMV Coordinator"
I just sent a short e-mail to "" asking them what they might want to do about this.

And here is their reply to me by e-mail:
Quote from: " admin"
Sunday 12 September 2004 00:49:
 At the moment there is no system to verify what people enter into the database regarding contests.

 Unfortunately some people think that by selecting it as a contest that they are entering the contest... others just select all the links in order to have more search matches.

 We are, however, going to change this as we are designing a whole new approach to contest management which will allow contest organisers such as yourself to verify the data. The org will then become an accurate account of contest submissions, victories and so on. We are also hoping to have contest quality uploads for members (much like otakuvideo does for the contests they are involved with) which will allow contest organisers to use the org to manage their incoming submissions.

As for the invalid entries... I'm not certain that it is worth the administrative time manually going through each of the accounts that are making false claims and removing that data.

--  AMVorg admin

So that's the story so far.

- G