Author Topic: 2008 July 19th GM Minutes  (Read 5430 times)

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2008 July 19th GM Minutes
« on: July 20, 2008, 07:52:41 pm »
Altonimbus Entertainment
General Meeting, July 19, 2008
Presiding: Dawn Hewitt
Secretary: Ryan Stasel

Attending Executives:
Dawn Hewitt
Ryan Stasel
Eric Teitzel
David McCarley
Jess Shelton
John Krall
Jeff Tyrrill
Jaki Hunt

Skype not functional. Sorry everyone!

Ops: Not much to report this month. Most things have been running since last month.
Yojimbo Trainings are still going on. Mailouts are going out soon. After the end of this month, all pre-regs will be willcall. Silk screening event will happen around the end of this month (run by Dawn). Sewing will also happen around that time for sashes and yaori’s.
   Volunteers: nothing to report
   Yojimbo: Trainings. 4 new yojimbo recruited. 15 registered. Few more waiting to register. 15 makes the minimum wanted.
   Asssistant Reg: right now, we have enough staff for reg, but ideally we could use some more.

Treasury: Reimbursement forms are due today. If they’re not in today, you have just donated to the con. From this date forward, they’ll be due at elections.

Vice-Chair (acting chair): buttons are available. $.50/each currently. At con, all there is is year specific stuff right now. These would be for booths, etc. If your department would like to abuse the button maker, please let Dawn know. Also working on volunteers buttons.

Publicity: Main project going on right now is prepping the con book, and pocket guide. Those go to print in 1-2 weeks. If you want to be staff, please talk to Jeff asap. Voting for the mascot contest closes tomorrow 11:59:59pm tomorrow (Sunday 7/20/08). We’ll have hoodies and tshirts at the con. We have more flyers today, the main change being listing the GoH. Working on getting contacts with the press.

Programming: AMV submissions are due (for receipt) on Friday. Cosplay reg is still open. Art show forms are available. You can either pay $10, or 10% of sales. That’s a 4x4 space. Bidding will be Sat and Sun. Submissions have to be PG-13. 3d art is okay, just let the coordinator know, so they can arrange table space.

Facilities: Staff hotel rooms need to be booked now. Email with name, position, department, and who all is in your room. Main events tech staff, please let David know. did a walk through of the hotel, and Tom has some videos up of the space.

Relations: Guest list is finalized. Unfortunately, no Japanese guests. Still working on it for next year. Whomever is doing this next year, they should be able to work something out quickly.
Sarah is still working on industry.
The Slants are working on something cool for the staff, but once they know something, John will let you all know.
EX/AA, has been a bit of the perfect storm. Due to a combination of a shift in the layout, and an individual that shared their AA contract with others, we could be oversold on EX/AA (EX oversold being due to layout change, and the AA being oversold is due to contract sharing). Trying to work out contingencies, but right now, we’re aware that not all will be happy. If you have a check that was cashed for space, then you’re good. We’re working out how to figure out who got AA contracts officially rather than unofficially. Maybe working on moving AA, or adjusting space for EX. This will all be worked out before the con (hopefully before the next GM).

Secretary: Nothing to report.

Any new business, old business, etc.

General question: current staff load is a bit light. Anyone that doesn’t have something to do, you’re officially recruited to EX/AA hall.

If you have friends that are supposed to be a volunteer, please make sure to email the coordinator (

Charity Auction, what is it, who’s it for, how do you contribute? Sarah is back in Wisconsin. If you want to contribute, please bring it in Friday before the con. Descriptions are helpful. Sarah’s is P:EAR is the charity. Aaron is the one collecting the merch for the auction.

All the reg staff should be yojimbo trained. It would be great if everyone would be yojimbo trained. Jess has indicated, however, that Yojimbo training is not required for staff… it would just be a nice bonus.

How do I find out where the yojimbo training is? Today, here. Otherwise, forums.

Announcement from Publicity: If you want your name in the con book, you need to sign up for staff today.

Meeting Adjourned.
Founding Member, Altonimbus Entertainment
"You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?"

Offline Rathany

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Re: 2008 July 19th GM Minutes
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2008, 11:12:06 pm »
For pins:  All that we have are NON-year specific pins right now.  Year-specific ones will be sold only at con. 

(Not in report because it happened after: on debut day about 100 pins were bought/won.  Thought I would mention because it made me happy.)
2003 - 2006 Kumoricon Attendee
2007 - Assistant Registration Manager - PreReg Side
2008 - Vice Chair
2009/2010 - Director of Relations
2011 - Return to Vice
2012 - herp derp