Wow, Davy Jones? That's quite a feat, but boy will it pay off in the end! You'll have all the Pirates up against you, haha. That's great though, I love Davy Jones. *thumbs up* I unfortunately have no advice whatsoever about painting. Good luck, though.
As for me, I have sooo much to do, and it feels like I don't have enough hours in the day.......Scratch that, I have all the time in the world, I just can't progress at all because I'm broke as a joke misprinted on a bottle o' coke. I can't do anything I need to because I lack the funds. So, yeah, I have just been sitting here, whittling away at the pieces that I can do, but there is a lot left to accomplish. But, I will get it done, sooner or later, heh. Oh, and I'm cosplaying as Barret Wallace (FFVII) and Azul the Cerulean (FFVII:DoC). I have my Barret done because it is from last year, and Azul is the one I am currently working on.