So, this is the first anime convention I've ever attended, and as such I'm nervous and elated in turns. I'm attending all three days, trusty camera by side, and hopefully I won't make too much of an ass out of myself.
Since this is also the first time that I've ever cosplayed (seriously! What kind of otaku am I?), I'm predictably scared of wearing the thing. All those straps! Those ties! Those buckles! They almost seem to menace me with a life of their own...after all, this is the girl who can barely remember to put her pants on before her shoes in the morning.
I just need a little bit of reassurance here that wearing all of that make-up and clothing (it's Sabaku no Gaara, by the way - talk about plastering the eyeliner on!) will, indeed, look cool; instead of (as I fear) looking retarded.
I'm also a girl, so I'm a little nervous about dressing as a male...not too nervous, since I can easily pass for a dude in regular clothing, but Gaara's costume does tend toward the revealing side of things. Thank the gods I didn't go as Lee...thank the gods...
To summarize: I'm nervous, I'm excited, I need to figure out how to bind my chest without the bindings showing, and I need someone to assuage my raw, teenage nerves.