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Offline CassieR

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Artists Alley Survey for Zine on the Alley
« on: August 13, 2008, 04:47:53 pm »
Right now, I'm working on a zine in my series of Otaku Surival Guides that will be focused on Artists Alley. I intend the zine to be a bit of an answer book to all the questions I commonly see on forums, some insight from my own experiences, and most importantly, a useful tool for artists who are just thinking about getting a table and useful to those who've been doing it for awhile.

My focus is not only on 2-D artists, but on the writers and 3-D craftsmen who also create anime related works, still, in the course of writing questions it is easiest to just use the term “artist”. Not all replies will be used in the book, though I do intend to list all replies on my website, once the redesing is finished. I plan to ask these same questions of a few different artists alley veterans, and will be using the replies in the book. I will not necessarily be using every answer from every question, depending on how many replies I receive. I do not plan to edit any more than simply fixing up grammar problems and maybe querying back for clarity, but I may very likely use only one or two of your answers to the questions. My goal is to get a variety of replies, so I will certianly not use ones that are exactly the same. Also, if you wish to illustrate any of your answers (literally in drawings, or figuratively with examples) feel free.

I will send out pdfs of the zine to anyone who’s replies I use in the zine. My own experience comes from attending many conventions, hanging out with lots of artists, and assisting in running Anime NebrasKon for four years, including setting up and managing the Artists Alley. While I can’t particularly draw, I love design work, writing, sewing, and working with clay. My artists alleys so far have been Anime Iowa 2003 (I think -_-), SakuraCon 2007, 2008, Kumoricon 2007, 2008, AnimeExpo 2008, ChibiChibi Con 2008, Stumptown 2008, NDK 2007, 2008.  Plus, I’ve listened to many a Steve Bennet rant on what to do in the AA. I also received my masters degree in publishing and teach in the Creation Station.
By sending my your answers, you consent to letting me publish them in my zine, on my website, and in an eventual compilation book.

Thank you very much for your replies,

Cassie Richoux
Otaku Survival Guides -

Post here or e-mail me replies at
Please also give me any information about your website or online galleries, because I certainly want to include those for all artists (and writers) who answer these questions.

Artist Questions:
What was your first experience at an Artist’s Alley like, and how has it changed since then?

What advice would you give a newbie? Or perhaps, what would you go back and tell yourself at your first alley?

How do you think Artist’s Alleys are changing in terms of fan art and original art? Do you see more artists trying to branch out into original works?

Do you see conventions becoming stricter about what can be sold in Artist’s Alleys and what needs to be sold in the Dealer’s Room?

What do you think about costume props and other more 3-D works that might be made from a mold, being sold in the Artist’s Alley?

What kind of changes do you think we’ll be seeing over the next few years?

Pen and Sketch Pad or Computer and Tablet? (Or for you writers, Laptop or Notebook? 3-D Artists, create your own dilemma)

Offline MistressLegato

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Re: Artists Alley Survey for Zine on the Alley
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2008, 06:12:56 pm »
Please also give me any information about your website or online galleries, because I certainly want to include those for all artists (and writers) who answer these questions.

I have a DA,

You'll find my art in several places as MistressLegato or my real name, Marci-Joy Clark

Artist Questions:
What was your first experience at an Artist’s Alley like, and how has it changed since then?
The first time ws really lucky because the person who won the cover competition already had a table and gave me hers because she really like my entry :)  It was a lot of fun, but also a lot of work and a lot of people ignore your work if you don't have giant posters.

What advice would you give a newbie? Or perhaps, what would you go back and tell yourself at your first alley?
I'd tell a n00b not to be scared and to pimp that art!

How do you think Artist’s Alleys are changing in terms of fan art and original art? Do you see more artists trying to branch out into original works?
I like to see original works, but I like to buy fanart ususally.  It is an anime convention so I like to have really cool drawings of my fave characters!  If someone's OC's are really awesome (NeoLucky, Kurai, Yuki, i.e.) I will buy their original stuff!
Unfortunately there are some dishonest artists at other cons buying too many tables to flood the alley with their work and it makes it very unfair for others.

Do you see conventions becoming stricter about what can be sold in Artist’s Alleys and what needs to be sold in the Dealer’s Room?
Only about the amount of tables to be purchased and the blatant ripping off of cel artwork and screenshots.  I've seen a  lot of stolen screenshots meshed together and sold to people.  I don't believe the dealer's room would need to change since they carry the licenses to sell their merchandise.

What do you think about costume props and other more 3-D works that might be made from a mold, being sold in the Artist’s Alley?
I think it's really awesome!  I do think pro cosplayers should at least attempt to make their own, but not all of us are 3-d inclined, myself included!

What kind of changes do you think we’ll be seeing over the next few years?
I'm not sure!  Hopefully good ones!

Pen and Sketch Pad or Computer and Tablet? (Or for you writers, Laptop or Notebook? 3-D Artists, create your own dilemma)
Pencil and sketchbook.  No cheap paper and no overly used photoshop techniques.  I'm a traditional girl!
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Offline Ferreticus

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Re: Artists Alley Survey for Zine on the Alley
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2008, 10:08:05 pm »
Here we go...

Artist Questions:
What was your first experience at an Artist’s Alley like, and how has it changed since then?

My first Artist alley exp was at the first Anime Expo, selling original mini-comics.
 We were all seated just outside of the dealers room, so we sat at our tables drawing
long into the night. I was sitting next to a person who could draw Five Star Story mecha from memory and an artist on one of the Robotech Comic Books. Lots more guys than women drawing stuff in public at that con. Fortunatly, now there is a lot wider mix of people doing the artist alleys.

What advice would you give a newbie? Or perhaps, what would you go back and tell yourself at your first alley?

Don't take it too personally if you don't sell a lot of stuff.
 You are competing with the entire anime/manga making behemoth of Japan.
Bring lots of change, don't loose a sale because you can't change a twenty to sell a one dollar print.

How do you think Artist’s Alleys are changing in terms of fan art and original art? Do you see more artists trying to branch out into original works?

Not enough original work. Too much Naruto.

Do you see conventions becoming stricter about what can be sold in Artist’s Alleys and what needs to be sold in the Dealer’s Room?

Really depends on the convention.
I woulds love to see artist alley participants being able to choose between having table space in the dealers room OR in a open till late separate area, insted of having just one or the other.

What do you think about costume props and other more 3-D works that might be made from a mold, being sold in the Artist’s Alley?

Great, as long as they open up more artist alley tables. If you only have enough "swag" to display on a two by four table space, and it's original stuff, then artist alley.

What kind of changes do you think we’ll be seeing over the next few years?

More people will be bringing computer\scanner\printer\cd burner set-ups to their artist alley space.
It's the 21st century and you are at an animation convention, something should be moving on a screen in every direction that you look.

Pen and Sketch Pad or Computer and Tablet? (Or for you writers, Laptop or Notebook? 3-D Artists, create your own dilemma)

Depends if I have power at my table, doesn't it?
My optimum set-up is my laptop displaying animations and a slide show of my portfolio, while I sit back and draw with my pencil and Copics, then I can scan the art when I have the drawing finished before handing it over to the customer.

~That's my two cents wort, see you all at the con!

Offline CassieR

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Re: Artists Alley Survey for Zine on the Alley
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2008, 01:25:52 pm »
Thanks so much you two! 

Oh, I forgot to ask, how long have you had tables in an alley? (in terms or years or conventions, its all good.)


Offline khaosvanity

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Re: Artists Alley Survey for Zine on the Alley
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2008, 03:31:37 pm »
Online I'm known as Kurai, littledemonkurai or Khaos.Vanity

BJD Photograpy:

How long have you had tables in an alley? (In terms or years or conventions, it’s all good.)
 4 Years so far.

What was your first experience at an Artist’s Alley like and how has it changed since then?

Sakuracon 2005 was my VERY first Artist's Alley. I was so nervous but it was so fun!
I didn't sell much but I made new friends and got my name out.

Now, it really seems a bit stressful. Table prices are going up at cons all over but I still love going.

What advice would you give a newbie? Or perhaps, what would you go back and tell yourself at your first alley?

1. BE PREPARED! I can't say this enough, if you have prints of things you know will sell out make sure you either have a Kinko's nearby or have your laptop and printer with you.

2. Don't be put out if you don't sell at your first AA. It takes time to get your name out there. You'll have to go to a few cons to do so.

3. Don't be afraid to sell original art but mix in fanart. But don't force yourself to do fanart of things you, yourself don't like.

4. Business cards! Network, network, network!

How do you think Artist’s Alleys are changing in terms of fan art and original art? Do you see more artists trying to branch out into original works?

 I really like to see more OC works than fanart. But it's really rare to see it. It's mostly fanart of "popular" anime.

Do you see conventions becoming stricter about what can be sold in Artist’s Alleys and what needs to be sold in the Dealer’s Room?

 Well, it all depends on the con. My first con the Artist's Alley was not in the dealer’s room and had its own open space and you could stay at your table for as long as you like. This was so nice!
 Since then the AA's I've attended have been in the dealer’s room. But that's good too as you can get a flood of people when other con events get out and what not. However, there is always going to be slow times.

What do you think about costume props and other more 3-D works that might be made from a mold, being sold in the Artist’s Alley?
 As long as it's handmade by the artist, I don't have a problem with it.
Mass produced things is another story...

What kind of changes do you think we’ll be seeing over the next few years?
Oooh.. that's hard. Maybe having power outlets at every table without being charged for it? (or have the price included with Pre-reg)

Pen and Sketch Pad or Computer and Tablet? (Or for you writers, Laptop or Notebook? 3-D Artists, create your own dilemma)

Well I'm all for traditional works so I have my sketch pad, Copics, ink liners, pencils near by for when take on at con commissions (and when I'm bored!) However, in my Hotel room I always bring my laptop and printer/scanner so that if I sell out of prints I can always make more.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 03:46:46 pm by khaosvanity »
.empty movement.

Offline Ferreticus

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Re: Artists Alley Survey for Zine on the Alley
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2008, 08:12:26 pm »
My first Artist Alley was at Anime-Con way back in 91.
My attendance has bee kind of hit or miss, but I've done 3 Sakura Cons and a couple general comic book conventions.
And a bunch of Furry-Cons.

Offline MistressLegato

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Re: Artists Alley Survey for Zine on the Alley
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2008, 08:03:00 pm »
I've only had one table, but I hand around them all the time because my con girls all have them ;)

I will have one this year with Kurai, hopefully!  I'm trying to figure out if I can even afford to go this year, now.  Times is hard T_T
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