Author Topic: PARA PARA DANCING UPDATE! Read if you posted on the other Para Para post please.  (Read 3322 times)

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Offline DeathNotePanda

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Awwww...sorry people...!
A lot of problems last years that I think of it I'd rather not remember last years Kumoricon...>.> (long story)
I'm really sorry guys! T.T I feel so bad now...
I promise that this year I WILL MAKE SURE THAT WE'LL PARA PARA!
Again REALLY sorry.
But you all can count on 09 m'kay? To make it all better and to have some time for you all to practice heres a list of some of the para paras that I'll be doing! AND I'll keep on updating all year on this...I feel so bad seeing that you all wanted to do this!

Para Paras for 09:
Team Hinoi Night Of Fire (do it =P XD its not that complicated)
Team Hinoi Ike Ike (Recommended for advanced? XD)
Team Hinoi Yeah (Recommended for advanced)
Team Hinoi Sing Na Na Na (do it! I think its easy)
Team Hinoi KING KONG (DO IT! It repeats itself most of the time XD)
Original Initial D version Night Of Fire (Same as first)
Odore! Soran Para Para (Try it if you think you can remember all of it)
Gyaruru Mecha Matcho Boom Boom (REALLY ADVANCED But try if you want XD Also my favorite)
Caramelldansen Para Para (EXTREAMLY EASY! NO JOKE!)

*Panda will teach ALL OF THESE to all that want to learn so please do not be afraid to ask for help! She will do it gladly*

PRACTICE PLEASE! I WILL DO THESE NEXT YEAR! IM SO SORRY! Remember to look for me next year! Keep my cosplays in mind if that helps...just ask "Are you/haave you seen DeathNotePanda?". Thank you!!!

10/5/08 Update:
I'm thinking about doing Gyaruru's Mecha Macho Boom Boom. Its kinda hard but I think I can get every hand motion down T.T (let's hope I do). Once again I'm just thinking about it, but if you would like to do this dance please tell me! ^-^ Also keep in mind that if you don't know this dance, you can always ask me to teach you at the convention! I will be teaching all of these dances by request (although i doubt that anyone will ask me at the con due to the fact of shyness so I'll just shout it out). Question! Anyone a perfectionist in dancing like I am? Also tell me if you're not comfortable with dancing with the "people that aren't so good". I know this sounds mean but there are people out there like that. Thats all for now!  ;) Happy Para Par-ing!

10/8/08 Update:
Alright! I'm adding to the Para Para list! Gyaruru will be on there! Also the original version of the Night Of Fire! Keep practicing!  ;D

12/1/08 Update:
Uhmmmm a little problem guys.....I have no idea if I can go this year....I'm assuming its because of my friend's mom, how she can't take us and stuff but I don't know that for sure. Sooooo PLEASE don't think, "AW MAN AND I PRACTICED SO HARD AND NOW YOU'RE BLOWING IT OFF?!??!" because I really don't know that for sure. Keep practicing and I'll see what I can do. If worse comes to worse then I can have someone do this for me so if any of you would like to take charge of this please let me know.

12/29/08 Update:
It looks like I'm able to go maybe this year! Again I'm looking forward to Para Para-ing with you all and I hope you know MORE THAN JUSt the Team Hinoi Para Para. PLEASE PEOPLE! The one I think is the easy one is the Soran Para Para. MORE ADVANCED is the Gyaruru one also that one is my favorite since I love fun dances. There are so many but I picked these ones out because they look fun enough. The anime ones...I REALLY hate but I put them on there since its an anime convention. PLEASE! ONEGAISHIMASU! Practice the other ones...AND WATCH THE ARMS! SHARP! Then again I am a HUGE critic when it comes to danceing but hey...IGNORE THAT! ANYWAY HAPPY PRACTICE!  ;D

1/1/09 Update:
Hey hey people~! Hows the Para Para going for you? Well I thought I'd inform you people on how we're gunna do the Team Hinoi Night of Fire Para Para. You know that part where they all go behind the dude and do that one arm flaily thingy? That is waaaaaaay waaaaaay WAAAAY to odd to me to do that so at that part I would like you all to just do the first other words the one where they do that circle thing with that one salute thingy...XD I know I'm not good at explaining but you get the picture right? And speaking about the circle thing part...I'm gunna have to work out if we turn or not...mostly not though. I think I just want us to stand in one spot since some people don't know which way to turn and whos who. BUT I'll figure it out at the convention. Thats all~! Keep the practice up!   ;)

2/27/09 Update:
You know I really don't think that anyone reads this post but I'll do another update nontheless...>.>
So...I really don't know if I'm going to the con anymore because its still far away and all but I do need a replacement para para leader if you wanna call it that. In case I don't go and all. So just message me and tell me or something. I've been kinda out of the whole anime and para para latley and I would like a spare para para leader to lead the fellow para para-ers if I don't go so yeah...someone that knows the dances please message! ^-^

3/21/09 Update:
Hey guys hows the para para working out for you? I'm so bored right now with all the para paras I'm gunna add another one to the list! Ike Ike by Team Hinoi if anyone is interested. I'll be teaching it once I learn it to all of you that would like me to at the convention so don't be afraid to ask IF I'm there. I'm having an issue of who I'll be cosplaying as so don't go around yelling wheres that Misa para para chick. XD Anyways I might be going for just one day or so depending on what the plan is with my friend. ^-^ Keep up the dancing! I'll try my hardest to make it there! I STILL NEED ANOTHER PARA PARA LEADER IN CASE I CAN'T GO PEOPLE! MESSAGE ME! I don't even know if anyone reads this anymore =.=

4/11/09 Update:
You know I doubt anyone reads this anymore XD Oh well the list of para paras keep on growing! I'm adding the Caramelldansen para para to the list...and no it's not only that move you see on youtube videos =.= XD Well if you type it in on youtubes search bar it should come up! It's really simple so please try it out! ^.~ Trust me it's easier than the other ones haha~! So continue the practice!  :P

6/30/09 Update:
Hello fellow para para-ers!!! Hows the practice going? I hope you guys are doing a great job on learning all of these ^-^" I know theres A LOT to memorize but once you get into it you will haha~! SO I'm am, once again, adding yet ANOTHER para para to the list and I believe this one is quite a challange for myself haha~ Its Team Hinoi's Yeah para para. Remember to watch all the para paras mirrored make it easier on most of the Team Hinoi ones, I won't be doing of any tranistions that they do. But the really easy ones like turning to the right and vice versa is going to be included haha ^-^ Don't worry though I'll be there to guide you para para-ers into the fun of dancing XD *victory pose* Please don't give up on me! ALSO Team Hinoi's KING KONG will be on the list~ Once again I will be cutting some parts out but I'll tell you at the con! I'm sorry if you don't like that but it's to make it a little easier for beginners so sorry! AND ANOTHER THING! I am taking out the Haruhi dance and the Lucky Star dance. =P Gomen once again~ I WILL ALSO BE GOING FOR THE THREE DAYS! Thought I'd inform you haha~ =D Happy practice!

6/30/09 Update:
XD SO I just wanted to add this new Hinoi Team ones hahaha~ Sing Na Na Na! Try it! Its easy~ ^o^
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 10:10:25 pm by DeathNotePanda »

Offline superjaz

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why that night of fire why not the para para king baki?
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
Proud mom of 2 awesome kids

Offline DeathNotePanda

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why that night of fire why not the para para king baki?

Hmmm...Ionno...we could easily do the original version of the Night of Fire...but the Mickey Mouse one...we'll see  ;)


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I'm working on memorizing Night of Fire now, so I'd love to join in some epic Para Para-ness!

Offline DeathNotePanda

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YAY THE MORE THE MERRIER!!!! I mean I messed up in 08 and I'm really sorry TT-TT. Anyways...please join! ^-^