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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« on: January 01, 2005, 10:02:27 am »
Good Morning everyone,
and Happy New Year!

The 1-Jan-05 list of Overused Anime is FINAL as of  today.

Here they are:

DBZ (all) 13.47% [1986]
Evangelion 5.65% [1995]
Kenshin (all) 5.33% [1996]
Final Fantasy (all) 5.02%  [1991]
Inu Yasha 4.95% [2000]
Sailor Moon (all) 4.75% [1992]
Naruto 4.44% [2002]
Cowboy Bebop 3.47% [1998]
Trigun 3.27% [1998]
Yu Yu Hakusho 1.74% [1992]
Love Hina 1.66% [2000]
Hellsing 1.64% [2001]
FLCL 1.52% [2000]
Card Captor Sakura 1.44% [1998]
Gundam Wing 1.34% [1995]

For the "New & Unseen" Action and Dance categories, 70% of your video material should be from anime series whose very first episode aired or was released no earlier than 1-Jan-01 (See if you need to check release dates,) AND should NOT be on the above list. By the way, I list the year of release for the above  series in [brackets.]

FWIW, Number 16 on today is Yu-Gi-Oh, and according to, the earliest Gundam series (Mobile Suit Gundam) released way back in 1979.

I am still inviting questions, comments and suggestions about the AMV contest rules - the rest of which will go 'final' on 1-Mar-05. (The submission address will also be posted at that time, and a link to a submission form will be created.)

Cheers and Good luck to Everybody!

- G


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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2005, 10:31:29 am »
So by release date do you mean the Japanese release date, or the U.S. release date? Many times there is a 3 year or more difference between the two.


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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2005, 03:38:52 pm »
Quote from: "Anonymous"
So by release date do you mean the Japanese release date, or the U.S. release date? Many times there is a 3 year or more difference between the two.

This is a good question, and a tough call.
I'm leaning more towards it being the first time 'evaarrr' broadcast (so that would be the Japan air dates, which are also earlier than media release dates...)

-BUT- I have not yet committed to this definition of the rule.
Let's have some discussion on this.

My preference is for a definition which most strongly leans towards NEW, so as to get the older eye-designs and sideburns off the radar quicker, and also knock out the "ho-hum, Bebop/Eva/Trigun again, yep, seen it" ZZZ-reaction.

Your thoughts? (Anyone?)

- G

Offline Dustin

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Re: AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2005, 04:47:44 pm »
Quote from: "Anonymous"
Good Morning everyone,
and Happy New Year!

The 1-Jan-05 list of Overused Anime is FINAL as of  today.

Here they are:

DBZ (all) 13.47% [1986]
Evangelion 5.65% [1995]
Kenshin (all) 5.33% [1996]
Final Fantasy (all) 5.02%  [1991]
Inu Yasha 4.95% [2000]
Sailor Moon (all) 4.75% [1992]
Naruto 4.44% [2002]
Cowboy Bebop 3.47% [1998]
Trigun 3.27% [1998]
Yu Yu Hakusho 1.74% [1992]
Love Hina 1.66% [2000]
Hellsing 1.64% [2001]
FLCL 1.52% [2000]
Card Captor Sakura 1.44% [1998]
Gundam Wing 1.34% [1995]

For the "New & Unseen" Action and Dance categories, 70% of your video material should be from anime series whose very first episode aired or was released no earlier than 1-Jan-01 (See if you need to check release dates,) AND should NOT be on the above list. By the way, I list the year of release for the above  series in [brackets.]

FWIW, Number 16 on today is Yu-Gi-Oh, and according to, the earliest Gundam series (Mobile Suit Gundam) released way back in 1979.

I am still inviting questions, comments and suggestions about the AMV contest rules - the rest of which will go 'final' on 1-Mar-05. (The submission address will also be posted at that time, and a link to a submission form will be created.)

Cheers and Good luck to Everybody!

- G

So, your basicly banning those anime from being used in videos for this con?

If so, that sucks. I can understand the DBZ part though, millions of those exist.


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Re: AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2005, 11:14:53 am »
So, you're basicly banning those anime from being used in videos for this con?
Not entirely. There are FOUR categories, for which TWO,

- Traditional Japanese Setting, and
- Comedy/Parody

which can indeed use ANYTHING and EVERYTHING anime. So you can make a DBZ vid as a comedy, or Naruto or Kenshin scenes in a Traditional Japanese setting. The other two categories are 'Action' and 'Dance' videos, and the rules are (for now) asking that you cannot make a DBZ "Action" video precisely for the reason you mention - we've all seen too many of them already. (Fun fact-oids below)

The intent is to showcase some NEW shows a little, and broadening the variety of sources as a whole. Since the rules are still flexible till March, I can change things if a restriction is either a real hardship or a popularity let-down.

- G

PS: reports the following video totals as of today (3-Jan-05) on their 'Most Used Anime' page:

DBZ (all)  - 8374 videos
Final Fantasy (all) - 5215 videos
Evangelion - 3265 videos
Kenshin (all) - 3085 vidoes
Sailor Moon (all) - 2751 videos
Naruto - 2582 videos
Inu Yasha (all) - 2158 videos
Cowboy Bebop - 2010 videos
Trigun - 1892 videos
Yu Yu Hakusho - 1012 videos
Love Hina - 959 videos
Hellsing - 947 videos
FLCL - 878 videos
Card Captor Sakura - 837 videos
Gundam Wing - 773 videos

(I think I got this right ...)


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70% - 30% content also helps.
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2005, 11:43:02 am »
Also, in the other two categories, (Action and Dance) the 'Overused' series aren't COMPLETELY 'banned' either (I hate that term) - you can use DBZ clips for up to 30%, and then make some composited scenes (like a DBZ character composited to 'crossover' with another scene from a non-restricted series like, Samurai Deeper Kyo.) The composited scenes would not 'count' as your 30% max for the Action category. You could even have your DBZ characters fight or interact with all sorts of other guys from some other shows, for the rest of the AMV, as 'Action.'

Now, even though you can't have Naruto fight Trunks and Goku for the whole AMV as an 'Action vid,' you COULD do it as a COMEDY vid if things got SILLY. You could also composite Naruto and a couple of Super-Sayans pounding the CRAP out of Shinji (Evangelion) and enter it as a Comedy - with NO restrictions at all! (Start with the scene of Rei slapping him on the escalator, and have these dudes come in & finish the job at the bottom of the stairwell?) All kinds of possibilities, as long as you keep it FUNNY (which includes being just plain warped.)

For a different approach, you can also make an old-school styled fight video set to the same-old/same-old Lincoln Park, but instead, use a lesser-seen series like Shura no Toki instead of DBZ. So there's actually more flexibility and opportunity than you might think.

- G

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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2005, 06:05:23 pm »
See, thats why I am not entering.

You've made too many rules I think. But, thats probably why you are in charge of it.

I think anyone should be able to submit videos of any type they want, so as not to put too much limitations on their creativity.


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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2005, 10:26:04 am »
What's your favorite kind of AMV, then?

- G

Offline Irnogs

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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2005, 11:50:37 am »
You know, I kind of have mixed feelings on these rules. I can totally understand WHY you're making them, but at the same time I think they may become a bit restricting. There are tons of AMVs out there that use those series as the statistics suggest, but that doesn't mean that someone can't come up w/something unique and interesting using them. I think (my opinion) that what series used shouldn't be restricted for entry, but if the judges feel like it's just another "____", then obviously it isn't show material and wouldn't make the cut. I know the last thing guy wants is 10 "Kenshin/Linkin Park" action/fighting videos to have to sit through, but I think if you just emphasize on making the video something "original and interesting" it might make more of a difference than just restricting the series (they could always just use a different anime that would make an equally lame video). They're good animes, as the statistics also suggest, and I think that just because they are more popular does not merit disallowing them in particular categories.

Just my opinion Guy, and as I said I understand the WHY, I just don't really agree that it would bring about the results you are looking for.

Oh, one more thing... I know that you don't always like the "romance" type categories, but if you did like a "relationship-study" type category (which would include romance), that it might be a little bit more interesting. This way it could include OTHER types of relationships as well. Sorry, I'm just a sucker for those types. Still, I agree that it shouldn't be boring or over-done, but adding that category might allow for other GOOD videos that might not fit in other categories.

Other than those two things, it seems really reasonable to me. I think that we'll have a good show this year. :)

Oh.. one more thing... if you don't feel like comprimising on this I think it should go by the Japanese release dates as well since some of these are really delayed in getting shipped to the US(not to mention some animes DON'T make it over here), and since people are generally introduced to new series via fan-subs and imports it would seem reasonable to go by those dates.

Offline Dustin

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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2005, 09:20:36 pm »
Quote from: "Anonymous"
What's your favorite kind of AMV, then?

- G

Why do you ask?

I don't think even if I awnsered, it wouldn't change anything regarding the rules.

I am just saying I feel they limit and restrict the creativity and imagination of the AMV creators.

Perhapes the best thing to do would be to make a limit of videos per category, then when you get the videos, watch them to categorize them, then again to find out which ones you think are the best, and should be shown. Then from those, you find out who wins each category. This way all videos could be sent in.

I certainly understand putting a limit on times and such, but perhapes you could make a category for videos that go over that time?

Of course, this is just how I feel, and these are just my suggestions.

I just cannot say I agree with doing anything that limits someones creativity in a video.


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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2005, 09:40:58 pm »
Quote from: "Irnogs"
You know, I kind of have mixed feelings on these rules ... I think they may become a bit restricting...
I think part of the problem may be something like reading comprehension (as in, this is why I am not a tech manual writer) It's easy to write 6 one-line rules that BAN significant swaths of otherwise interesting, fun, and thought-provoking AMVs but as I have said before, I hate banning things outright; instead I am trying to gently steer things toward a few NEW directions, but unfortunately that sort of gentle push seems to require more paragraphs to project the intent.

Quote from: "Irnogs"
There are tons of AMVs out there that use those series as the statistics suggest, but that doesn't mean that someone can't come up w/something unique and interesting using them.
Excellent, well-written point.

Quote from: "Irnogs"
but I think if you just emphasize on making the video something "original and interesting" it might make more of a difference than just restricting the series (they could always just use a different anime that would make an equally lame video).
One problem is, when we make 'em, we ALL think ALL of our works are SO darn original and interesting! :wink: Another sticky spot is how to define WHAT is 'original and interesting' consistently so creators know what to aim for and judges know how to screen the entries fairly and consistently. My own attempt so far is that if there are 8,000 other AMVs using a series which debuted more than 15 years ago (which is half a lifetime ago or more for many fans) thennnn mayyybe it's nnnnot 'originallllll.'

BUT the selection of anime series is kept WIDE-OPEN for Comedy (and one other category to boot) because I think we ALL like a good laugh - at ANYTHING.

Quote from: "Irnogs"
I just don't really agree that it would bring about the results you are looking for.
OK (open topic again, gang:) HOW would you structure things so that the effect on the audience in TWO of the FOUR categories is something like: "Wow - that was great. What series was that? I need to find more of this - it looked COOL!" Or, do we resign ourselves to the limitation that MOST of the audience will ONLY go 'Wow, cool' for a series they've seen for 2 - 10 years already?

Tell me what you think would work?

Quote from: "Irnogs"
Oh, one more thing... I know that you don't always like the "romance" type categories, but if you did like a "relationship-study" type category (which would include romance), that it might be a little bit more interesting. This way it could include OTHER types of relationships as well. Sorry, I'm just a sucker for those types.

First - as an example, one COULD do a Kenshin 'relationship' video (you could even try secondary characters like Sannosuke and Megumi) and submit it as a 'Traditional Japanese Setting.' ALSO remember that 'Traditional Japanese' isn't limited to jidaigekki era. A typical Japanese school is also a 'Traditional Japanese Setting,' right? There are lots of formula shots, from architectural clues to the electronically synthesized Big Ben chime - all of which fill the bill of "take us to a school, BUT show us some Japanese-ness while you're at it." If the school has a naginata club for girls, or Go tournaments, then dang it we KNOW this ain't Phillips Exeter Academy or PS 107 in the Bronx. And all of those visual cues only need to be in the backdrop of a 'relationship' AMV.
Does this make sense?

Second - this isn't about ME or my own preferences - this is about (and for) the audience. 'Drama/Romance'  consistenly receives the least enthusiastic applause of any of the typical categories. Now admittedly, I am taking a risk here - in creating 'Traditional Japanese Setting,' I may have created a category which could actually tank harder than 'Drama/Romance' - in which case I'll delete that category next time around (as long as you good folks would like me to coordinate another contest 'next time around,') and try to create another sort of new category that will engage the audience. What I'm trying to avoid is four AMV's in a row in which the audinces is straining in their seats going 'is it OVER yet?' about 15 seconds into each vid.

Quote from: "Irnogs"
I think that we'll have a good show this year. :)
I thank you for your confidence - It's all up to THEM though - that is, the creators themselves. I personally wish to encourage EVERYONE who is interested.

All in all, we still have several weeks of re-tuning time, and I am always eager to keep the discussions open and churning ideas till then.

- G


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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2005, 10:18:55 pm »
Quote from: "Dustin"
Quote from: "Geirr"
What's your favorite kind of AMV, then?- G

Why do you ask? -I don't think even if I awnsered, it wouldn't change anything regarding the rules.
Because everyone's input is useful to me -AND- yes we can still change things up until March.

Quote from: "Dustin"
I am just saying I feel they limit and restrict the creativity and imagination of the AMV creators.
Understood. Meanwhile, what sort of AMV's do you find boring or uninteresting? If you could literally fast-forward time itself during an AMV contest, when and for what sort of works would you hit that button?

Quote from: "Dustin"
Perhaps the best thing to do would be to make a limit of videos per category, then when you get the videos, watch them to categorize them, then again to find out which ones you think are the best, and should be shown. Then from those, you find out who wins each category. This way all videos could be sent in.
So far, we are already doing this - there are already limits (4 vids per category) and you are right about the judges sorting out/having final say over which entries fit into the categories. But lastly, let me emphasize that, except for Judges' Choice, the winners are chosen by audience response - and that's ALL of us.

Quote from: "Dustin"
I certainly understand putting a limit on times and such, but perhaps you could make a category for videos that go over that time?
What about if I offered to accept videos to be shown at the Show (or the Pre-Show) as an Exhibition category? Also, most AMV contests have time limits for the entries.

Also, the judges panel (of which I am not a part) will have FINAL say over what's -IN- and what's -OUT- which includes overriding these rules in the case of certain exceptional works - which could mean screeing -IN- something like 'Lord of the Yen' (the triple trailer project nearly NINE minutes long) or screening -OUT- something which is just visually gratuitous garbage which while not being LITERALLY explicit per PG-13, simply -ISN'T- funny or engaging. But that's all up to the panel.

Quote from: "Dustin"
Of course, this is just how I feel, and these are just my suggestions.
And your comments -ARE- important to me, which (to answer your first question) -IS- why I asked ...

- G

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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2005, 01:02:35 am »
I like the idea of a NEW/Unseen category. when I'm looking at the new videos at I bet I pass over tons of good ones just because I don't recognize the names.

Not to offend any of you, but after reading those stats I'm nausious with grief over AMV makers tastes.  :cry:
Tom the Fanboy
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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2005, 10:32:09 am »
I like to see the latest anime used in AMVs as well, but

...since people are generally introduced to new series via fan-subs and imports it would seem reasonable to go by those dates.

I make my videos using U.S. release DVDs which mean by the time I buy my DVDs here in the U.S., they have usually been out in Japan for 3+ years.  Case in point would be Saiyuki. I just finished up buying my series as it was released to U.S. DVD last year, but since it was released in Japan in 2000, it's out of bounds for the catagory I would use it for.  And Requiem was released in 2001, but I can't buy it here until the 18th of this month. (and no, I wouldn't be entering Saiyuki this year, I have something else complete different in store, lol!)

Plus, there are some of the "old school" anime that have newer dates than than one might think. For instance, some "old school" animes would be included:

Fushigi Yuugi OVA
Initial D - Third Stage
Lupin III: Alcatraz Connection (lot's of Lupin is techically "new")
Hunter X Hunter OVA
Macross Zero
Tenchi Muyo! Galaxy Police Transporter (other Tenchi's as well)
Interstellar 5555
Submarine Super 99

Those are just a handful, the last two are really old school, so if you're worried about seeing the older style art of anime, there are some within the deadline and yet are still pretty old.  

Remember the Trigun video that the crowd and judges loved would never had seen the light of day with the above rules.

I'd suggest a catagory for "Old School" that would encompass animes before 2001. And to make it easy, just make it a catch-all catagory, that way, if an artist wants to create their masterpiece of a Gatchman or Inuyasha video they are free to express themselves.  I'm a big fan of the feelings expressed in Comic Party, LOL!  One should create because they like to, and create how they like too and not create to try to be popular or to please others.  If they judges deem the entry not worthy of being shown, that is their right, but the artist should at least have the opportunity to enter their creation.

EDIT ------------ you might also want to rename the limited catagory to Cutting Edge Anime or something like that.

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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2005, 11:18:31 am »
Unfortunately I am a person that hates rules, guidelines are different stories but rules in themselves and that is the way these are currently written do restrict a person's creativity.

Here is the thing there will always be a list of anime with a large amount of videos associated with them. DBZ has been out for a long time, for people who don't have money to buy anime or may not go about it through other questionable means tend to get their broadcasts from TV. It is shown a lot, been out a lot and therefore will always have the largest amount of videos. Sailor Moon, Evangelion, Final Fantasy fall into the same category. However when was the last time you saw a DBZ video in a recent AMV contest?

I guess it comes down to the question of, Why do you create anime music videos? Most people who I talk to, create videos do it because of the love for anime and music. Sure there will always be bad videos, just as there will always be bad movies, it happens. There is no way to prevent that from happening. But what 10 people might think are bad, another 5 people would think it is really good.

Personally though I feel as if the rules are stifling and restrictive. I can understand the purpose of them and can agree to a point. I realize that you want to try to avoid people sitting in their seats, wanting it to be over. No matter what you do though there will always be those types of people and no amount of rules will prevent that from happening. Even something within the rules, new, etc can still be just another anime music video. In fact almost all AMV are just another AMV. The differences are either the way it was created to go with the music, create a new story with the music or even the way it was is done. When you watch an AMV you will be amazed, enjoy it or not like it. Just as if you go to a theatre you will either enjoy it or not, there isn't a real way to screen it so everyone will because people have different tastes.

If you are going to restrict the type of Anime then it should be in the New & Unseen and it should be by the Japanese release date. Hence the topic New & Unseen. I don't believe you should restrict the type of anime or music that is used for the other categories. You can make it a suggestion or guideline to try not to use those and state the reasons but by restricting it, you can restrict others who do make good AMVs but may not have the resources to obtain new anime.

If you would like to put a release date on the other categories that would be fine as well. I can understand wanting people to see newer things and not so much something that has been seen multiple times. Although I've seen quite a few renditions of older animes but because of the way it was created, the music it is like watching a new series.

If you do put a release date restriction on the other categories though I do believe it should be the US date. Not everyone gets their anime through fan subs or semi questionable illegal reproductions from overseas. Personally for legal reasons I make mine with anime I've already purchased, with music that I own the CDs with already. Not to mention I am a collector, the anime that I truly like tend to be what I will buy to support the companies so they continue to make good anime. And because I enjoy the series I tend to make AMVs from them.

I don't to get into a debate about legalities or fansubs vs retail. I just wanted to point out that not everyone (probably at least 30% of AMV creators judging by the debates that happen on tend to make AMVs from videos they have purchased. Since we are in the US then the majority of categories should be based on US release dates. If we were in overseas it would be a different story.

I also notice that we don't have any categories dealing with more serious dramatic type videos. Is it because you are trying to keep it PG-13 that it was decided to remove an Action type category? I doubt with the music I listen too would fit any of the categories really. It seems that you want everything to be upbeat and happy so there would be no place to put rock or anything similar to that or am I just not seeing it?

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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2005, 02:19:04 pm »
Well, my point was just that you can make a bad, boring AMV regardless of what series you use. I also think that just because there are a few hundred people out there that decided to slap together some low rate AMV using a series doesn't mean that series should be left out.

To me it feels the same as if I were making a painting that were primarily blue and someone said, "There's lots of blue paintings out there, you should make one that has more red."

I'm not at all suggesting can the rules, but rather have another category where people can have like drama/action/dance (or something) using an older series (basically that way if we aren't planning something funny we don't have to worry about it fitting the traditional scene). I think one of the great things about AMVs is how the maker is able to express themselves and show you a series you might've seen a million times in a completely different way. You just can't get that using only newer/unseen series.

So, I would have to agree with the previous post that suggested maybe just adding another "old school" category. That would for sure cover all of the series that would otherwise be restricted, and I think that that kind of category could get very interesting.

I realize that coming up with the rules/guidelines is indeed a difficult task. Trying to come up w/them without scaring off potentially good videos is really tricky. I like that you ARE trying something new though. I think that that could allow for Kumoricon's AMV contest to stand out from all of the others.

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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2005, 02:27:55 pm »
Quote from: "Arcadium"

Not everyone gets their anime through fan subs or semi questionable illegal reproductions from overseas.

I wasn't suggesting they do either. I was just saying that most are EXPOSED to a series that way. I also WASN'T talking about those bootleg imports that half of the online shops sell, but rather the Japanese releases.

I have plenty of legit region 1 DVDs (close to 200 now), and am totally for purchasing these when they are available. But let's face it, sometimes we're all already familiar with a series before it even reaches our shores (i.e. Naruto).


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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2005, 07:12:12 pm »
Quote from: "Sinaj"
Plus, there are some of the "old school" anime that have newer dates than than one might think. For instance, some "old school" animes would be included:

Fushigi Yuugi OVA
*** etc.***
The 'age' of a series is when the FIRST episode of that title and character group got released. So let's make up an example series called, um, "Danger Philatelists." (Yes! Magical stamp-collectors of Doom! ok, whatever...) and it came out in 1998. Then came the sequel in 2000, a New Year's Special in 2002 and an OVA in 2003.

Now, UNLESS a majority of the characters are completely changed out (like in 'The Hakkenden' versus 'Shin Hakkenden' or 'Read Or Die' OVAs versus R-O-D TV series aka 'Read Or Dream,') then our example above 'counts' as 1998, and neither the special or the OVA would 'count' as new, because no matter how you slice3 it, we've seen the characters hanging around the ether since 1998.

Quote from: "Sinaj"
Remember the Trigun video that the crowd and judges loved would never had seen the light of day with the above rules.
:twisted: NOT true! That was a COMEDY entry and for the um-friggin'-teenth time, COMEDY is -NOT- restricted to New/Unseen series. That video, or its near ilk would STILL be OK to be enter!

By now, I have to admit I'm getting a little frustrated here - there is a 'go a little lighter on these' list, which only applies to TWO out of FOUR categories, and it's is a PERCENTAGE limit, but the comments seem to interpret this as an across the board BAN, all four categories.

Let's word it simply:
A two-factor condition applies to two out of four categories.
Is this where people are getting lost?

Quote from: "Sinaj"
I'd suggest a catagory for "Old School" that would encompass animes before 2001.
We have two unrestricted categories where 'Old School is fine: Comedy and Traditional Japanese Setting, and Old School (actually ANYTHING) would be fine. Or, are you suggesting 'Old school' have a cutoff the OTHER way - nothing LATER than date 'x'?

Quote from: "Sinaj"
... you might also want to rename the limited catagory to Cutting Edge Anime or something like that.
EXCELLENT suggestion and I will DO that on my next rev of the rules page. Many thanks!

- G


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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2005, 08:41:40 pm »
Quote from: "Arcadium"
... when was the last time you saw a DBZ video in a recent AMV contest?
How about Sakuracon a few years ago, in a Comedy entry, available here:
... and as a comedy entry this sort is ENTIRELY UNRESTRICTED given the way things are currently.

Quote from: "Arcadium"
If you are going to restrict the type of Anime then it should be in the New & Unseen and it should be by the Japanese release date. Hence the topic New & Unseen. I don't believe you should restrict the type of anime or music that is used for the other categories.
...and what you just wrote is exactly the way the categories work as of now: 'Action' and 'Dance' are New and Unseen (soon to be re-labled 'Cutting Edge' thanks to a previous suggestion) and 'Traditional  Japanese Setting' and Comedy are WIDE OPEN.

Quote from: "Arcadium"
Personally for legal reasons I make mine with anime I've already purchased, with music that I own the [media] with already. Not to mention I am a collector, the anime that I truly like tend to be what I will buy to support the companies so they continue to make good anime. And because I enjoy the series I tend to make AMVs from them.
I happen to do much the same as you - I go back and collect the licensed media (usually DVD) and not in the least part becuase (a) you can get subtitle-free clips, but (b) the resolution tends to be -MUCH- higher quality. I recommend that people start with the highest quality sources (audio -and- video) as they can.

Quote from: "Arcadium"
I also notice that we don't have any categories dealing with more serious dramatic type videos.
The page says you can try a drama, romance, or other serious work within a 'Traditional Japanese Setting.' Also, an Action AMV can have a serious or even a romantic theme, but 'Action' means it ought to have some energy, drive, and punch to it as well. It ain't gonna be a sentimental sloucher. ZZzzzzzz......

Quote from: "Arcadium"
Is it because you are trying to keep it PG-13 that it was decided to remove an Action type category?
The 'Action' category -is- included in the contest. Nobody has removed it. (???)

Quote from: "Arcadium"
I doubt [that] the music I listen to would fit any of the categories really. It seems that you want everything to be upbeat and happy so there would be no place to put rock or anything similar to that or am I just not seeing it?
Technically there is NO restriction on which music type goes into what category. As noted above, slower, serious, emotional works can try for  a 'Traditional Japanese Setting.' BIG HINT: Don't limit YOUR OWN thinking about what a 'Traditional Japanese Setting' IS.

Meanwhile, there is no restriction on music style anywhere: Rock, metal, rap, techno, house, trance, can be used for ANY category. OK, same goes for Lithuanian polkas, Zydeco, clawhammer bluegrass, German Navy songs of WW2, flamenco, or even Gregorian chant. (No guarantees that people will LIKE the work or even understand what the heck is going on with the music, but that's not MY call - that's for the audience to vote on ...)

The PG-13 thing is imposed on us from On High, and though I've said before that we shouldn't act like this is Sesame Street, we gotta follow (at least loosely) the MPAA guidelines on explicit content. From what I understand, the con will have MINORS present, likely with their parents, who will complain to the HOTEL if salty language or an animated wardrobe malfunction offends their delicate sensibilities. (Ineffibles! Eek!) So I gotta work within that envelope. (Sigh. :?)

Thank you for all your comments.



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AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2005, 10:36:35 pm »
By now, I have to admit I'm getting a little frustrated here

Don't become frustrated and take this personal. I have nothing against you or the rules per say. I can even understand what you are trying to do not to mention it isn't easy to run something completely like this either, I know because I've done similar before. I'm am just giving my impression based on what I've read and perhaps it could even be in the write up as I took as across the board. My mistake. Although I will still say that it still feels restrictive when what you've described as Dance is basically the same as New and Unseen.

I guess I tend to think along the lines of how books and movies are categorized. From the sounds of it though you are basically making a duplication of two categories with New & Unseen and Cutting Edge (previously Dance). When you go through a movie listing there is just new releases so as a suggestion I would recommend that New & Unseen just be called Cutting Edge which is basically New & Unseen. I guess I just have trouble understanding some of the reasons for the types of categories.

You don't have to but as a suggestion:

Cutting Edge - Pull viewers onto the edge of our seats. Stun us with digital mastery. Any combination of new and unseen video and upbeat dance music of any genre, from J-pop to jigs, reels, techno, hambo, - any music that has been played for (any) people to DANCE.

Cutting edge, new and unseen, even dance basically all fit into this category which I would consider New Releases. You do want this to be latest, greatest, recent and not frequently used anime's otherwise it isn't exactly cutting edge. Although cutting edge can also refer to new music as opposed to new anime so it is something that as a artist defines new creativity.

Traditional Japanese Setting - Bring out the JAPANESE-ness of anime. Take us to Sekigahara, Hokkaido, or Neo-Tokyo-IV, 2250AD, and make us feel that it just isn’t the Italian Renaissance or L.A. 2250 AD. You can also try a slower-paced drama/romance work here. This category may use any/all anime, 'old school' to present.

Action & Drama - This can include romance, action, drama meant to be more serious. It can be a combination of any music and anime. Make us cry, make us shout for more action, get our pulse going and excite us.

Comedy - Make us laugh! Anytime or anime combination, parodies trailers & even parody commercials.

I believe these shouldn't be restricted. It would sound better to recommend that videos not contain the Linkball Z, etc but still leave it open to the creators and then just see what you get for entries. Usually you won't see many of many duplicates that can happen in AMVs but then again sometimes it is all some people have to work with. It still has the Japanese category which I like, which can be modern, old school, etc. However most other things that are new can really fit in comedy or drama categories. If you want to change the name to something that doesn't sound so plain that is fine as well but the basic of categorization are there.

Don't get frustrated though, just suggestions and my own opinion on things based from discussions I've had with others. You don't have to use them or you can, that is up to you and that is why you're running the show. I will say from the initial scan through of the rules I felt stifled and restricted and didn't want to enter anything. I am still not sure if I am, it all depends on my time and what I create to enter in Sakuracon. I will say as a general rule that is good for all AMV creators is that I try to make videos using anime and music that aren't seen a lot. I search for my song on as well as anime to make sure there are hundreds already made. So as I said I can understand in a way just maybe it is my own misperception or understanding of the way things were stated.

Offline Arcadium

  • Oni
  • Posts: 3
AMV Contest: Overused Anime list is now FINAL.
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2005, 10:38:02 pm »
Sorry I wasn't logged in, I forgot I was at work when I posted before. The above post is by myself.


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Review of Categories.
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2005, 06:57:43 am »
Four Categories:

1. Action ('Cutting Edge')

2. Traditional Japanese Setting

3. Dance ('Cutting Edge')

4. Comedy

Now, for #1 and #3, the only tricky part is that you have to use "Something New & Unseen for AT LEAST 70% of the time. This includes compositing Something Old with Something New, as long as Something New is present.

We're still having a (baffling) reading comprehension problem in which the modifying term 'New & Unseen' (which will become known as 'Cutting Edge') is mistaken for a category in and of itself.

I am interested in the idea of an OLD SCHOOL category for fun, and I will start a NEW thread about that to see if there is general interest in defining that as a fifth category. If it flies, I will include it but trim down the NUMBER of entries in some other categories so wa can fit things into the 1-hour show timeslot.



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Re: Review of Categories.
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2005, 04:13:00 pm »
Quote from: "Anonymous"
Four Categories:[/quote/

OK, I mean FIVE:

1. Action ('Cutting Edge')

2. Traditional Japanese Setting

3. Dance ('Cutting Edge')

4. Instrumental

5. Comedy
