xD;; That sounds like something possible.
Ahhh, I had another one the other night kind of... I only remember three people from it; my friend Lindsay, CatchxMe, and Faunkegin/Ashlee (not sure if she has a forum account, but she ran a sweets-making workshop... thing... last year)
In one part, me and Lindsay were looking around the con, the layout was kind of like the entrance/lobby of Sakuracon's convention center, and there were tons of people. It was the second day, but we still had no idea where half the things were.
Then I said "... Hey, isn't it a little odd that it's the second day of the con, but we don't remember a thing from yesterday?" I started recognizing it was a dream, and people started vanishing D8
Then at another part, the con took place either in some sort of cave or forest or something... It looked kinda like a nightclub O3o and we needed a ride home, but CatchxMe wouldn't because she was having too much fun with a group of girls at her table |DDD;;
I remember chasing Ashlee, and calling her name, and asking if I could get a ride from her since she lived nearby, even though we didn't really know each other. Awkward thing was that we had a car, but it was just out of gas.... I should of just asked someone to run to the gas station with me so we could get some, or we should've just called a tow-truck o-o;
Yeah, my dreams aren't much fun, they're just detailed .-.