Author Topic: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning - DISBANDED  (Read 284487 times)

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Aw, you guys are so sweet and you all speak the truth! I can't wait to meet everyone that I haven't yet~<3

I vote yes for the song 8D

Offline IcyMelon

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We all share cosplay love :DD (XD)

Offline iluvshijimi

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Aw, you guys are so sweet and you all speak the truth! I can't wait to meet everyone that I haven't yet~<3

I vote yes for the song 8D

I can't wait to meet you too! The meet will be epix~

DANCE SONG VOTE! Raver's Fantasy by Tune Up! - Yes: 4|No: 0
Listen to it here:
OR here:


TAGS&CRESTS? $15 on eBay. Yes: 3|No: 1
PLUSHIES? Yes: 1|No: 4

Also wow, but I'm currently re-reading through the entire thread to write down things that may be important in the future, and I just noticed that the drastic change in the group happened around page 7. It's been a little over a week since then. New Days started with half a month of miscommunication, disappointment and NO productivity, but took only 8 days to turn into complete WIN.

I can't thank you guys enough TT__TT
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 06:31:12 pm by iluvshijimi »

Offline Romo

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So, since the speed of the song is fairly fast are we going to choose our movements based on the beats or something else? For instance, if the lyrics appear at all in our dance then are we going to move based on what they say or just stick to the beats? That's something important I've learned to figure out from my dance class. What do you guys think we should do? I think beats would be very fast to keep up with personally.

Also wow, but I'm currently re-reading through the entire thread to write down things that may be important in the future, and I just noticed that the drastic change in the group happened around page 7. It's been a little over a week since then. New Days started with half a month of miscommunication, disappointment and NO productivity, but took only 8 days to turn into complete WIN.

I can't thank you guys enough TT__TT

I agree. I noticed that before that page too things were kinda jumbled and confused, but as a team we worked together to make a team of pure epic win! Glad that things happened that way.~ And Sam don't thank us! You did a lot too, everyone has been doing so much! So I think that the whole group deserves a big old pat on the ba-..oh screw that this is an anime group. A big ol' glomp.~
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 06:35:43 pm by Romo »
Cosplays for 2014:
Day 3
- Billy Joe Cobra (Dude, That's My Ghost!)


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Well there are a few beats gong on at the same time and we'll have two rows of people...

I was kinda thinking, what if we had one row of the girls, and one of the boys? I know it'd make them uneven (3 and 5) but it might be cute... I dunno :D

Our group is structured because I joined it 8) Haha, just kidding~!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 06:37:56 pm by oslapedo »

Offline iluvshijimi

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I'd say we'd have to work our dance around the beat of the song. The lyrics pop up every minute or so, lol. Personally I think the speed of the song is just right. When I was looking for songs earlier, I found (to my disappointment) that a lot of the songs I liked were a tad too slow to make dancing interesting and appealing. But song speed IS something we should be paying attention to, thanks for pointing this out Ally~ I think I could keep up with this song, what does everyone else think?

@ Sahara

I think that'd be more interesting than even rows~ I hope the stage is big enough to do that.

Oh? Would you like to be leader then? :D
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 06:38:45 pm by iluvshijimi »

Offline Romo

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I'd say we'd have to work our dance around the beat of the song. The lyrics pop up every minute or so, lol. Personally I think the speed of the song is just right. When I was looking for songs earlier, I found (to my disappointment) that a lot of the songs I liked were a tad too slow to make dancing interesting and appealing. But song speed IS something we should be paying attention to, thanks for pointing this out Ally~ I think I could keep up with this song, what does everyone else think?

@ Sahara

I think that'd be more interesting than even rows~ I hope the stage is big enough to do that.

Oh? Would you like to be leader then? :D

I think I could probably keep up, I'd just need a lot of practice time. Even with the classes I take I'm still not very good. So we should probably dedicate a good amount of time to the dance on our work day. Also I had an idea, it might be a bit weird but I was going to suggest since it seems we have a lot to do on that one day; maybe we should make it a sleepover? That way we can practice and work for longer. Since it seems like it's going to be hard to find times for everyone to get together. Just tossing it out there. xD


I think that'd be a cool idea, so the girls in the front and the guys in the back probably? Otherwise the girls would be trying so hard to get seen. xD
Cosplays for 2014:
Day 3
- Billy Joe Cobra (Dude, That's My Ghost!)


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Ahaha, there's only room for one fearless leader around here and it's definitely you Sam :D

We could always switch the guys and the girls around so they're both in front and in back at least once~

OMG LOL, watching Natalie's sig while listening to Raver's Fantasy XDDD
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 06:45:50 pm by oslapedo »

Offline iluvshijimi

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I think I could probably keep up, I'd just need a lot of practice time. Even with the classes I take I'm still not very good. So we should probably dedicate a good amount of time to the dance on our work day. Also I had an idea, it might be a bit weird but I was going to suggest since it seems we have a lot to do on that one day; maybe we should make it a sleepover? That way we can practice and work for longer. Since it seems like it's going to be hard to find times for everyone to get together. Just tossing it out there. xD

Ah, I appreciate the idea, but I must let it be known that my parents aren't sleepover people, so we will probably never have one at my house >.< I'm sorry. I was thinking though that since we can't meet that often, perhaps we could make it an all-day thing? Like, try to get to my house at 10:00 AM (or as early as you can if that's too early) and stay until 4 or 5, about the length of our little group's zoo meet.

Offline Romo

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Ah, I appreciate the idea, but I must let it be known that my parents aren't sleepover people, so we will probably never have one at my house >.< I'm sorry. I was thinking though that since we can't meet that often, perhaps we could make it an all-day thing? Like, try to get to my house at 10:00 AM (or as early as you can if that's too early) and stay until 4 or 5, about the length of our little group's zoo meet.

Noted. xD And that sounds good, I'd just have to try my best since it's a good forty minute drive to your house from mine. And that's with good traffic, but I figure my mom owes me. I mean not literally, but they always go soooo far away on hikes and get up so early that they can deal with taking me somewhere at least once like that.~
Cosplays for 2014:
Day 3
- Billy Joe Cobra (Dude, That's My Ghost!)


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Oh, could you PM me your address so I can see how far away it is from my house? 8~3

Offline iluvshijimi

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Haha, I'm still sorry I live so far away though T.T I figure if we make it an all-day thing, it'll be worth everyone's time.

@ Sahara

Sure, you'll get it in a minute :3


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Thanks leader~!

For our dance... how exactly are we going to create it, will we just make up moves as we go...?

So our agenda for the meeting is:
- Record Skit
- Practice Dance
- Work on cosplay/wigs
- .hack//G.U.
- etc?

Offline iluvshijimi

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Um, if everyone could think of at least one dance step by the time we meet, I think we'd have some good ideas to start with~ I'm going to watch a lot of dance videos tonight and bookmark the ones with good steps in them.

Yup! That's what we've got to work on for now, is there anything else we're missing?

Offline GwarNekoChan

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I apologize for not posting all day you guys! D:
I went to the Rose Festival, so yeah. >w<;
Anywho, I say yes to the song, and the tags/crests.
and No to the plushies, because I can't find a good Tentomon plush. >w<
I found one on Ebay, but that was in like, United Kingdom. o_o;
As for the dances...I could ask my brother for help with dance moves. :3

And for the meetup's being all-nighters...? o-o I think... x:
I'll repeat that we could use my dads house which is in Portland; like, maybe 10 minutes away from Lloyd Center? xD Or maybe it was like....7 minutes away, I don't remember. xDD

and for the Tea Party....I can try to make it. D: I hope I can find a Lolita dress somewhere... I think I know where I can buy one, but I'm not sure. >_<
I wish Youji's costume was Alice in Wonderland-like... -sob-
Kumoricon 2013 was cancelled for me. Can't await for next year! Cosplay list will arrive soon.

Offline iluvshijimi

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Yay, you're back! Did you have fun? :)

DANCE SONG VOTE! Raver's Fantasy by Tune Up! - Yes: 5|No: 0
Listen to it here:
OR here:


TAGS&CRESTS? $15 on eBay. Yes: 4|No: 1
PLUSHIES? Yes: 1|No: 5

I'm now closing the dance song and plushie polls because over half of the group has come to an agreement on those.

The meet will be an all-day thing haha, not an all-nighter xD If you can ask your dad to have us over on July 11th, we can vote for the meeting place then~ I'd just like to make sure we can before we consider it, know what I mean?

Offline Darknight2433

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My place would actually be great for sleepovers. My dad honestly would love to have people over. The distance, though, may be a problem, since I live in Oregon City~

I say YES to crests. 8D


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I wanna sleep over at twinnah's house >D

And there's Gwar's meetup too, if a lot of us go to that then maybe we can get some work done? :D

Offline iluvshijimi

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My place would actually be great for sleepovers. My dad honestly would love to have people over. The distance, though, may be a problem, since I live in Oregon City~

I say YES to crests. 8D

Ooh~ Are you saying you'd like your house to be included in the vote for the meeting place? If so, please confirm with parentals first, thank you! <3

TAGS&CRESTS? $15 on eBay. Yes: 5|No: 1

Tags/crests poll is now closed, looks like we WILL be accessorizing with them for the con~ Now, who thinks they'll need help with paying for their tag? As of right now, Vivian is the only person signed up in the Tag Fundraising Program, lol. I'll need to get a total head count so I can estimate how much we'll need to pitch in. I won't ask for too much though, don't worry~

@ Sahara

I don't know if I'll be going to Gwar-chan's meetup now that I've signed up for Konan's tea party. I'm hoping these aren't on the same day and hopefully my parents won't get on my case for going to so many meets lately.

Offline Darknight2433

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Yep, I have confirmation everyone is welcome.  :D

Offline IcyMelon

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So right now
we are maybe sleeping over at catchxme's home?
right? also plushies are a no-go
and tags are a maybe?

Offline iluvshijimi

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Yep, I have confirmation everyone is welcome.  :D

MEET LOCATION VOTE! Sam's House (Gresham): 1|Catch's House (Oregon City): 1

I voted for myself because of course my house is the most convenient for me haha, and I did the same for Catch and her house (please tell me otherwise Catch-chan, lol)~ Gwar-chan's house will be added to the poll when she asks her dad tomorrow. Remember, her house is in Portland. If you are planning to vote for hers please hold your vote until we get confirmation.

@ Viv

We are holding a vote right now, so please vote when you can~ :3

Plushies are a no-go, tags are a yes.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 07:58:04 pm by iluvshijimi »

Offline IcyMelon

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Oh okay...well I'll go with Sam's house because she has to keep
traveling and I think she deserves a break from her ventures
in oregon XD

and thanks for telling whats going on ;D


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I vote for Megan's house because I want to see it and we could sleepover at her house 8~D

I'm really fine with anyone's though!

Offline iluvshijimi

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Oh okay...well I'll go with Sam's house because she has to keep
traveling and I think she deserves a break from her ventures
in oregon XD

and thanks for telling whats going on ;D

Aww, thanks haha~ I also voted for my house because it's the easiest for Natalie to get to (even though we haven't seen her in awhile). I can't travel anywhere unless Natalie takes me and I don't know if she can go to Oregon City... I will talk to her though to clear that up as soon as possible~

And no problem! I'm the leader (though I don't think I'm cut out for it, lol) and if I didn't know what was going on in my own group, I'd be doomed!

MEET LOCATION VOTE! Sam's House (Gresham): 2|Catch's House (Oregon City): 2

Offline IcyMelon

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Hahaa no problem :D
I also agree because if Natalie couldn't come
then you wouldn't be able to come and that's
not good ! :O
and you are so cut out to be a leader :D
I mean like we are so far ahead on our meetings
about digimon and cosplay and randomness xD

Offline GwarNekoChan

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Yeah, I had tons of fun, actually! n.n I got this cute little asian umbrella. :3 It was 6 dollars! I found one that looked like Yukiko Amagi's from Persona 4. It looked pretty cool! XD
.. o.o /offtopic. x:

and yes Sam, I know what you mean. :3 I will ask my Dad tomorrow in the morning before he heads off to work. I'll send him a text later, and he'll recieve it in the morning. =D

Voting vote will have to wait for tomorrow. |3

Also, Sam? >w< Do you think you could ask Konan about me too?
I'm 15 as well. D:
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 08:09:25 pm by GwarNekoChan »
Kumoricon 2013 was cancelled for me. Can't await for next year! Cosplay list will arrive soon.

Offline Darknight2433

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You are a great leader, Leader.  :D

And haha, might I take pictures of the inside of my house? Just to give people some insight, I guess...haha, I don't know. xD And I THINK I have a Singer in my garage...I don't know. Hahaha~

And man, the age 15 sure is popular!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 08:14:22 pm by CatchxMe »


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And man, the age 15 sure is popular!


I'm listening to Ouran music right now... it makes me want to waltz~!


I was looking back at the early pages of this thread and I saw the cosplay-a-month idea. I'd like to do that once I have a job, so maybe next year I can join you guys~?

Offline IcyMelon

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And man, the age 15 sure is popular!


I'm listening to Ouran music right now... it makes me want to waltz~!


I was looking back at the early pages of this thread and I saw the cosplay-a-month idea. I'd like to do that once I have a job, so maybe next year I can join you guys~?
Yeah I saw that too but I don't have the money right now XD
Maybe I could join as well? C:

Offline iluvshijimi

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Hahaa no problem :D
I also agree because if Natalie couldn't come
then you wouldn't be able to come and that's
not good ! :O
and you are so cut out to be a leader :D
I mean like we are so far ahead on our meetings
about digimon and cosplay and randomness xD

lol, thanks I guess~ This is where my perfectionism and the overachiever inside me come out, haha.

@ Gwar-chan

I'm glad you had fun! I would've gone, but I spent some time at home helping my dad, brother and uncle fix our fence that fell over from the high-speed winds during the winter.


I "supervised", lmao.

And sure I can ask Konan to let you come~ It would help if you could fill out her form and post it first so she can see who I'm recommending.

@ Catch-chan

Aww, sankyuu~ *hugs*

You can do that if you'd like, haha. If you do it though, I think I will do it too so the voting process remains fair, lol.

@ Sahara

I'm still listening to Raver's Fantasy, haha~

The monthly cosplay thing consists of just me and Megan for now, but if you find that you'd be able to do that after getting a job, do let me know! The more the merrier~


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What's your guys' current cosplay for the monthly thing?

Offline iluvshijimi

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We are doing Ciel and Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji for June and our duo/group name is Annata Belle~

Offline Darknight2433

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Hahahahaaa, once sewing can be learned, I hope plenty of people can do it.  :D

/can't sew, btw

And I don't much care about pictures, just in case someone wanted some. xD

Offline iluvshijimi

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lol, I can't sew either, no worries xD I just sewed my first button today! I'm so proud~ A couple of my buttons came off on my North Italy costume at the zoo meet on Saturday, so I asked my mom to show me how to fix one and I did the other.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 08:21:23 pm by iluvshijimi »

Offline IcyMelon

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I would only be Ciel in the red outfit
XD But your doing that so I guess
my cosplay wouldn't really work unless
we did like a twin thing XD
but I think I'll join when I make
money and can learn how to sew more :D
I want to cosplay ciel in a photoshoot >3<

nice button sewing ! XD

Offline iluvshijimi

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Haha, we will probably be doing a twin thing at the tea party, that will still be fun!

And thanks for the compliment, lol~

Offline IcyMelon

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Haha, we will probably be doing a twin thing at the tea party, that will still be fun!

And thanks for the compliment, lol~

Yep, that will be fun ;D
but I need to know when it is ^^;

and no problem, X)

Offline iluvshijimi

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Okay I am now officially SICK of Raver's Fantasy, haha.


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When are we voting on the logos? And when we do we should have a post that shows all of them so that we can see them again~

Offline IcyMelon

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Okay I am now officially SICK of Raver's Fantasy, haha.

just kidding well naturally you would
get sick of a song if you listen to it like
100 times XD

Offline iluvshijimi

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When are we voting on the logos? And when we do we should have a post that shows all of them so that we can see them again~

Voting on the logos will take place on Thursday the 28th~ Unless nobody is planning on turning in anymore entries? I know that Natalie will though, so maybe I'll close the contest after I get hers? I don't know, haha. I will post them all at the same time then~ By the way, which entries are your official ones? lol.

Also, do you still have space in your hotel room? Haha, I think I'm going to have to crash with you.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 09:10:27 pm by iluvshijimi »


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Yeah, we still have room, Megan might join us too if she wants to 8~D

My official ones are the four I posted earlier today, I can find that post in a sec~

Offline Darknight2433

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I'd be wherever Ari is, so we might have our own room somewhere. People could potentially crash with us, haha~

Offline IcyMelon

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I'd love to stay in a hotel but
I live 10-20 minutes away so
I'd just waste money ^^;
but would totally love to stay
away from parents XDD


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I'd be wherever Ari is, so we might have our own room somewhere. People could potentially crash with us, haha~

Ari's invited to our room too if she wants 8~3

Offline iluvshijimi

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Yeah, we still have room, Megan might join us too if she wants to 8~D

My official ones are the four I posted earlier today, I can find that post in a sec~

Woot sweet! Count me in officially then!

@ Viv

You sure you don't wanna crash with me in Sahara's room? xD It's freakin' $50 for the weekend including Friday. I live 20-30 minutes away by car/MAX and I tried to commute that way last year. Do not recommend, lol. Then again, you ARE under 18 (I ALWAYS FORGET I'M THE OLDEST ONE HERE, I FEEL LIKE I'M YOUNGER THAN YOU ALL @_@) so you wouldn't be able to roam around after the curfew anyway.

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Hmmm, I'll ask Ari about it, thanks for the option, Twinnah~!  :D


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You're welcome in our room too Melon-chan, like Leader said, it's only $50~

And we have two beds, thank goodness! Last year there were around 9 of us in a tiny room with one bed, it was an experience :D


We're gonna party it up~ -moshes-

Offline IcyMelon

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I'd love too! ! :"D
but would we all pay $50? or separate?
and if there's a person over 18 can't
I hang with them? (i'm confused XD kinda XD)

wow ! 9!? XDD
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 09:24:09 pm by IcyMelon »