Haha, niceeee.~
I'll just say this and nicely as I can, because the way you said that really just...felt like a slap to the face. I'm going to do this in a similar way as Sam, but not copying her since that'd be just repetitive.~
1) The way you said your "real life friends" needed someone to talk to was kinda...awkward to read. Sure, I'll admit we haven't seen much of each other but you've met a majority of us in person so, we're still just text on a screen to you or what? I think a more tactful way of saying that would've been 'my school friends' instead of 'my real life friends'.
2) Why are you acting so defensive? Nobdy here has attacked you, we're just trying to keep things in order so that Kumoricon goes smoothly. Sorry if it's hard for you right now, I really am, but we're not trying to belittle your problems. We're just trying to keep the group together, and if what's going on right now is way too much for you to handle along with the group responsibilities then it's probably a good thing you dropped out.
3) Sayanora? The heckkk? If you want it to be goodbye then sure. Don't act like we hate you because you left, you're still our bud and are more than welcome to visit this thread and more importantly (kidding with the next part by the way) the library anime club! So take a chill pill, and a break from the net if you must, but don't say things like that when all it'll do is come back to bite you in the butt. (Trust me, been there done that, no fun at all)
Anyway, now that I'm done venting my thoughts I hope your life gets smoother from here on out. Happy trails!~