Author Topic: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning - DISBANDED  (Read 284565 times)

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Offline IcyMelon

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Thanks guys : DD
and I hope alyssa will come back too TAT


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Even though our group kind of disintegrated it feels really peaceful. Like, with the members we currently have I don't feel any drama danger, you guys are just that cool~  8)

And our Sakuracon plans are epiccc~!

Offline Coconutty93

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My sister did that once! D8 She scared the crap outta me because she wouldn't tell anybody where she was and then when I called her she was telling me how I was such a good sister and how she was grateful I was around and whatnot! She made it sound like she was gonna commit suicide! It scared the crap out of me! And she would only talk to me! Sadness! But that's over and she's fine. <3

Offline iluvshijimi

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It's okay if you ask about the problem sam xD

well yesterday my mom asked for the money I keep
(I keep the money in the house for safekeeping)
and she said she as going to deposit into the bank
and so I trusted her. When I came back from the
NDD meeting she was saying like goodbye and do
this, don't forget this, you know how to do laundry,
and gave me her expensive sunglasses. I thought
something was up. Then she said she was going
to go grocery shopping but at like 12:00 she
called my dad saying she couldn't live with us
because of her spending the money(savings $500)
and that she couldn't give my littlesister what she
wanted. So my dad went out with my uncle to
go look for her. So I was at home with my little sister
who was balling. I didn't really cry because this incident
has happened before. After 2 hrs of searching
she had called my Grandmother and she told me
that my mom was going to Salem but my Grandmother
convinced her to come back home, and she did after like 6 hrs.
My mom and dad talked about what she did
is wrong and stuff. . .

So yeah. we still have
some worries by the worst has passes C:
I'm so tired! I stayed up until 8am TAT
but yeah thats my lame story : P

Aww, I'm so sorry that happened to you! @_@ *hugshugs* I feel really bad about your sister too, I hope she feels better now? TAT You were worrying me to death the other day lol, I went to bed at 3:00 AM and got up for work at 5:30 AM, sleeping the whole time I was at work, haha xD

@ Sahara-kun

I can't wait to see you all either! We are going to have a blast in our roooooom

Offline IcyMelon

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Yeah my sister is okay, which I am SO glad about :DDDD
and sorry I made you worry TAT

and we are going to PARTY! in our room XDD


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If we get a mini fridge in our room then I think we should all chip in for pizza on the first night and then hopefully have pizza leftovers througout the con :D


Offline GwarNekoChan

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Okay! o-o After reading 3 pages of new stuff....
So, I guess Izzy's out of the picture? o-o Alrighty then. Which means... I have 3 things I need to do! @~@

Give Sahara my 50 dollars, which is due by August.

and Give Dana money for my costume. Say, Dana? When do you need that money again? OxO;

alrighty then! I guess those are the things I need to work on!

Hopefully we could all meet and hang out for awhile during the con. =3 I usually have time! xD
I'm glad to be in this group with such amazing people! even though I haven't met most of you yet... OxO;

Oh right! Catch! I can still buy Tales of Legendia, right? ;w;
Kumoricon 2013 was cancelled for me. Can't await for next year! Cosplay list will arrive soon.

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If we get a mini fridge in our room then I think we should all chip in for pizza on the first night and then hopefully have pizza leftovers througout the con :D




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I haven't met any of the NDD people that are staying in my room, but we've got the whole con to get to know one another 8)

Colleen, a disco ball or a mini fridge?

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Okay! We should take Maddy's strobe light too x3

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Offline iluvshijimi

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Yeah so, a couple days ago, Vivian was having a family problem and thought that she wouldn't be able to go to Kumoricon, putting our group skit and dance in jeopardy. Alyssa couldn't take the instability from that so she left the group. Turns out, Vivian's family issue turned around somewhat and she can still go, but now we don't have Alyssa xD we can't do the skit or dance and we've decided not to have group activities for this year's con now because some of us don't want to continue making our costumes if we're not performing >.< I'm sorry for all the trouble this has caused, especially after many of you came over on Saturday TAT

Offline IcyMelon

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Well we could still do the digimon cosplay this year
but i think some people have already given up the theme.
i still want to cosplay digimon but i don't want to do it myself TAT

and sorry about putting out group skit and dance in jeopardy TAT
i think we could still do the skit but i don't think we can master
the dance in time..

Offline iluvshijimi

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Yeah, I think some people (including me ^^;;) have already stopped work on their Digimon costumes. I will probably cosplay Digimon by myself in the future or something~ We also can't do the skit or dance anymore because Alyssa is gone.

Offline IcyMelon

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yeah well I guess no Digimon this year.
and I think Alyssa would maybe consider
coming back if we told her we would
be doing digimon again and then maybe
leave the group again but I guess no Digimon
this year D:


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I did like that skit though! Maybe I'll save it for a future use~~~

Offline Coconutty93

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Gewd idea~!  :P

Offline Romo

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yeah well I guess no Digimon this year.
and I think Alyssa would maybe consider
coming back if we told her we would
be doing digimon again and then maybe
leave the group again but I guess no Digimon
this year D:

No offense, but don't speak for me. Truth is if anything digimon related is going to happen this year, I would be more than happy to participate. Just at the moment I'm a little frustrated over the whole situation. Like Dana said, I felt like I really had no say in the cancelation so I felt like all the effort I've been putting into my costume was meaningless, since it got dropped so fast with not even time for all the members to give their opinion on the matter.

Anyway, sorry for being so moody about that. And if that sounded a bit rude/unfriendly I really do apologize, I just got home from work and I'm so tired I could pass out. Anyway, if any of you still cosplay Digimon let me know and I'll hang with you! And if you ever decided to do the dance still, again let me know and I'll participate. I love you guys, you're all my buds. I was just disappointed in how things went down.
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- Billy Joe Cobra (Dude, That's My Ghost!)

Offline IcyMelon

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sorry alyssa i didn't mean to offend.
i was just thinking about the situation
and what might have happened if we continued.

Offline Romo

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sorry alyssa i didn't mean to offend.
i was just thinking about the situation
and what might have happened if we continued.

You didn't, like I said I was really really tired so I probably just read that the wrong way. Sorry about that Viv'! D: Anyway, I don't really get what you mean; but okay.
Cosplays for 2014:
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- Billy Joe Cobra (Dude, That's My Ghost!)

Offline iluvshijimi

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I did like that skit though! Maybe I'll save it for a future use~~~


Great job Sahara-kun and group <333

@ Alyssa

She wasn't speaking for you, she just thought you might consider rejoining if we told you the 411 on the group right now~

I'm sorry not everyone got to have their say before the cancellation, but I felt like we really didn't have enough time to find a replacement if Vivian couldn't go and then try to get everyone locked in with the skit and dance at a single 5-hour meet in August with the chance that not everyone can show up like last weekend. It also didn't help that Alyssa quit before Vivian came back and said she can still go @_@ If anyone thinks I'm wrong and would like to try to continue Digimon '09, please post ASAP. If you guys know me, you know I'm all-ears for everyone's opinions at any time, but I didn't hear anyone speak up while the cancellation was being decided. It's still not too late if that's how you really feel! :3

Offline IcyMelon

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I think it would be fantastic if we
continued Digimon for Kumoricon.
and we could do the skit.

Not the dance though because
I think it's almost impossible to
sync with each other and master
the dance in 5 hrs. Pros take months
and they mess up too.

I would enjoy cosplaying Digimon.
and I'm really sorry again for the instability
bomb I dropped when my family had some crap
going. TTATT

Offline iluvshijimi

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I think it would be fantastic if we
continued Digimon for Kumoricon.
and we could do the skit.

I think it'd be cool to continue too~ :3 The skit was made out of pure win, but you're right, we probably won't be able to do the dance.

Offline Romo

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Okay, after talking to a few people I have something I want to say.

I'm really sorry about going off on everyone like I did, especially the night a few days ago where I just completely had a meltdown to the group. I didn't mean to upset you guys, even though I most likely did, and I want to say that if I'm welcome I'd like to rejoin the group. Before I post this though I'd like to say a few more things.

One, I guess I never really wanted to leave the group I just got pushed to the point where I didn't know what to do. That's no excuse, and it's nobody's fault except my own, but I wanted to apologize yet again. I love everyone here even if we disagree/argue/have our differences, since that's what makes New Days Dawning one of the greatest groups of people I've ever had the pleasure of working with.

Two, I really wanted to do the digimon cosplay and the fact that it was suddenly taken away out of nowhere (again nobody's fault) then is now being put back I'm really confused and that's partially why I've been a bit testy. I didn't mean to offend anyone if I did and even if my apologies don't help, I needed to make them.

So, if I'm welcome back in the group I'd love to be a part of it since a few of you have really helped me in the past few days. I just want to say one last thing whether it's okay for me to come back or not: this group probably needs to figure out if you're doing anything with digimon or not and soon since the con is fast approaching and if you are planning to do anything then best get cracking. xD
Cosplays for 2014:
Day 3
- Billy Joe Cobra (Dude, That's My Ghost!)

Offline iluvshijimi

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Thank you for posting and I'm sorry you had that meltdown TAT I know everyone was getting a little bit concerned when Vivian announced her maybe not being able to go to Kumoricon, so I understand if you felt like there was nothing you could do except leave if we weren't going to do Digimon stuff anymore. You're welcome to be a part of the group again if you'd like :3

I'm sorry if it felt like I pulled the plug on everything too soon, and honestly, I think I did @_@ A few of us are interested in continuing Digimon 2009, but dropping the dance. I'm sure we'd be able to do the skit, but we'd have to organize an August meet like, right now, and EVERYONE HAS TO COME DX

Who still wants to do Digimon '09 + skit?

Offline Romo

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2076 on: July 13, 2009, 09:32:32 pm »
You're welcome, I felt really bad and really didn't want to do something I'd regret. Thank you for giving me the priveledge of being in this group again! I just want to say that if we were to continue the skit I'd have to re-message my cast members, since I already told them they didn't have to send the lines if they didn't want to. So if we do choose to do one then we need to stick with it, so I don't trouble my poor actors. D:

Personally, I vote yes to the skit. Since it'd make our Digimon group so much cooler. As for when the meet is, we should figure that out yeah.
Cosplays for 2014:
Day 3
- Billy Joe Cobra (Dude, That's My Ghost!)

Offline iluvshijimi

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2077 on: July 13, 2009, 09:34:25 pm »
I just want to say that if we were to continue the skit I'd have to re-message my cast members, since I already told them they didn't have to send the lines if they didn't want to. So if we do choose to do one then we need to stick with it, so I don't trouble my poor actors. D:

Ahahaha, I was afraid you'd have already done that xD

Anyway, I'm still up for this~ I hope Sahara-kun hasn't burned her Mimi hat yet ^^;;

Offline IcyMelon

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2078 on: July 13, 2009, 09:37:28 pm »
I vote a YES ! ! ! !

and welcome back alyssa~! ! ! ! :"DDD

Offline Romo

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2079 on: July 13, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »
I'm glad we're still doing Digimon again :3

I was thinking maybe a meet early in August and one late in August so we could get ready before the con.

I second this, the whole thing.~~
Cosplays for 2014:
Day 3
- Billy Joe Cobra (Dude, That's My Ghost!)

Offline iluvshijimi

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2080 on: July 13, 2009, 10:11:27 pm »
I'm glad we're still doing Digimon again :3

I was thinking maybe a meet early in August and one late in August so we could get ready before the con.

We still have to hear from Megan, Sahara and Gwar-chan, but I'm glad too :3

Two meets sounds like a great idea, but if we're just working on the skit I think that's a bit too much time @_@ We could have one meet to perfect the skit and then like, meet up on pre-reg day to practice once more?

Offline IcyMelon

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2081 on: July 13, 2009, 10:13:32 pm »
I'm glad we're still doing Digimon again :3

I was thinking maybe a meet early in August and one late in August so we could get ready before the con.

That could work but the meeting place
would have to be not in gresham ^^;
my mom would kill if i kept riding
the MAX (she thinks public transportation is where people get raped ^^;;;)

and I like your place alyssa >3<
big mirror but the ping pong table ;^;
and i hope megan, sahara, and gwar say yes~

Offline Romo

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2082 on: July 13, 2009, 10:15:44 pm »
and I like your place alyssa >3<
big mirror but the ping pong table ;^;
and i hope megan, sahara, and gwar say yes~

I hope so too, and are you reccomending my place for a meetup? xDDD
« Last Edit: July 13, 2009, 10:16:15 pm by Romo »
Cosplays for 2014:
Day 3
- Billy Joe Cobra (Dude, That's My Ghost!)

Offline iluvshijimi

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2083 on: July 13, 2009, 10:21:24 pm »
Uhh, if we have the meet at Alyssa's house, I would probably have to make Natalie come so I can go xD Or take public transportation. Or hitch a ride with someone TAT

Offline IcyMelon

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2084 on: July 13, 2009, 10:25:47 pm »
Well we can decide when megan, sahara and gwar say
if they are still doing it.
and we could meet and someone elses house.

Offline Coconutty93

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2085 on: July 13, 2009, 10:42:56 pm »
I just want to say that if we were to continue the skit I'd have to re-message my cast members, since I already told them they didn't have to send the lines if they didn't want to. So if we do choose to do one then we need to stick with it, so I don't trouble my poor actors. D:

Ahahaha, I was afraid you'd have already done that xD

Anyway, I'm still up for this~ I hope Sahara-kun hasn't burned her Mimi hat yet ^^;;

Damn! D8 We were gonna burn it togetha!

Ummm...but I already cancelled my commission so...maybe since I wasn't a big part of the Digimon thing anywayz...I'll just save it for some other time and just wait for our next group cosplay. >3< I could start preparing for S-con early! 8D


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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2086 on: July 13, 2009, 10:49:17 pm »
I cancelled my cosplay commission too, and I cancelled the order on the wig I was going to buy :O

If you guys really want to still do the skit though, I'm fine with you just editing Mimi out of it, but I can't do this now that everything's been so back and forth.

I'm go for Sakuracon though~~~

Offline iluvshijimi

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2087 on: July 13, 2009, 10:52:55 pm »
Ummm...but I already cancelled my commission so...maybe since I wasn't a big part of the Digimon thing anywayz...I'll just save it for some other time and just wait for our next group cosplay. >3< I could start preparing for S-con early! 8D

Dang, that's what I was afraid of, haha! Oh well, that just means our group members are fast workers! Whether it be putting together cosplay plans or taking them apart, lol~

I think the people who've posted so far (Tai, Matt, Sora, T.K.) would still be able to cosplay, but I don't know about the skit x_x


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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2088 on: July 13, 2009, 10:54:37 pm »
If you guys do go on with the skit I'll be cheering you all on~! If not, no matter really, I'll still be hanging out with all of you and our Sakuracon cosplay is gonna be siiick~

Offline iluvshijimi

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2089 on: July 13, 2009, 11:00:13 pm »
Should we wait for everyone to post before deciding?

Yeah, let's wait~ Megan is pretty much done with her costume, so maybe she'll want to join us :3

Offline IcyMelon

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2090 on: July 13, 2009, 11:06:37 pm »

Well I think we should still do the skit.
because we have Tai, Matt, Sora, TK, Kari (?), and Izzy(?)
we are just missing Mimi.

We could just edit the scrip.

but we can wait : D


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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2091 on: July 13, 2009, 11:12:34 pm »
If you can't find a replacement Mimi I could edit her out of the script for you guys~~

Offline IcyMelon

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2092 on: July 13, 2009, 11:19:15 pm »
If we can't, would it make more sense if we have my sister as our Mimi instead of Kari? Y'know, like the original 7 instead of 8.
So true ~! ! !
Nice Dana ~

-high fives~-

Offline iluvshijimi

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2093 on: July 13, 2009, 11:29:36 pm »
I'm pretty darned sure that if we try then we could find a Mimi in place of Sahara. @_@

Okay, so I asked one of my guy friends who might go to Kumoricon (it's a 50/50 chance) and he agreed that he would be our Tai if his parents let him come! Then I would be Mimi. He came with me to the con last year, but was only able to come on Saturday. Here's his picture from that day, he was the last person in line lolll~

He said he will try to figure things out by the end of the week~
Does that mean we're on for the skit? :D
« Last Edit: July 13, 2009, 11:30:05 pm by iluvshijimi »

Offline iluvshijimi

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2094 on: July 13, 2009, 11:36:03 pm »

If your guy friend can come to Kumori and be our Tai, you would be Mimi?

Whoo ideas.~

Yup yup~
Strangely enough, I could probably pull off Mimi with my not-good-for-cosplaying-girls face xD Maybe 'cuz she wears a big hat, haha.

Offline IcyMelon

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2095 on: July 13, 2009, 11:48:39 pm »
Cool then : DD
he would make a good Tai (in my opinion~)
and you would make a good Mimi!
and you have a good-for-cosplaying-girl face~

Offline Coconutty93

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2096 on: July 14, 2009, 12:23:41 am »
I love how resourceful you guys are!  :D  Good job! Me and Sahara shall be cheering you on!

Offline IcyMelon

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2097 on: July 14, 2009, 12:37:22 am »
yay for cheering ~! ! ! : DDD

Offline Romo

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2098 on: July 14, 2009, 07:50:47 am »
Okay, so I asked one of my guy friends who might go to Kumoricon (it's a 50/50 chance) and he agreed that he would be our Tai if his parents let him come! Then I would be Mimi. He came with me to the con last year, but was only able to come on Saturday. Here's his picture from that day, he was the last person in line lolll~

He said he will try to figure things out by the end of the week~
Does that mean we're on for the skit? :D

I think that'd be a good idea, as long as his parents let him go. D: That'd suckkkk if he couldn't. And that's for more than one reason, it'd be sad if he couldn't be our Tai and missing Kumoricon would just be not fun!!!

My opinion is he'd make a good Tai, and you could pull off a good Mimi. The only thing I'd reccomend is giving him a heads-up on how major his role is in the skit beforehand, just in case; you know? xD Since I know I'd be really surprised if I got a main role of a skit pushed into my hands out of nowhere. If you already have told him then awesome!~

You guys are so resourceful, now all we have to do is wait for Megan and Osjlen. And like you said, Megan was about done with hers so maybe she'll be up for this still.~
Cosplays for 2014:
Day 3
- Billy Joe Cobra (Dude, That's My Ghost!)

Offline iluvshijimi

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Re: [Cosplay Group] New Days Dawning // MEMBERS PLEASE READ!
« Reply #2099 on: July 14, 2009, 10:27:40 am »
I think his parents will let him go, but probably just for that Sunday, so we've gotta have the photoshoot that day too if we want a complete group picture~ This will be his first time cosplaying for real if he can come, but no worries! He should be fine under my wing xD