I've been lurking over this for quite some time now and I finnaly found a pet peeve that seems to stick out more to me.
-Manners. Please use them. I mean, I've had manners forced into me for about 17 years and I use them when I can. And I've been known to lose control of my actions due to my ADHD, but I never do anything completely dirastic. I've been known to yell a few times, but I generally....am I very quiet person, so to people my yells are more like a person talking normally. Anyway to get to my point and relate manners to a past experience, my first con, there were many people who have them but even more that don't. While walking to the lobby door a Bleach character accidentaly hit me with their sword, looked back at me and kept walking. I mean it was nice to acknolage me, but please at least say sorry or something instead of walking away.
Along the line of manners. Theres this nice little word called, polite. When people nit pick apart a cosplayer when that specific cosplayer has worked their hardest on their costume. Just give some helpful advice maybe some nice constructive criticism. I mean there have been some days were I have thought to myself, "Oh they forgot some parts." Or "They forgot to Hem and paint the symbols right". But I do the nice thing and push the negative comments aside and give something possitive. One example would be a cosplayer came up to me last con when I was Akita Neru. I didn't do perfect but they said "Your a good Neru, your gonna do better then me". I responded politely with a "Thank you. But sence I haven't seen your costume, I can't say anything but, I'm sure you'll do just fine as long as you worked hard on it." But another time when I was Likatung and in a hurry because our cosplay group was going to be on in under 4 mins and I hadn't looked over my lines yet some other Pokemon cosplayers stoped me to take pictures. I didn't tell them I'm sorry I'm in a hurry but considering I was flailing back and forth looking for the rest of the group, all I could do was do a simple smile and hope that was ok. For them.....it was far from it. They basically said "Why didn't you stick your toung out like Likatung? Your not very good at this! All I asked was to get a picture, stupid B-" Yeah I rather not continue with that, but I basically appologized many times before they walked off. I probably should have said "I'm sorry I'm in a hurry, can you wait?" So that was more so my bad.
There was also a time when my legs gave out and I couldn't move. Because I was so stubburn and busy that I wouldn't sit down durring con. I appologized and asked my friends to help me up or carry me out of the way before they did, a con goer yelled "MOVE IT NEWBE You can't sit there" "I'm sorry, I'm not exactly sitting my legs gave way" "Maybe because your fat ass can't handle them" and they shoved me out of the way. Now as a person pushing 90lbs. 30 lbs underweight...I did take offence but I held it in. The rest of the con goers were thankfully understanding about why as to I was sitting in the way.