Me in a bikini is a horrid horrid site... and now that I have aboyfriend and were planning beach trips and **** i'm going to greece in august....
10 pounds by the end of the month is my goal : o thas 2.5 a week, I think I can do it! I want to see if I can stay on my wii fit and work out everyday for all of june, it shall be a challenge but i shall rize to the ocasion xD
i got out of my routine of getting up at 5:30 to do yoga and strength training when my mom got pretty sick and I had to take care of her, well I'm taking up the routine again >: Starting tomorrow morning which means Chi is gonna hit the hay at 9pm tonight. (tre early!)
xD and btw, Wii fit is HARD O_O I just did ALL my excersizes, Yoga, Strength training, Arobics, and Balance games. x_x and I did every single mode I have of the running (short, long, island lap) so I'm kinda wiped today and no more excerisize for me till tomorrow.....