fff pics (withruler) and how much length you have? ono (I know I've seen it but still xD)
First thing that comes to mind is a simple floral print jsk or dress with that by the bottom of the skirt and at the neckline (but hanging downwards)
When it's wide, I don't think twotoned lace would look that well unless you'd a decent fabric that would balance both colors evenly... You could have a set of white ruffles at the bottom of your skirt (or under your lace, wherever you use it) so the white blends in a bit, still providing detail (kind of like
this but not sure how well that'd look with two colors)
When all else fails, you can make accessories. C:
sohaha I think bringing it with you fabric shopping and finding a good fabric to go with it would be a start. Whenever you use a patterned fabric, it's best to make a simple garment, so narrowing down a design should be easy once you have a choice or two.
'nother topic: I want to start decoden-ing, maybe just a little to get more accessories, but the best and probably cheapest way is to get supplies in groups, and I doubt I'd use them all x-x (like a pack of 12 little bear things, I'd probably only want 2...) Even if you make your own little cookies or something, it'd be a waste of money not to use all that clay and caulk D<
SO, does anyone decoden, or would anyone be interested in a workshop where we pooled our supplies? :0