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Offline xxxchihiroxxx

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Old School gamers
« on: June 16, 2009, 12:20:47 pm »
Well as Ive been enjoying my first few days of summer sitting in myroom trying to finaly beat Dark Cloud (1 mind you, I dont even own DC2) I look at the cruddy graphics, and wonder why I prefir this game to some of the newer ones realeased. When I think of it I like old games : P I'm not talking KH1 old, Im talking like the first playstation games and older old. Dark Cloud came out about the same time the PS2 did, and the graphics are a notch above FF7. I also have a thing for a game called Banjo and Kazoi, a 64 game I got from my cousin when I was a kid (still love it) sure the graphics are crudy and they all have a simple lay out with not much plot detail, and the names are uh... less to be desired. But I just cant resist them : P

who else here still plays the old games that came out way back when?
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Offline superjaz

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2009, 12:34:52 pm »
dark cloud was fun i mean the weapons upgrades was neat and where else are you going to get a slingshot named steve?
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2009, 12:37:32 pm »
dark cloud is the shiz 8D I love Xio, I'm in the forest but her attack is 50, 99 speed, and 80 Endurance. <3 Shes even stronger than Toan atm..... though now I have to find a good mallet for Goro -_- damn limited levels.
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Offline Darknight2433

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2009, 01:18:12 pm »
I hated Dark Cloud because of me getting thirsty all the time, haha! But I just recently bought both Banjos from Natalie and I am playing them now~

I love them so. <3

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2009, 01:21:27 pm »
AH! I loved Dark Cloud! I think I re-bought it a few months ago because one of my brothers wanted to play it haha~

As for other old school games, I started playing Legend of Dragoon for Playstation again, lol. Well, mind you, my memory card doesn't work well anymore, so for some reason when I load my file, I get taken to a Japanese debug screen that lets me travel to any part of the game with a party of four level one Darts with no HP and MP and equipped with only broadswords... xD

Offline Cassiopeia

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2009, 02:44:21 pm »
Dark Cloud is one of my favorite games ever. :D
And the N64 is my favorite console.

Most of the shiny new stuff is too expensive anyway.~
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Offline DancingTofu

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2009, 03:19:29 pm »
I don't consider anything made since the SNES was released to be "old".  Maybe it's because I'm older.  Anyway, I love Commodore 64 games, particularly on an Amiga500.  This is pretty much the perfect system for any classic gamer.  It's got the best load times, no lag, great display, and most of the best games of the 80's.  It's a must-have for Bitmap Bros. fans.  It is also the original incubation grounds of Warlords, SSG's turn-based strategy game that has literally defined the genre, as well as spawning 7 sequels: 4 TBS and 3 RTS.

On the other hand, the 2nd and 3rd gen Atari games and systems are 90% crap.  I don't get the hype for them at all.  I guess it's the fact that non-serious gamers can actually afford a $20 Atari and some $3 games, whereas a working C64 Amiga500 (this is the cheap model, mind you) will typically cost $300 and the games aren't particularly cheap either.

I get annoyed when people refer to N64, Dreamcast, and PS1 as "oldschool".  I can see it with the Saturn and the SNES, which have at least began to get some collectability now.  PS2 games are NOT oldschool though.  Period.  Think of it from a generational standpoint.  7th gen (PS3, 360, Wii) consoles are young and new, equivalent to teens.  8th gen consoles are still developing, and we'll most likely see the 8th generation of gaming occur in the form of marginal improvements upon current consoles (or downgrades, in the case of the PSP).  6th gen (PS2) consoles are equivalent to people in their 20's.  No longer making money being the coolest and the newest, but they've made it through school and are ready to start working towards vintage.  5th gen (N64) consoles are equivalent to people in their 30's.  They aren't quite at midlife yet, and by most standards they're still young.  4th gen (SNES) consoles are equivalent to people in their 40's.  They've hit "midlife" and are starting to get hungry for a second surge; they're old by some peoples' standards.  3rd generation (Amiga500) consoles are starting to reap the rewards of being old, and many games are now worth more than they were when they were new.  2nd generation (Colecovision) consoles are certainly old; almost to the point of being worthless.  These systems have very little value beyond collectability unfortunately.  1st gen (Pong) systems are pretty much obsolete and have been that way since the beginning of the 3rd generation.  These are the cavemen from which gaming has evolved, and you'll only find them in the possession of the most avid collectors.
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Offline xxxchihiroxxx

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2009, 03:57:46 pm »
your right is pretty generational : ) I have an Atari as well and the origional Nintendo system (big gray clunky box, first mario on that thing is crazy hard but fun) but I dont have a tone of games for them. To you I assume what I'm talking about is fairly new. the things for me though like Darkcloud and the 64 games, are games I remember I would go over to my friends house after school and we would sneek into her brothers room to steal is 64 and play games on till he came home. I was like 10 or younger at the time (more then likley younger) also a lot of PS1 games seem old to me cause at about age five I remeber my cousin (my age now) trying to teach me how to play the old figheter games together. When I say old school I say anything that just seems old to you. The 64 games and ORIGONAL PS2 games (not the newer ones but ones that came out within the first year of PS2's release) seem old to me because those are my child hood games. its like comparing the toys you used to play wth as a kid to the ones the kids have now. Mine didnt do anything special, most stuffed animals and blocks, but the kids I see now have all these little electronic dolls that move walk and talk, its just the gap really that makes these games seem old compared to the shiny new renovations leaping the gaming industry into the next evolution of games!

but I do see your point : ) an I respect it. For the record, pong kicks but. <3 *very good at that game along with other classic ataris such as Pac man, and Mr. Bomb (dont remeber that games real name, the sticker on the cartridge is riped off))
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Offline Cassiopeia

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2009, 08:00:27 pm »
I know "old school" games are technically/generally considered the games that were released before I was at an age where I was able to play. It's just that people here were talking about Dark Cloud and such, and because they were what I was raised on, I love them and thought I should mention it. :]
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Offline dshwshr55

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2009, 08:11:36 pm »
Dark Cloud was a nice, customisable game, but Dark Cloud 2 will change your world ^^

Offline xxxchihiroxxx

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2009, 09:21:12 pm »
Dark Cloud was a nice, customisable game, but Dark Cloud 2 will change your world ^^
after i finish collecting the origonal .hacks I'll look for it xP Every one says its good.
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Offline Trumby

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2009, 12:13:42 am »
The SNES has been out for almost 19 years, that isn't old enough to be "old school" to you? <.< Most people have probably never even seen some of the consoles older than an NES, let alone played one. I'd say the term "old school" is more a generational word regarding the people using it, not necessarily the things they are referring to. Especially when it comes to younger people talking about it.

I think my favorite Genesis game was Zombies Ate My Neighbors. Soo fun. I never really got too into gaming on the NES, but we had one. Mainly played Mario Bros and Duckhunt. Ninja Gaiden was omgwin. Oh and TMNT II. So much win.

There were a ton of SNES games I really liked, but haven't played in years. Castlevania, Metroid, TMNT: Turtles in Time, Gradius, Contra, Donkey Kong Country, F-Zero. Oh man soo good. Time to go on an emulator hunt.

And not "old school" by any means, but I've been replaying through the Resident Evil games and I <3 them so much. Going to do the Metal Gear Solid games next.

Also this thread makes me wish my N64 was working so I could play some Goldeneye. I loved that game so much, can't believe the amount of time my friends and I spent playing that back in the day. There was a very large amount of time spent in Gauntlet Legends as well.
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Offline DancingTofu

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2009, 01:53:38 am »
I've grown up playing games on MS DOS, going to Ground Kontrol, and playing through games on a 1-button joystick on the Amiga 500.  My lifelong definition of oldschool has been "older than me".  If I can remember when it was released, I don't consider it old.  I remember getting hyped over this brand new game called Mario Kart when I must have been 3 or 4.  Sure, I had the manual dexterity of a bowl of jello, but I still was excited to check it out.  If I can remember it being new, I have a hard time considering it old.
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Offline ruena

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2009, 02:05:29 am »
I used to be so addicted to Duck Hunt. D: I've never hated a dog so much in my life. I used to try to play the original Legend of Zelda at a friend's house, but I kept getting my assed handed to me. For some reason, those old 8-bit games were so much harder for me. :[ I'm so sad my SNES broke. Same with my N64 and PSX. But I have a PS2 for that. I'll miss Pokemon Stadium and the old Mario Party games. ;_; I used play Donkey Kong Country and Yoshi's Island all the time too.

I've played Dark Cloud a long time ago, although it's not old enough to be "oldschool" to me. I loved putting my town together and stuff, but I never completed it due to the fact that I was stuck in a dungeon and my guy kept dieing of thirst. That was stupid and unnecessary imo. >.>

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Offline DancingTofu

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2009, 04:56:09 am »
The trick with Dark Cloud is to get some fresh fish and 20 or 30 repair powders, then go to the dungeon in Queens, and look for a level with a pool.  You can then just spam the back area and get all your weapons up, like, 20 levels. :P

That's how I got a sword with 99 of every element, 99 of each breaker, 99 speed and endurance, 400 attack, and 250 mp. :D

And despite it all I still haven't beaten the final boss because all my ranged characters have mid-game weapons. :/
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Offline melchizedek

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2009, 07:16:59 am »
I'm also of the opinion that dark cloud is not so old school.  To me anything 16 bit and back is old school.  3dness is new school.  Maybe with the exception of pilot wings and mario kart original because the 3dness is laughably so due to todays standards.
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Offline Trumby

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2009, 11:58:44 am »
I've grown up playing games on MS DOS, going to Ground Kontrol, and playing through games on a 1-button joystick on the Amiga 500.  My lifelong definition of oldschool has been "older than me".  If I can remember when it was released, I don't consider it old.  I remember getting hyped over this brand new game called Mario Kart when I must have been 3 or 4.  Sure, I had the manual dexterity of a bowl of jello, but I still was excited to check it out.  If I can remember it being new, I have a hard time considering it old.
Ah, I can see what you mean. This makes sense. Definitely supports my "old school" is different for everyone, too :P Also the fact that you can even remember 3 or 4 is crazy to me, since I sure can't! ;)
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Offline xxxchihiroxxx

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2009, 02:18:03 pm »
The trick with Dark Cloud is to get some fresh fish and 20 or 30 repair powders, then go to the dungeon in Queens, and look for a level with a pool.  You can then just spam the back area and get all your weapons up, like, 20 levels. :P

That's how I got a sword with 99 of every element, 99 of each breaker, 99 speed and endurance, 400 attack, and 250 mp. :D

And despite it all I still haven't beaten the final boss because all my ranged characters have mid-game weapons. :/

thats what I'm doing now : D *having fun in queens*

mel: I can understand that : ) but as Ive grown up Ive known prety much nothing but 3D games. I started playing at like age 5 when my cousin tried to teach me Crash Bandicoot. I sucked at it so bad but it was fun, then as I got older i started playing the games my cousin would slowly collect, fighter games mostly. I didnt play an origonal 8bit game untill I was 12 and my cousin trusted me enough to give me his first nintendo. I loved it oh so much, with it came the first mario, and a few other really old games that I love a lot. I reckognize those games as truly old school cause that system is older than I am. ._. but yeah old school to me is just things I remeber playing a lot as a kid.

trumby: xD i can remeber parts of 3..... not much though : / I was defiantly to young to know what games were at the time though. Maybe Tofu was just one of those kids born with a controler in his hand xD
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Offline DancingTofu

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2009, 06:46:11 pm »
I don't see myself thinking of the games I played as a kid as oldschool until I'm maybe 25 or 30.  I could probably see SNES and maybe even N64 as oldschool at that point because by then it'll be on the upwards curve heading towards antiquity.  The fact that I'm still able to find an N64 for $10, or an FC Twin for $25 makes them feel too new to be immediately collectible. (which, for a smart collector means they're at their peak for collectiblility because they're so cheap!)
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Offline xxxchihiroxxx

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2009, 07:04:04 pm »
i wonder how much my atari is worth by now.... >_> it was my grandmothers.....
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Offline allstarsniper32

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2009, 08:49:09 pm »
so when did video games come out? the 70's right? I think it's easier to just move them into groups associated with their time line. right now game systems that came out in the 70's and 80's should be classic, systems that came out in the late 80's to mid 90's should be old school. Only because right now the 90's are at a weird mid time for the gaming industry. I myself don't really like using the term old school but that's just me.

I've never played Dark Cloud, always looked kinda interesting.

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2009, 08:55:11 pm »
actually I want to say 60's is when the first ones came out ._. but Im no expert on the subject. 80's was really when games like Mario started to make a brake through, it was no longer just arcade games and simple tasks and plot lines were given.... but I dont know any specifics. 90's was when the games started to reach a 3D era, but werent quiet there yet untill late 90's early 2000's.... early 2000's 3D was big and kept growing, and now were entering a state of motion control, there are systems indevelopment for x box where the player is literaly the controler, its not like wii theres nothing to hold its just pure motion sensing technoligy.

but again I'm not sure. Games have gone through a lot of stages.
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Offline DancingTofu

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2009, 12:21:04 am »
I'm still waiting for some big producer to pick up my concept of games that write their script into the dream complex in the human brain, so that gaming is just a matter of sleeping.  This would allow for timelines adjusted to realistic interpretation (play for an hour, and let's say that's 2 days in game time.  You'd actually fully experience 2 days because the brain is capable of interpreting time differently while sleeping.  Online games could also automatically adjust for lag by just reducing the brain's clocking mechanisms while dealing with the lag, so games would be essentially lag-free.  Such a system could also be controller free; all that would be necessary is a stasis device controlled directly by the brain and an interface which could interact between the player and the system.

Makes motion sensors seem pretty lame IMO.

Also, pong was first released in arcades in 1972, and is considered the first game to be played on a video screen.  AKA the first video game.
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #23 on: June 18, 2009, 01:13:21 am »
ah : o so 70's it is then. see I just odnt really know much xD the only pong I play is on me Atari, : ) It's still fun!

sounds complex ._. but possible, the question is how the systems could manipulate the human brain like that. perhaps a form of inbedded hypnotism?
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2009, 01:24:25 am »
Although I believe there are widely said to be seven distinct generations (single-game consoles/TV overlay consoles/consoles without microprocessors, Atari 2600, NES, SNES/Genesis, N64/PS/Saturn, Dreamcast/Xbox/PS2/GameCube, 360/PS3/Wii), you could broadly say there are three large generations.

The first was games largely without "levels" or "game worlds" and featured a single game mechanic. Sound was sporadic and crude and graphics were the most primitive that allowed gameplay objects to be distinguished, with enormous pixels and minimal (if any) coloring.

The second was the "2D" era. These games featured detailed, representational, full-color graphics, large game worlds, and fully composed background music.

The third and current is the "3D" era. These games also include vast amounts of multimedia, such as fully-voiced games and in-game video.

Innovations in controllers happened at each generation, so I don't think control defines them. Similarly, online play, although only having really exploded this generation, was seen as far back as the SNES and Genesis (yes, there were little-known accessories and services that actually worked on those systems), so I don't think it's defining.

Obviously, there are huge differences between the earliest and latest games within each of the broadest generations.
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2009, 01:35:18 am »
jeff: if you want to get into it there is  diffrence i your first generation : o when looking at some of my atari games they are the basic, there is one simple goal and it greatly just resembles small meanual tasks peoplemake into games. however there is some great complexity to some of them as compared to the simple first games. again ill go back to pong: objective was simpley to not let the ball pass your line. but another game I have on my attari is again a game where I dont know the name because my cartridge got scrached >_>;;; but i just call it round up, the goal there is to locate a certain heard of animals that escaped and then manover them into their own sectors and cutting off the stampede. the simple games started to at least develope a plot or something to releate it to real life where as the earlist games are just mear test runners. and even looking into 3D there are at least two widly diffrent generations as in the first ones (going back to dark cloud) had two dementional faces, and many things were cartoonized to hide limitations the graphic designers couldnt animate at the time because of lack of technolodgy (not a game but like Tom from Toonami, they couldnt animate his face so they covered it in a mask) compare dark cloud to lets say KH2. for one there arent voices in Dark cloud, just very badly translated scripts. Your main character also never says a thing. Though things had a 3D eliment you could tell the limitations of the animators where they would often have to make short cuts because they didnt posses the means to make it all 3D, such as faces where the details such as eyes nose and mouth just kind of look painted on. in KH2 some of the cut scenes are amazingly realistic to a point (namley the opening, caribian island world, and the ending scene) that really astounds me.

but if your just going basics then there is the first ones, the 2D, and the 3D : o
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #26 on: June 18, 2009, 01:52:13 am »
Yeah, there are large differences between each sub-generation, so it's hard to make a cutoff, but I think the differences between Atari 2600 and NES, and between SNES and N64, are significantly larger overall than the differences between some other generations.

I know on the Atari 2600, there were Pinball and Adventure, which can definitely be said to have "levels" and a "game world", respectively. But even these were far more primitive than the expansive and well-defined worlds in such early NES games as Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and Metroid (note that all three of these games heavily used techniques that caused repetitions in levels and repeating segments--in Super Mario Bros., note the level layout re-use, and how most blocks are positions at two specific "height" rows--or how every room in Zelda's underworld is one of a small number of repeating patterns, and overworld layouts repeat the same block columns--or the long, repeating chambers in Metroid).

3D games existed for SNES and games with video existed on Genesis (with the Sega CD accessory), and even existed way back in 1984 in the arcade with LaserDisc.

I don't mean to imply that all new games have all the new elements--many new games still are 2D, don't have "worlds", or don't have voice or video, but these new things were some of the defining characteristics of their associated generations.

This categorization also doesn't account for PC games (especially in the 80s-90s, where the types of games and technologies were wildly and vastly different between consoles and PCs until converging in the early 00s), nor the new and thriving mobile platforms and "inexpensive" download-to-own stores on each of the three current consoles.
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #27 on: June 18, 2009, 02:14:01 am »
PC games are in their own little world..... >_>

if you look back at it the Mario Bros was probaly one of the first ones to have real depth to it, and yeah it was very repetitive. I dont know much about the Zelda seres, I know unlike what some kids my age think the Game Cube game of Zelda was not the start of the story arc and I believe the franchise started back in the 90's.....

but sorry off track @_@ anyways mario bros was the first one I believe to really turn a story into a game, but it still utilized very basic graphics not to many notchs above atari games : o what defined it was the actual progression into developing a now widly growing genere of RPG's, which are in a sense a story that you have to tell your self with a controller. Mario, Mega Man, and Zelda are some of the first and prime examples of these games because although they utilized the primitive graphics they took the contex into their own design.

and as far as still keeping 2D graphics in modern games go its now becoming more rare ocurance sadly. One of the best 2D games released in recent years thats NOT for the PC or a Handheld gaming system, was probaly Super Paper Mario, which even then let you "flip into the 3D dimension" 2D games are sadly falling by the waste side as im guessing the masses enjoy games that seam a bit more real to them, something where as the main character they can really picture it and compare to it. Grand theft auto comes to mind as that is a HUGE popular game that has captivated many not ussualy gamers, and i believe its because of the rural setting and realistic graphis and setting.

2D games are now mostly found in fan made bases. a lot of die hard gamer fans take 8bit graphics and develope their own games right from their desktops then upload them for the masses to enjoy. the megaman franchise also did something similar by releasing a totaly new game in the series but in the traditional graphics format. THe thins with these games are though, as they are now not the new hot thing they have to make up for it. what once amazed the players with these games in their early realses was the sheer difficulty of now not just getting passed a few levels or beating your friend, but completing the story. that concept has been devloped far enough that games often feel they need the graphics as the 3D offers new stratigy techniques to make it more of a challenge. the newer 8bit graphic games are INCREDIBLEY difficult, what they dont have in show and graphics they make up for in difficulty.
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #28 on: June 18, 2009, 05:39:11 am »
Actually, Donkey Kong is widely cited as the first game to ever have a clear, original, and intentional storyline around which the game was created.  However, since Mario Bros. spawned from Donkey Kong, there's still some truth to that.

Probably one of the most widely played games today is Dokutsu Monogatari (Cave Story), a freeware game animated in a 16-bit style created by a fellow who goes by the alias "Pixel".  This game really highlights the notion that modern game designers are slacking off on a lot of fronts.  The deep storyline, multiple endings, solid gameplay mechanics, and excellent soundtrack were generated by some guy in his basement just for fun.  The game is pretty much as perfect as a game could be.  It's the perfect length story-wise, and has favourable endings for any level of difficulty.  Novices can beat the game without any great amounts of frustration, but Experts can also fight their way through the hellish secret level and get the best ending possible, while also getting even deeper into the game's enthralling storyline.  This game alone puts the entire history of the gaming industry to shame IMO.
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2009, 08:02:20 am »
Also this thread makes me wish my N64 was working so I could play some Goldeneye. I loved that game so much, can't believe the amount of time my friends and I spent playing that back in the day. There was a very large amount of time spent in Gauntlet Legends as well.
remember when it would lag when everybody used RCP90's at once?
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2009, 05:28:55 pm »
Now that you mention it, I do remember that.  That was one of the issues with the N64; some of the games actually would cause it to lag.  I can't think of any others off of the top of my head, but I seem to recall it being the only true console which I've had lag, except maybe the fat PS2's.  The PSP's Ad-hoc games sometimes have some degree of lag, such as minions not syncing perfectly in Monster Hunter games, but that's not really lag in the typical sense.
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #31 on: June 20, 2009, 12:34:46 am »
Also this thread makes me wish my N64 was working so I could play some Goldeneye. I loved that game so much, can't believe the amount of time my friends and I spent playing that back in the day. There was a very large amount of time spent in Gauntlet Legends as well.
remember when it would lag when everybody used RCP90's at once?

Haha, yesss! Oh man I so want to do some multiplayer of Goldeneye right now <.<
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #32 on: June 29, 2009, 02:11:50 pm »
I started reading this thread and my first thought was, "what is this 'dark cloud'?"   
I'd expected people to be talking about the old classics like Pong or vector graphics games or other monochrome games. Yes, I got an Atari 2600 when they first came out... and yes, I played Pong on an old black & white tv.   :D

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2009, 12:59:12 pm »
I was raised a gamer XD
Was playing the original Bionic Commando when I was two
Though I mostly remembered my SNES and programming an old as hell Commodore 64 lol
Been gaming forever. I remember the Golden Age of RPGs. Earthbound and FF5 will always be greats
Then came the PS1, revolutionized RPGs, and the 64 revolutionized platformers
Then we got the PS2, and the greatness just kept a-commin'

Now we have a trend we it's FASHIONABLE to be a gamer. Where our passions are marketable, and we get cheap and easy games that could have been great.
Don't get me wrong, I love a lot of new games. But they don't have the same difficulty MegaMan had. Or the impossibleness of most older games.
Whatever sells is whatever gets made, and easy games sell T_T

Sorry for the rant, but what can we do? At least we still get games like the newest Ninja Gaiden series! Such a difficult game T_T
And hey! Fighters get nothing but better everyday! (Arksys ftw! Thank you for GG and BlazBlue!!!)
But shooters, platformers, and alot of action games are unappealing to me for the most part. I like a challenge >:3

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #34 on: July 20, 2009, 09:26:02 pm »
Finally, someone else says "Commodore 64" :D

I was raised on an Amiga 500.  My mom wouldn't let us have a console so instead my sister and I grew up playing games on our dad's C64 and later M.A.M.E. on his Windows 95 computer. :D  Finally got a Nintendo 64 in 1999. :P
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #35 on: August 10, 2009, 04:31:06 am »
I consider myself an "old school gamer." I have played Dragon Warrior 1 hundreds of times (even beat it before level 15 >.>) and love learning about the history of video games. I feel fortunate enough to have lived in a time when Atari and Nintendo were synonymous with "video games" and wouldn't trade that for the world.

As such, it bothers me a little when people consider anything after 1990 "old school." I'm gonna bank that on me refusing to accept I'm getting older than anything else. Some of the best games ever were older and classic games. You simply can't replace them with any amount of sequels.

I'm an RPG fan and I have YET to find a system that really compares with the NES and SNES... As far as I'm concerned, the best RPGs were released between those two systems: Chrono Trigger (in my opinion? The best RPG ever), Dragon Warrior 1 - 4 (with Dragon Warrior 4 being the best game ever created, in my opinion), Lufia, Breath of Fire, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Mario RPG, Final Fantasy 2/4, Final Fantasy 3/6 and a whole slough of others to have come out during that time.

That said, modern games and systems aren't exactly things to look over... Since some absolutely amazing games have been released in recent years.

But would I have rather grown up during the modern time or an older period in the history of gaming? There's simply no way I'd even imagine it.
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #36 on: August 10, 2009, 10:05:01 pm »
But would I have rather grown up during the modern time or an older period in the history of gaming? There's simply no way I'd even imagine it.

There would be one benefit--instead of begging your parents (or paying yourself) for $50-$60 games, if you grew up a couple generations later, you could get the used ones for $5-$10. :)
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #37 on: August 10, 2009, 10:28:56 pm »
Ya but some of the old school games are up there in price

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #38 on: August 10, 2009, 10:30:30 pm »
here's an old school game that would test how good you really are. It's called the painstation. It was made in germany and was a simple game of pong. But here's the catch, if you loose on a round, you take one of three different form's of painful torture. You will get shocked, whipped, or burned. All I have to say is I will never play that game, even if I get really good again at pong.

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #39 on: August 16, 2009, 09:00:54 pm »
Word Munchers anyone?

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #40 on: August 16, 2009, 09:34:32 pm »
Yeah, I played quite a bit of SuperMunchers way back when.
Can't comment on the 80's, but I sure can on the 90's! I can look fondly on some of the games of my childhood, but that doesn't excuse the fact there was just as much  crap in the 90's as there is now. I don't miss games' inconsistent pricing in the 90's: some games costing 80-90 bucks... after inflation you're talking in the ballpark of 150 dollars for a game in today's cash. I do miss some of the artwork of 90's game companies, particularly ELF.
And yes, Doukutsu is a fun game, but to call the storyline deep or poignant is a gross overstatement.

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #41 on: August 16, 2009, 09:50:40 pm »
Yes when they wanted 50dollars for sonic the hedgehog on sega genesis, and every other game that was newly released, I would call that overpriced.  I don't remember having more then a few games per system as they came out due to those retarded prices.  It's scary to compare the amount my friends had to mine.  4 vrs 20 or more?.. floppy disc slightly outdated computer games for the apple was the best.. had a tutor with a ton of them.  I'd still play them today if I could find them, though I'm sure 5 minutes worth of searching for an emulator and DL the game is all it would take to be playing them again.  Resulting to piracy = blah

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #42 on: August 17, 2009, 06:53:04 pm »
Original 64 Mario Carts all of the way!
I also have that one where you talk to Pikachu... I can't find my microphone though...
Banjo and Kazzoie are the best! I have them on Game Boy advanced as well as Nintendo 64!
I also have the original Gameboy (not gameboy color) Mario. I jacked my cousins when I was 5. I wanted that game.
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #43 on: August 18, 2009, 02:29:58 am »
Mmm.. original gameboy.  Lets see, I had the whiteish one when it came out after a few days/weeks  that cost 100$! but I think it came with my choice of 1-2 games.  Pretty sure one was mario and the other i got was bubble bobble the most freaking awesome game ever, not to mention the most annoying sounding game I have ever played.  100 levels of  the same few sounds looped non stop and then dieing to a boss 20+ times before figuring out his movement patterns.  I also got a clear one :D  yay wires.

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #44 on: August 19, 2009, 05:55:03 pm »
Don't the clear gameboys make you happy?
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #45 on: August 20, 2009, 12:39:45 pm »
They sure do, it's like seeing the leaves change color in the fall, or how the muscles in the body move, its fascinating.

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #46 on: September 12, 2009, 03:14:36 am »
If you were gay, that'd be okay.

I'm mean cause hey, I'd like you anyways.

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #47 on: September 12, 2009, 05:21:35 am »
Man, I gotta get my Galaga fix on monday.

Gotta also find time for Bubble Bobble, Joust, DDR, Raiden II, and Tetris too. :P

I have to stop going months at a time without visiting Ground Kontrol.
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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2009, 09:43:25 am »
Man, I gotta get my Galaga fix on monday.

Gotta also find time for Bubble Bobble, Joust, DDR, Raiden II, and Tetris too. :P

I have to stop going months at a time without visiting Ground Kontrol.
i love all those games and thats why i own them and play thim all the time just not ddr no one loves ddr

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Re: Old School gamers
« Reply #49 on: September 12, 2009, 11:53:11 am »
Haha, DDR... synchronized flail fail.

I had a party game party with my gamer friends and my friend Misato who was a foreign exchange student at the time,

One nerd, "Oh shi-, here comes the Asian."
Misato, "Uh, I don't play DDR."

awkward silence ensues before an incredulous, "... but you're Japanese!"

"yes, Japanese, not awkward American boy..."
If you were gay, that'd be okay.

I'm mean cause hey, I'd like you anyways.