I look so normal, if people knew me for MONTHS they're surprized when I show them pictures of my cosplays.
That is, if they never come in to my room XD
It's got tables everywhere for carving things on, and half made props everywhere XD
Not to mention the wigs >.> THOSE ARE EVERYWHERE!
-I'm pretending to be Irene now-
If someone who hated nerds walked in to my room, they'd die of nerd OD. Hell, they'd die when they walked in the front door with my Yuffie and Sasuke Stars.
-Me again-
I died my hair pink last year. I don't mean streaks, I bleached the whole damn thing, and dyed it pink.
http://i430.photobucket.com/albums/qq29/soundninja12/Kumoricon/101_0189.jpg It was like that for months.
Believe me, I know weird looks.