A thread designed specifically for worriers? : O I'm so happy this is here.
Okay, so I know that I'm going to have to drop at least one, if not two of my cosplays for this year because I lack money and time. I still need to go to a wig store with my sister to get her wig (yes I worry about my sibling's cosplays as well XD). I need to go to a craft store and get stuff to make wings! DX Then I need to actually make the wings. Need to find a good suit, hopefully at Goodwill. I hope my colored contacts get here before Kumoricon. If I have extra money, I should buy a black wig for myself, and cut and dye my hair like Demyx's so that I only have to drop one cosplay. If I do that then I'll need to get some flat-iron hairspray.
*deep breath* Then I have to worry about school. It starts on the 27th for me. D: Luckily my school is online so I have an uber-flexible schedule. Then for actually going to the con, I get to go on pre-reg friday, which I've never done before. I have to think of something good to bring to the Hetalia potluck. I also have to be the responsible adult in the hotel room for a few friends. I'm going to fret endlessly about being packed and prepared, even before I go. Which doesn't make sense, since if i forgot something completely vital I could just take the max home and back in two hours. XD
So basically, I just need to relax and hope that everything turns out alright. And also not give myself an ulcer from worrying too much. ='D