The events I enjoyed this year were few, but nonetheless...
Hentai panel - This was hilarious, especially because I was sitting next to a female friend of mine who has a weak stomach for anything related to anal sex. Her reactions, especially to the last hentai they played (involving test tubes EXT), were priceless.
Anime Hunters - This year's panel was hilarious as always, even though I ended up standing in the back after standing in line for half an hour >_<. I'm glad RDK increased the font size he was using, because I'm near-sighted and it was very hard to read the screen at first.
Opening Ceremonies - Made awesome because of the Anime Hunters. Not sure whether I liked the skit from this year or last year best...
Anime That Scarred Me For Life - Another reliably awesome panel. No matter how many times I go to it, it's always great.
Dark Horse Panel - In the seven conventions I've attended, I've almost never touched industry panels. On Sunday, nothing was going on that interested me, so I decided to stop by. Good decision. The Dark Horse guys were awesome, and really seemed like they had a deep knowledge when it comes to manga. The name-dropping of Kaiji and The World Is Mine was enough to make me extremely happy, even if it wasn't associated with licensing or anything.
...I think that's pretty much it in terms of official events, sadly. The exhibitors hall was decent, though not exceptional. Most of my money went to Cosmic Monkey, though I also got a few nice t-shirts. The CGL meet-up was entertaining. The most fun I had was probably late Sunday night, when I went around talking to random girls. Had really fun conversations with five different girls, and ended up acquiring some contact information, so that was nifty. It was also fun to get together with some of my friends who I only really see at conventions. Overall, the con was pretty fail and I'll probably be skipping it in favor of Sakuracon next year, but still, had some fun.