Well, Sak did it because, as has been said, thier room blocks at other hotels help them subsidize space. We cannot do that here in Portland. There is a one-time grant that we are eligable for from the city of Portland to help us make the jump, but it is one time only.
How to explain this another way ...
Seattle goes: Hey, cons generate money for the city. Let's let you have space for your event at a reduced price.
Portland goes: err.... you want what?
Past the first year, our costs at the Portland convention center would be much higher than Sak's at the Seattle convention center. So, we'd both be convention center cons, but the amount we can spend on bringing in cool stuff would be alot less. Even if we charged the same amount for badges, we'd still get much less money per attendee to fund the con.
At the Portland Convention Center, even if we charge the same amount for badges and have the exact same attedance, we'd still have less money for guests and programming than Sak.
I am not saying that we should never go to the convetion center, I am just trying to explain why we haven't yet.
Oh my gosh! This is amazing news to hear! You have no idea how helpful you have been Rathany!
This is the kind of information we as metro-area (well... I used to be... stupid economy!) Citizens
need to know. If the Portland community wants bussiness and convention expose's that bring in money
carrying fanatics who would like nothing more than to spend money on local food shops, hotel rooms and
entertainment in the area while going to a convention for something they love, then they need to know that
the conventions will need a little subsidization assistance! We as citizens can start pulling for this....
So thats our job fellow grunts of the forum! Use your writing and blogging skills to start littering city hall
with concerns and endorsements of convention attendance and it's affect on the economy. We can poll
local business in the hilton area and maybe even get them to agree to sign an affadavit saying that their
bussiness was greatly increased by the convention goers and that they would like to see more of this to help
their businesses out of economic turmoil! Small business is really hurting right now, I know that I personally
took some of my Willamette valley friends down to Rocco's and had some GREAT pizza for an amazing price,
when we came back we were talking it up and eventually a LOT of people started heading down that way
looking for a good local meal (as opposed to Carl's Jr. and the like... which were also helped by our con!)
This is what we need to show the City of Portland! And those of us outside the city and metro limits need to
emplore the city to be welcoming and helpful to a convention that gets us into their city to spend money.
Its as good a reason as I need to save up money for a trip into Stumptown and I'm sure a lot of the parents
of kids (above 14 obviously) who didnt feel like sitting in panels of anime kookoo-ness all day, went out into
P-town to explore the pearl, old town and more! What a great booster! And the more people we get, the more
oppourtunity we have to bring money into the economy... think about how much revenue the Bridal show brings
in to local businesses! It was always a HUGE deal... and brides are already spending tons on wedding stuff...
we may be paying a ton for our anime and manga and paraphenalia.... but we rely on the outlying area for
last minute costume additions, food and most importantly... ENERGY DRINKS!!
....okay... maybe it's just me who has to have a flat of bawls next year if she's gonna survive the convention....