Author Topic: Panels you attended or took part in this year  (Read 7506 times)

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Offline PaladinCecil79

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Panels you attended or took part in this year
« on: September 08, 2009, 06:51:54 pm »
I've got some panel-related questions I'd like to drill you on.

1. What all panels did you host or attend and what did you think of them?
2. If you hosted any panels, which did you enjoy doing the most?
3. Of all the panels you attended, which ones were your favorite and which ones would you like to see next year?

Offline Cassiopeia

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2009, 07:02:55 pm »
1. Hosted: Host Club Tea Party, Cake on a Plane, Cosplay Choreography Contest. Attended: Forum Meet-Up, Slightly Anime Dating Game, Hetalia PJ Party.
2. I enjoyed the Host Club Tea Party the most, despite the first shift and other numerous problems. :L The CoaP panel was a lot better than I expected and I had a lot of fun with that one as well. The CCC was pretty much a flop compared to what I wanted it to be, but I know why that was and hopefully I can fix that for next time. At least some people seemed to enjoy it.
3. I wasn't at all of them for the whole time, but just based on the time that I was, the Forum Meet-Up panel was my favorite. I'd like to see all of them next year, maybe with more Hetalia-related content in the Hetalia PJ Party if it happens again.
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Offline DancingTofu

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2009, 08:26:22 pm »
This year, my eighth convention, I attended my first two panels.

The forum meetup panel was quite silly and enjoyable.

The Oftenly Renamed Panel was brotastic, and if I don't get a 3-hour-long, 18+ version at 2am for MEW Con, I WILL cry and there WILL be casualties. ;]
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Offline Hoshikage

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2009, 08:39:02 pm »
1. What all panels did you host or attend and what did you think of them?

I hosted and/or helped out with Advanced Cosplay: Props & Accessories (not the weapons one, the one on Saturday), Cosplay Skits 101, Asian Ball-Joint Dolls, and Advanced Sewing and Patternmaking. I was busy. Between all that and the cosplay contest, I didn't wind up attending anything else except Cuddly Cosplay at the very end... ^^;

2. If you hosted any panels, which did you enjoy doing the most?

Probably my favorite was the Accessories one. There were a lot of great questions, everyone seemed to be having fun, and there were even some cool suggestions for things that I hadn't heard of. I didn't quite get to cover everything I wanted to, and next year I should definitely ask for a panel room instead of the Workshop so as to have more chairs, but overall I think it was a good experience.

3. Of all the panels you attended, which ones were your favorite and which ones would you like to see next year?

Well... I guess I can't really answer this one. ^^;

Offline Bresslol

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2009, 08:39:15 pm »
1. Hosted Press Your Luck. Our room was packed, and we had some amazingly close and epic wins. Crowd seemed to love it. Took part in Anime Match Game, Fanfic Parody Improv, and Gong Show. All three were incredible for their own reasons (Match game for somehow combining a joke based on Snow White, the Carpenters, and passing gas, Fanfic for the sheer ridiculousness, Gong Show thanks to Jesus crashing the party). Attended Dark Horse and Random Panel IV. Dark Horse was neat with all the anime the provided (as well as a pretty darn cute Little Red Riding Hood done manga style), Random Panel IV was full of the hilarity.

2. Well besides giving prizes away, I enjoyed interacting with new people and having fun.

3. I enjoyed all of the panels I attended. I'd be disappointed if they did not happen in 2010.

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2009, 08:43:25 pm »
I only attended two panels and those were the Forum Meet-up panel, and the Dubbing Session with Kirk Thornton.
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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2009, 08:51:55 pm »
I went to Para Para and it was awesome!

Offline Tygati

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2009, 08:53:57 pm »
By far my favorite was the Cosplay props & weaponry one. Extremely informative, despite the, ah, technical hiccups. :) Good presenter(s), very knowledgeable. They'll probably be getting peppered with emails as soon as the roomie and I attempt to put our newfound knowledge into practice.

We caught the tail end of the wig one, but couldn't really hear much. There were two late-night panels we attended, but I'll elect not to speak of those.

My roomie attended the Advanced sewing & patterning panel without me. He liked it, but felt it would have been better as a single-presenter panel rather than a group panel. I believe he mentioned the panelists not even being aware that it was going to be a group panel, which undoubtedly didn't help matters any. Still, he did say the techniques were solid, which is high praise coming from my perfectionist fashion-major roomie. :)

We also attended the BJD panel, which I didn't really get anything out of, but the newbies seemed to do so. It was kind of awkward having it right next door to a very loud panel... something to do with music... but due to space constraints I don't think that could be helped. It would have been nice to have more of "this is what's available" rather than "this is what I use", but time constraints may factor into that a bit.

I didn't realize until after we got home that the goodie bags had actual descriptions of what each panel was. The titles of many were confusing or misleading, especially as I had planned out our panels via the PDF schedule on the website before we ever got to the convention. Might be nice to have those little write-ups similarly available alongside the schedule prior to con-time, so that clueless idiots like me aren't quite so confused when Panel X turns out to have nothing to do with X.

Offline Romo

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2009, 08:57:13 pm »
1) I went to: Cosplay Fashion Show, Ouran Tea Party (Session 2), Dubbing Panel w/ Kirk Thornton, Press Your Luck at Kumoricon!, and Cosplay Chess. I thought most of them were really fun, and in fact would go to them again. The only one I found not as great was the Tea Party (sad to say). Only because I got a little bit behind at the very start and ended up being last in line, thus last to sit down and was at the very back of the room; where I could neither hear what was going on at the front nor did anyone in the area I was seated in really get any attention. Next year work on making sure the whole room is being included.

2) I didn't host any panels this year.

3) My favorite would have to be Cosplay Chess, but I'd enjoy seeing all of the panels listed again next year. Cosplay Chess has always been a favorite of mine since I've been participating in it for years now, so I guess it's just something I always get mega excited for!~
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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2009, 08:59:44 pm »
Oh yes, and I was in Cosplay Chess which I loved. Cosplay Chess is what makes Mondays awesome <3

Offline Meganekko

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2009, 09:09:22 pm »
Slightly Anime Dating Game
Cosplay Chess
Anything and Everything (Not sure if that was the real title, but it was with Beau and another Chair/Staffer)

Participated in the Cosplay Fashion Show and Anime that Scarred me for Life.

Hosted nothing...

Actually most of these are long time favorites of mine.  This was my first year in the Cosplay Fashion Show, which scared the bejeezus out of me, but was cool.  I'll do it again next year hopefully.  Actually I had the most fun in the Anything Panel but that might have to do with the fact that it was tiny, I was sleep deprived, and we got Beau to tell some great stories as well as get questions about the con answered.  I'd like to see them all again next year, since these specific panels are the main reason I come back every year.
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Offline Hoshikage

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2009, 09:46:07 pm »
My roomie attended the Advanced sewing & patterning panel without me. He liked it, but felt it would have been better as a single-presenter panel rather than a group panel. I believe he mentioned the panelists not even being aware that it was going to be a group panel, which undoubtedly didn't help matters any. Still, he did say the techniques were solid, which is high praise coming from my perfectionist fashion-major roomie. :)

We also attended the BJD panel, which I didn't really get anything out of, but the newbies seemed to do so. It was kind of awkward having it right next door to a very loud panel... something to do with music... but due to space constraints I don't think that could be helped. It would have been nice to have more of "this is what's available" rather than "this is what I use", but time constraints may factor into that a bit.

Your roommate is correct; due to some kind of massive miscommunication (as in, no one actually mentioned anything about this to the panelists...), two of the panelists thought that they were the only ones running the panel, and the other two panelists thought that they were the only ones. As such, there was no chance to confer about what to cover in what sort of order, and things were rather more disorganized than any of us would have preferred. (Usually we try to make an effort to hash these things out at least somewhat ahead of time...)

Sorry that the BJD panel wasn't to your taste; usually when I've attended these in the past, it consisted pretty much entirely of "there's these dolls and this is how you buy them," so I made it a goal to at least cover some more hands-on aspects of ownership like restringing and such. It was really distracting having all that music coming through the wall though, so I wasn't as able to focus as I would have liked, and it was hard to balance trying not to leave the newer people behind with still covering some more advanced info. My helpful ally and I have already discussed ways to cover more in-depth stuff next year (assuming I'm able to give the panel next year...), maybe even demonstrate some aspects of faceup technique or something. Really, two panels would be more useful than one, but, uh... I don't think I'd be up to the challenge of giving two by myself. ^^;
« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 09:46:51 pm by Hoshikage »

Offline Tygati

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2009, 10:12:22 pm »
Sorry that the BJD panel wasn't to your taste; usually when I've attended these in the past, it consisted pretty much entirely of "there's these dolls and this is how you buy them," so I made it a goal to at least cover some more hands-on aspects of ownership like restringing and such. It was really distracting having all that music coming through the wall though, so I wasn't as able to focus as I would have liked, and it was hard to balance trying not to leave the newer people behind with still covering some more advanced info. My helpful ally and I have already discussed ways to cover more in-depth stuff next year (assuming I'm able to give the panel next year...), maybe even demonstrate some aspects of faceup technique or something. Really, two panels would be more useful than one, but, uh... I don't think I'd be up to the challenge of giving two by myself. ^^;

Two would definitely be more useful, one for beginners and one for advanced, but even just on a beginner level, I've been walking a friend through the BJD basics and found that a lot of the things I've been careful to explain to her were left out or skipped over. I remember the eye putty conversation, particularly, as standing out. Only one type was really covered, but there are several other types out there, some of which might be easier to use, IMHO. I know that was one of the things I struggled with at the very beginning.

It might not be very practical, but a little handout of some sort might also be nice. Sort of a brief handbook on what NOT to do, and some of the various pros and cons to different methods used for standard things like cleaning, faceupping, stringing, and eye putty. Visual aids would also be good. The box for Mr. Clean Magic Erasers would have been very nice for the newbies. Likewise on the package for your white-tak, since most people retain things easier visually than audibly.

Offline AzuKyo

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2009, 11:29:43 pm »

1. What all panels did you host or attend and what did you think of them?

Co-host for Random Panel and Official Judge for Anime Jeopardy; Attended pretty much every panel with Carl Horn and a good portion of Jason Thompson's panels. Stopped by the Oftenly Renamed Panel and watched a portion of Off Hours AMVs with Guy.

2. If you hosted any panels, which did you enjoy doing the most?

Anime Jeopardy by far. It was pretty much a flawless victory this year in terms of putting it on.

3. Of all the panels you attended, which ones were your favorite and which ones would you like to see next year?

Look Back in Manga with Carl Horn and Jason Thompson. Fascinating stuff.
RANDOM PANEL 2009! Anime Jeopardy 2009!

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Offline Rushifa

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2009, 10:42:50 am »
I didn't make it to very many panels, but I really enjoyed the ones I did get to!

The Wig Styling panel was very useful and information, though maybe next year it could be separated into a beginning and an advanced panel, since I felt much of it got taken up with basic information, which I personally didn't need as much of.  I would have liked more time spent on techniques for shaping different wigs, and maybe even how to incorporate accessories with wigs.  Overall though, a very good panel!

The Advanced Sewing and Patterning panel was also very good.  I missed the beginning, but got a lot of helpful information out of the later part.  I wasn't bugged by it being a group panel, I thought it worked out well and offered more points of view.  I already feel the itch to try out some of the techniques that were touched on, and I need Pattern Master and a ruffle foot STAT.

My request next year would be to try not to schedule costuming panels on top of each other.  I wanted to go to the weapons and accessories panel and the wig styling panel, but had to choose between them.  

Also, I didn't make it to them myself, but my friends reported very negatively about a lot of the writing panels.  It sounds like some people running them were giving out blatantly wrong information, or presenting style choices as hard facts.

Also, I desperately wanted to make it to the LGBTQ panel, but since it was in the middle of the cosplay contest, I wasn't able to.  I know it's very hard to try and schedule everything around the big events, but maybe panels could happen multiple days, so people have more chance to get to them?  Anyway, that may be impossible, and I know you guys do what you can!

Overall I was very happy with the variety of panels this year.  I didn't even make it to that many, but just flipping through the con handbook and reading about all of them made me very excited.  It seemed there was a lot to do this year, even if it all wasn't my thing.  Kudos!
« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 09:10:26 pm by Rushifa »

Offline shikyo

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2009, 06:34:46 pm »
1. What all panels did you host or attend and what did you think of them?
Not really a panel but the dolls meets, slightly anime dating game, yaoi panel, cosplay chess, doll panel, closing ceremonies.
They were all cool.  :)

3. Of all the panels you attended, which ones were your favorite and which ones would you like to see next year?
My all time favorites was the slightly anime dating game, I ROARED in that one, ie LMAO. That has been the best one EVER, loved the questions though it would be awesome to have an 18+ SADG, now that one would be hilarious!!
I also loved the Yaoi panel and seriously hope it's back next year, though I could ahve brought my many yaoi titles if someone had asked to which I offered before hand as we only watched 3 titles. This panel made the con worth all the hard time we got with everything involving the hotel. I truely had a fun time and can't wait for it next year, now only if we could go longer on this panel. XD Of course we went an hour over anyways, lol. Oh fun times.  ;D ;D

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2009, 12:49:28 pm »
1) I went to the Anime that Scarred me for Life panel, the Advanced Sewing and Patterning panel, got into the props/accessories panel and missed out on the weaponry one. (Who loves tiny rooms? No one!) oooh yes, also got in on The Gong Show. Couldn't forget that, even if I tried. ^ - ~

2) Hosted none, but am interested in doing so next year...

3) I <3 Anime that Scarred Me for Life, even if I keep wanting to get back in line slightly more often than I should. The cosplay panels were fantastic, I'm a mid-level cosplayer and it's really nice to find people who know more than me and get to pick their brains~.

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Offline xcthulhux

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2009, 12:57:25 pm »
I went to the forum meetup panel, and really enjoyed it, i went to the pocky club panel, and really enjoyed it, and co-hosted the oftenly renamed panel, which was a bucket o' fun/lulz.

i really suggest the oftenly renamed panel to anyone and everyone next year.

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2009, 02:45:03 pm »

1. What all panels did you host or attend and what did you think of them?

I helped my friends host the Crossplay 101 and late night Crossplay Untucked panels. Both were well attended and the audience asked some great questions about how to crossplay.

I Was in the Cosplay Chess games as a Bishop piece (Capt. Tessa on the winning girls side of course). Just like at Sakura-con these games were packed and if anything may need a larger venue. By the applause and cheering, I would say that they were as popular with the crowd as it is with us players. I do think that microphones overhead would have been nice so that you could better hear what the players were saying but we loved the chess board and arm bands that are used at Kumoricon. Very well coordinated by Jamiche.

I also attended my friends "Press Your Luck" game and laughed myself silly. Excellent game and if anything it could use a larger room next year.

The Sake tasting panel was just excellent. The history and culture of Sake along with the presentation by Marcus Pakiser make the panel shine.

2. If you hosted any panels, which did you enjoy doing the most?

I loved helping host the Crossplay panels. We all pitch in and bring different experiences to the panel to share. The questions of the audience really help us to custom taylor the panel to their needs.

3. Of all the panels you attended, which ones were your favorite and which ones would you like to see next year?

I really love the panels I helped with as they are a passion of mine but of the ones I attended, the Sake tasting and the Push your Luck panel really made my con. I think those are a must to have at Kumoricon.
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Offline HardstyleZombie

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2009, 09:16:07 pm »
i went to the forum meet up panel and it was great

went to the random panel of doom and well it was random

i was part of the oftenly renamed panel and all i have to say is pure epicness

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2009, 11:47:05 pm »
i was part of the oftenly renamed panel and all i have to say is pure epicness


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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2009, 11:53:24 pm »
Ha, plushie making. I sat next to people who talked about D and D for two hours. I was kind of hoping for an instructed class, but free fabric works for me!
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Offline PaladinCecil79

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2009, 10:20:38 pm »
1. I attended both of Cynthia Martinez's panels along with Kirk Thornton's Q&A. I also went to the Oftenly Renamed Panel, both Story Story Die panels and Mini-skirt Army. ORP was quite good and the SSD panels went over great, as usual. I also got to experience what they call Canadian Story Story Die, which is a more interactive way of playing it that they started doing in Canada.
The panels I hosted were The Anime List, Anime Christmas and Did Your Favorite Anime Jump the Shark. All of them went over well and I look forward to holding them again next year. The only regret I had doing them was I was a lot less focused when I did them. Because I've been doing panels for a couple of years, I don't know why it was so hard for me to focus. For those who attended any of my panels (especially the discussion panels), I want you to know that I don't normally make the mistakes that I made doing my panels the last weekend. That's the first time in a long time that I've done anything like that at my discussion panels and in the future, I'll be sure to be more careful.

2. The panel I enjoyed doing the most was Anime Christmas.

3. My favorite panels were Story Story Die and Fanfiction Bedtime.

You can see clips of my panels on the first two pages of my YouTube account at

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2009, 10:03:47 am »
Who here went to my panel? <.<

Offline HardstyleZombie

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2009, 05:36:54 pm »
Who here went to my panel? <.<
i did lololol

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2009, 10:20:05 pm »
I went to the intermediate prop making panel and I took over for Minilla in taking photos for Slightly Anime sense Brian ended up not being able to co-host with Sven.

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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2009, 09:12:06 pm »

1. I hosted the Forum Meet Up Panel, Pocky Club Presents, and the Girl Genius Dating Game. I went to the other Girl Genius panels, the Randomness of the Internets, and the Slightly Anime Dating Game. I think they were all great, even if we did have a hard time setting up the GG Dating Game (We really didn't know those doors were locked! Honest!)

2. I enjoyed the Forum Meetup Panel the most. The GG Dating Game was a panel because the idea was way too big for a cosplay contest skit.

3. I think they should all be back next year. Even if it means I have to come up with another dating game script. I think we need to be a little more clear on what we're going to show at the internet panel next year and definitely come more prepared for a long haul. Sleepy Mustash!

Oh, and our Zombie Lars was not supposed to be a rip off of the famous brains loving zombie that keeps showing up at the Slightly Anime Dating game. It's just a weird coincidence, I swear!
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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2009, 11:06:00 am »
I (co) hosted Beta Reading, Critiquing Fan Creations, and Religion in Anime & Manga. I also hosted Open Beta Time  and Creation Station Contest Winners Announcements & Prize Pick-Up. I further contributed to Fanfic 101/Q & A, a little to Original Fic Q & A, and then participated in the hilarity of Scenes from a Hat, Adult Story,Story,Die! and Fanfic Bedtime Stories. I couldn't imagine con without any of these and love them all!
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Re: Panels you attended or took part in this year
« Reply #28 on: September 18, 2009, 08:23:33 am »
Too many to remember...  Though I really liked listening to cynthia's stories :)
Yaoi crossplay... is actually Yuri.