Author Topic: Drugs at Con  (Read 22748 times)

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Re: Drugs at Con
« Reply #100 on: September 09, 2009, 10:54:32 pm »
Thanks for clearing that up, Rath. ^^ Well, in regards on what to do... with druggies, throwing them out and blacklisting is a must. I think calling the police and a room search, if they have a room, is a must as well. What I meant by a detox room wasn't holding them against their will or allowing it at all; if we release them to the streets, they could bother others as well, and maybe even congoers hanging out around the con area. They will be a danger to themselves and other people. I've seen it happen. Hell, in my opinion, best thing to do is hand them over to the cops or hotel security.

There should also be somewhere for drunks to go to as well, like maybe have a yoji or someone to help escort them to their room.

Thanks you, animeman; and yeah, I've experienced quite a bit over the years (someone on my dad's side of the family had the gall to steal his prescription painkillers before hospice even got his body out of our house) and you sort of hit the nail on the head with that one; I plan to get a doctorate in forensic psychology and possibly minor in nursing, I haven't decided yet. ^^ I agree with the plain clothes cops idea as well, if you see a cop you would be far more liekly to hide the drugs or be sneaky about using them then if you saw someone dressed normally. (I justh ad a picture of a cop dressed as Leon from RE)

Just because there high, you just can't call the cops. You really don't understand. How many times do I have to tell you all. IT IS NOT ILLEGAL TO BE HIGH. So how can you call the cops when there not breaking the law? Huh? Having it is illegal. I mean on your persons. I am a Yoji and I was put in charge of this. I'm trying to get a handle on this. You can't just throw them out as well. What happens if they do something out there and then the cops ask, where were you a few moments ago? What if we told the cops that we just let them go? Then we are the responsible party. Please think before you post.

<(._<) ^(._.)^ (>_.)>

Offline Rathany

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Re: Drugs at Con
« Reply #101 on: September 09, 2009, 10:56:19 pm »
Look, you really can't kick them out when there high because IT IS NOT ILLEGAL TO BE HIGH!

Sure you can, it doesn't have to be illegal, just against con rules.

i.e.; It's not illegal to be nude in public in Portland (Naked Bike Ride anybody?), but you can't be nude at con.

You can't kick them out if there nude as well. You just have to tell them to cover up. I know the con rules. I'm a Yojimbo.

If anyone decides to be nude at Kcon, then yeah, they are getting kicked out.  That is not ok.  They can run around in the streets nude, but not in event space.  

« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 11:01:31 pm by Rathany »
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Offline Koopa

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Re: Drugs at Con
« Reply #102 on: September 09, 2009, 11:08:03 pm »
Thank you for the input. Look, if everyone would read ALL the posts before posting then you would all know that K-con does not condone drugs. What about the legal drugs that are abused? And thank you Rathy. I love your opinions. People please read all the posts before replying. I'm trying to get something together for the board. I do not want to hear what you guys think about drugs just what you think should happen to people that use them. 

<(._<) ^(._.)^ (>_.)>

Offline reppy

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Re: Drugs at Con
« Reply #103 on: September 09, 2009, 11:12:03 pm »
Just because there high, you just can't call the cops. You really don't understand. How many times do I have to tell you all. IT IS NOT ILLEGAL TO BE HIGH. So how can you call the cops when there not breaking the law? Huh? Having it is illegal. I mean on your persons. I am a Yoji and I was put in charge of this. I'm trying to get a handle on this. You can't just throw them out as well. What happens if they do something out there and then the cops ask, where were you a few moments ago? What if we told the cops that we just let them go? Then we are the responsible party. Please think before you post.

What if they do something inside the con?  I mean, if we're so concerned that they might harm someone or themselves outside -- what about inside the convention?  And if we're genuinely concerned about that, why can't we call the police?  From what you say, being high isn't illegal -- but certainly threatening or dangerous behavior is worthy of a call to the police.

If someone is freaking out, then maybe there needs to be an ambulance called with a trained professional that can deal with this.  Regardless of how much experience you have dealing with people that have had bad trips, it is a bad idea for the liability for this person's life to lie on YOU or the convention.  If the person refuses treatment, then they did so by their own volition (if you consider someone that's high and unable to think straight capable of making an intelligent decision about their health and well-being).  I fail to see how this could then be the convention's responsibility.

I just flat out don't like the idea of a "quiet room" or "bad trip area."  It seems like the convention is condoning the behavior.  At what point is it no longer the convention's responsibility?  If they call the person's emergency contact and failing that attempt to arrange for a trip to an emergency room and they refuse, what more can the convention do?  It's not their responsibility to babysit someone that is high.  When the person took the drugs, they understood there was a certain amount of risk involved.  It is an unfair burden to place on the convention that these people should be watched after until they are "normal" again.  Are you comfortable making decisions about someone's life that could get you sued or jailed?  You seem incredibly worried about the convention getting in trouble for booting people to the curb, but what if someone dies on your watch?

Clark Anime:
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Offline Rathany

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Re: Drugs at Con
« Reply #104 on: September 09, 2009, 11:17:17 pm »
Everyone, this has been talked to death.  The Board is not interested in a survey of opinions about drug use.  I am going to lock this thread soon with a final Board statement if this continues. 
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Offline pepito

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Re: Drugs at Con
« Reply #105 on: September 09, 2009, 11:23:19 pm »

Thank you so much


Offline reppy

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Re: Drugs at Con
« Reply #106 on: September 09, 2009, 11:25:24 pm »
Yeah, this topic has been done to death. ^_^; It's pretty much going in circles now.

Clark Anime:
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Offline pepito

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Re: Drugs at Con
« Reply #107 on: September 09, 2009, 11:28:37 pm »
Also For the Record....

Relating to persons under the influence of a controlled
  substance; amending ORS 475.992.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
  SECTION 1. ORS 475.992 is amended to read:
  475.992. (1) Except as authorized by ORS 430.400, 475.005 to
475.285 and 475.940 to 475.995, it is unlawful for any person to
manufacture { + , + }   { - or - }  deliver { +  or be under the
influence of + } a controlled substance
. Any person who violates
this subsection with respect to:
  (a) A controlled substance in Schedule I, is guilty of a Class
A felony.
  (b) A controlled substance in Schedule II, is guilty of a Class
B felony.
  (c) A controlled substance in Schedule III, is guilty of a
Class C felony.
  (d) A controlled substance in Schedule IV, is guilty of a Class
B misdemeanor.
  (e) A controlled substance in Schedule V, is guilty of a Class
C misdemeanor.
  (2) Notwithstanding the placement of marijuana in a schedule of
controlled substances under ORS 430.400, 475.005 to 475.285 and
475.940 to 475.995:
  (a) Any person who delivers marijuana for consideration is
guilty of a Class B felony.
  (b) Any person who delivers, for no consideration, less than
one avoirdupois ounce of the dried leaves, stems and flowers of
the plant Cannabis family Moraceae is guilty of a Class A
misdemeanor, except that any person who delivers, for no
consideration, less than five grams of the dried leaves, stems
and flowers of the plant Cannabis family Moraceae is guilty of a
violation, punishable by a fine of not less than $500 and not
more than $1,000. Fines collected under this paragraph shall be
forwarded to the Department of Revenue for deposit in the
Criminal Fine and Assessment Account established in ORS 137.300.

  (3) Except as authorized in ORS 430.400, 475.005 to 475.285 and
475.940 to 475.995, it is unlawful for any person to create or
deliver a counterfeit substance. Any person who violates this
subsection with respect to:
  (a) A counterfeit substance in Schedule I, is guilty of a Class
A felony.
  (b) A counterfeit substance in Schedule II, is guilty of a
Class B felony.
  (c) A counterfeit substance in Schedule III, is guilty of a
Class C felony.
  (d) A counterfeit substance in Schedule IV, is guilty of a
Class B misdemeanor.
  (e) A counterfeit substance in Schedule V, is guilty of a Class
C misdemeanor.
  (4) It is unlawful for any person knowingly or intentionally to
possess a controlled substance unless the substance was obtained
directly from, or pursuant to, a valid prescription or order of a
practitioner while acting in the course of professional practice,
or except as otherwise authorized by ORS 430.400, 475.005 to
475.285 and 475.940 to 475.995. Any person who violates this
subsection with respect to:
  (a) A controlled substance in Schedule I, is guilty of a Class
B felony.
  (b) A controlled substance in Schedule II, is guilty of a Class
C felony.
  (c) A controlled substance in Schedule III, is guilty of a
Class A misdemeanor.
  (d) A controlled substance in Schedule IV, is guilty of a Class
C misdemeanor.
  (e) A controlled substance in Schedule V, is guilty of a
  (f) Notwithstanding the placement of marijuana in a schedule of
controlled substances under ORS 430.400, 475.005 to 475.285 and
475.940 to 475.995, any person who knowingly or intentionally is
in unlawful possession of less than one avoirdupois ounce of the
dried leaves, stems and flowers of the plant Cannabis family
Moraceae is guilty of a violation, punishable by a fine of not
less than $500 and not more than $1,000. Fines collected under
this paragraph shall be forwarded to the Department of Revenue
for deposit in the Criminal Fine and Assessment Account
established under ORS 137.300.
  (5) In any prosecution under this section for manufacture,
possession or delivery of that plant of the genus Lophophora
commonly known as peyote, it is an affirmative defense that the
peyote is being used or is intended for use:
  (a) In connection with the good faith practice of a religious
  (b) As directly associated with a religious practice; and
  (c) In a manner that is not dangerous to the health of the user
or others who are in the proximity of the user.
  (6) The affirmative defense created in subsection (5) of this
section is not available to any person who has possessed or
delivered the peyote while incarcerated in a correctional
facility in this state.

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Re: Drugs at Con
« Reply #108 on: September 09, 2009, 11:29:53 pm »
Aaaannnddd thats the curtain call I think *nods head*

Offline Koopa

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Re: Drugs at Con
« Reply #109 on: September 09, 2009, 11:34:19 pm »
All those are right other than being high, they changed that a while ago. I have talked to many cops. I really do thank you for pulling that info up. I will bring it to the board. THANK YOU ALL FOR THE INPUT! I will bring this to the next meeting. You all have been a great help!

<(._<) ^(._.)^ (>_.)>

Offline Rathany

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Re: Drugs at Con
« Reply #110 on: September 09, 2009, 11:36:25 pm »
Yeah, it looks like others agree that we want this dead.

Drugs = Bad, stupid, and will get you kicked out.  We also will not be shy about calling cops. 
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