RANDOM REVELATION IS RANDOM: ...Do you know how happy it'd make me to see a Crash town Kyousuke? DFgdsighdfjgdfg /dies. And I know that's random but I want to see it as bad as Coco wants to see Sherry... XD
@Coco: ...Yes, why would there be hot pink and CRAZY LIME COLORS if they're not going to have goldenrod-ish colors? o_o Patterns scare me. XDD I'm using a pattern for the first time with my FF cosplay, and I can't read the directions, OTL. XDD So unless I have a genius to help me with patterns next time (LOL, YOU), I feaaar. I feaaaaar the patterns. xD
If you want to attack him, then go for it. XDD By the time of the Yaoi/Yuri Picnic, we'll probably have my house settled (my mom just decided not to move [everyone in my family is extremely indecisive, changing their minds ten times a day .___.], so that I could finish school, so everyone's going crazy and, like... remodeling everything XD BUT SHHH, only you and Justine know this for sure-sure, yo~), so, you could probably stay the night if you wanted and we could corner crab-head. XD Also, if you come down for the meet-up, I planned on shoving my PSP and TF4 upon you, anyways, so. xD AND THEN WHEN TF5 COMES OUT, YOU CAN GET EXCITED FOR IT BECAUSE IMMA LET YOU PLAY. |: Also also hey how's Aki doing... |:
Wellll, I personally knew at least...five? People were going to come to the YGO shoot last year, and they didn't, and I know for a fact that they didn't have Cosplay Chess planned, so. xD I guess I'm basing my assumptions on that, but, still... orz. xD But, yeah. I totally forgot what I was going to say, so. XDD~
...Will you make me some veeeegan Crowiffic cookies. XDDD
@devyrae: I remember you. I'M A GENIUZ~
I wouldn't mind Sunday, but I'm not sure if being in the building would work out... An outside one would probably be best, I think...
@Neko: Who did you have in mind, if anyone? ^_^ And, yeah, maybe next year~
...We should go bowling again, yo. XDD
@GinKyubiKitsune: I like noon on Saturday, but... I'll have to ask Coco when she's checking into the hotel...
COCO WHEN ARE YOU CHECKING INTO THE HOTEL. XDD I've been meaning to ask you that, actually... Are you checking in on Friday, or Saturday? orz