Maybe I can try to start making Sniper Wolf in January. That way, if you need any help by the time you get back, I would be able to lend a hand >:3
You might as well go as the character you want to be, rather than lowering your standards. We have the technology! We can do EET. 8D
(I wonder if you could order your wig online a week or two before you come back. Then everything will already be there to start working on and we won't have to wait.)
Cloud, if you are able to do Snake then I am so teaching you the secret handshake-hug. IT MUST BE DONE!! And I will be practicing all year to try and sound like Christopher Randolph with my "SNAAAAAAAAAAKE!"
.... But no promises on how that one will turn out. XD;;
Er, and the facial hair thing... try asking any theater folk ya know? Also, Halloween is coming up so there might be some stuff available, like fake sideburns since Snake has a biiit of that goin' on most the time.
When I was sick with the con cold (and wanting to practice my Sniper Wolf accent), I had a really raspy voice and I'd lay in bed saying, "I am lung-shot. You cannot save me." After which, My boyfriend would turn to me and tell me to knock it off. XD
And then I'd continue by saying something like, "I was born on the battlefield..."
It was hilarious.