D8< It's not Krisi! It's Kisi or Kris!
Krisi is not gramatically correct! [/rips hair out] Why do people put an 'r' in my name all the time?!
Okay... Mayaan Grammer lesson 101!
Kisitiene = key-stan
You cannot have two consenants next to eachother! Every consenant must be seperated by a vowel. However, two vowels which are different may be next to eachother. Every same vowel next to eachother is canceled out. The 'i' in 'Ki' cancels out the 'i' in 'is' and 'ti.' The 'e' from 'e' cancels out the 'e' in 'ne.'
The 'i' makes the 'E' sound and the 'e' makes the 'A' sound! Thus, my Mayaan name of Kisitiene is pronounced key-stan.