Like I said in my edit (which may or may not have been there when you started your reply,
I apologize if that is the case, my thoughts came to me late) Its not like we are barred from
inviting someone who attends Sakura-con as a GoH. Its just (and I think this is reasonable)
smarter for the two main Anime conventions in the area to Diversify their guest list as best
they can. That doesn't mean that a guest who was at Sakuracon that year WONT be an
option for Kumoricon that same year, but it might be a good idea to explore other options too,
or first before latching onto the same thing.
Other things go into getting a guest of honor besides their desire to be at our Convention and
attendee desire to have them. Please remember that when critiquing how they are selected.
Not everyone we WANT to have at the convention is a feasible option. The term "Try" is a
bit loose here. By try I assume you mean, check with their agent as to their availability, any
costs or needs the guest might have, and their requirements of performance at the convention.
Of course we look at all those components when choosing a guest, and as Dawn herself has
said, you will not be informed of each individual potential guests status because a lot of those
negotiations are confidential until an actual guest is confirmed, and then all you will be told is
that they are a confirmed guest.
What happened here was that one part of the equation; the proximity to another event that
had this same guest, seems to be taken as the only variable. It isn't. But, I do like to make sure
there is no ultra-secret mystery behind those processes of thoughts, I apologize if I conveyed
a un-relenting demeanor of uncaring towards a particular guest option.
Just trying to explain the plans behind the plan!