@ tofu
Yes that one.
And actually Snow White sums it all up. Like Cinderella, she's a princess hidden behind rags at first, then flees away into the woods, falls under a sleep spell and gets awakened like Aurora does...but it's all in one single movie!
@ chelsea
That should work, just don't do the tie-dye pattern that they did in the movie where two color spells splashed on the dress at the exact same time.
@ Hiei
I know I would. First it's pink, so easy to spot in a crowd. Second Cinderella has her golden brown hair let down, so easy to not confuse her with Princess Peach. Third, the back I remember, had a sash in an x design then wrapped around and tied into a bow.
Off the record: I'm amazing myself at how much I know from the princess movies without even seeing them in a long while. Am I feeling alright?