Author Topic: Axis Powers Hetalia and Scandinavia and the World '10! Bring us pictures.  (Read 450880 times)

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1050 on: November 17, 2009, 01:45:32 pm »
So it looks like there are a lot of us who'd love to do some Good Omens cosplay. I'm so happy! X3 We're really off-topic though, so here's a thread for GO:
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline MiriaRose

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1051 on: November 17, 2009, 02:57:32 pm »
Felix, I haven't read GO, either. >.>

On topic, my cosplay progress has not improved. |D
"Would you kindly. ."

Offline Auricle

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1052 on: November 17, 2009, 03:06:07 pm »
Mine hasn't progressed either! XD Highfive?
Possible Future Cosplays:
Sergio - Minor Acts of Heroism
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Maybe something from Homestuck
? ? ?

Offline MiriaRose

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1053 on: November 17, 2009, 03:20:50 pm »

: D
"Would you kindly. ."

Offline Malaria

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1054 on: November 17, 2009, 05:50:19 pm »
Goatchild: I always plan to put you on the bus. >>

Felix: I would love you forever if you could help me pattern pants. My mother had to make the pattern for the Austria coat and it was full of pain and instructions in Russian and geometry and asdlkfjshfsdjilweaaaah.

I'm down with Tuesday. Let's do that. You guys've been talking about Scrap, which sounds magical. O: Should we go there first then head out to Tigard?
Kumoricon 2012:
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Offline Felix

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1055 on: November 17, 2009, 07:09:28 pm »
If it's conveniently on the way. I'm not sure about the bus lines in that area... when I went I took the max, but... it's actually kind of a walk, so in the interests of time, taking a bus instead would be very nice.

Yeah, sure! We probably want to at some point during Thanksgiving week because otherwise you'll have to wait till mid-December.

I made half a mock-up of my coat today! I need to sew the other sleeve on and make the hood. (fff wearing it made me feel like a mad scientist scarecrow.) Those coats have the weirdest seams. Making a mock-up was easier than trying to figure out the pattern with measurements and stuff, but I doubt you'll need a mock-up for pants. I almost typed 'plants'... Then I can just draw the seams onto the coat and trace it for a pattern. Ugh I need a zipper too.

Someday I'll make a patterning tutorial. It's a really useful skill if you like costuming. I've found storebought patterns to be unhelpful.

Hmmmm. I'm contemplating majoring in costuming. It's the only major here that sounds at all interesting... but I'm not sure what's going to happen, especially since I want to study abroad.
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Offline Kero-sempai

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1056 on: November 17, 2009, 07:17:39 pm »
@Malaria: ...If I knew any better, I wouldn't say that that pattern was amazing. XD

@Felix: ...So, like, the 24th, right? (I don't know when Thanksgiving is this year, sorry...^^; ) I-If it's on that date, then I think I'll be able to come. I think. We have a car for the next week, so I can plan to do stuff on shorter notice than I usually need. ^^

Offline Felix

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1057 on: November 17, 2009, 07:47:42 pm »
The Tuesday in question is 24 November. We're going to JoAnn's for sure, and also Scrap if it works out on the bus.

Speaking of which... I looked up the addresse, in case you want to look up bus routes. I don't have the addresse to JoAnn's... I wouldn't know what to put in for the end. But if it's too many transfers we might have to skip scrap this time.

SCRAP: 2915 NE MLK Jr Blvd

@Kero: did you ever get the sword you were thinking of buying?
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will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Naruchan

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1058 on: November 17, 2009, 08:15:28 pm »
XD I hope you guys enjoy your epic win Fabric adventures.
>: D I'm gonna be down in roseburg that weekend, having epic Hetalia fun times.
XD I want to make a youtube vid of Awesome if we can.
Next con: Kumori-con

Offline Malaria

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1059 on: November 17, 2009, 09:02:47 pm »
Scrap and JoAnn's are waaay away from one another. If the collective-plural-you has no objections, I'm gonna suggest we all take the Max down to Beaverton TC, get on the Wes and then walk from there to JoAnn's and Value Village if anyone feels like hitting up the thrift store.

Felix: Do you mind if we meet up earlier so you can help me pattern pants? That way I'll know how much yardage I need before we go fabric shopping. I'm cool with going wherever's most convenient for you. :3

Medicninja: We are totally okay with doubles! Really, we're more of a list than a group, so you can do whatever you want without our approval. XD

Kero: That pattern was ALL PAIN. Which is why I wasn't allowed to work on it. It was too screwed up for me to accomplish anything with it. Upside of that is it turned out awesome. <3
« Last Edit: November 17, 2009, 09:10:38 pm by Malaria »
Kumoricon 2012:
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Offline Felix

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1060 on: November 17, 2009, 09:20:55 pm »
I kind of thought so, but I don't know the buses in either of those areas... but I'm sure it'd involve a lot of nasty transfers. (I avoid transfers whenever possible...) I suppose I'll have to do scrap some other time. (But you should really check it out at some point. It's amazing, not to mention super cheap.)

I'd be cool with that, as long as I don't have to get up early. You can bet I'll be staying up till some ridiculous hour of the morning the whole break, so getting up early isn't an option. But we'd probably need to meet at some not-in-public place, because that would be interesting if we were just sitting in the middle of pioneer courthouse square or something making patterns. And it'll probably be raining, since it's Portland, after all. Would it be too creeper-ish to ask you to PM me your addresse? 8|
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will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline jaqua

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1061 on: November 17, 2009, 09:27:56 pm »
I think that we should plan a trip to Scrap at some point, just for kicks. You guys would love it; I know I do. It's like... A Goodwill version of Michael's and JoAnn's, with that weird flavor only Portland can give to things. xD It's impossible to not find something amazing and weird there. I would go there every day if I could. Alas, they are closed Mondays. So I cannot.
(Scrap isn't that far away; it's about a 20 minute walk or so from the Rose Garden. Just sayin'. I walk there all the time xD)
(And I'm just going to add that Scrap is VERY cheap: it's difficult to spend 5 bucks there, I'm not even kidding. Well, unless you're buying lots of fabric.)

The 24th is great for me, I shouldn't have anything going that day. What time do we wanna meet? And where? Have we already discussed this? I don't even remember. :|

@Felix: Hahaha. I'll try to work more on my NaNo (and I'm pretty sure my account name is Jaqua, SURPRISE) but I was inspired to start working on something else. Something that is not a novel. >|

Offline Felix

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1062 on: November 17, 2009, 09:37:42 pm »
WHAT WHAT WHAT. I MUST KNOW WHAT THIS 'SOMETHING ELSE' IS. need to go on deviantart more. Especially since I don't have many watchers to spare. PLUS I'VE BEEN POSTING SO MUCH SPAM COOL STUFF YOU SHOULD GO SEE.
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Offline jaqua

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1063 on: November 17, 2009, 09:49:40 pm »
Lolol well in my head I'm waiting to start hacking at my DA until I get my scanner hooked up to my new computer and upload all the old stuff I haven't been posting... Plus I need to reinstall my tablet so that I can color stuff. And I need to reinstall Photoshop and sdkfjsoiuef MAN I HATE COMPUTERS SOMETIMES
My inbox right now is horrifying. I don't even like looking at it so I haven't been logging in frequently. I think I have like... 300 deviations or something, 100+ journals, 350+ comments/replies.... gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh someone save me from myself

If I tell you what the something else is you will facepalm so hard you will go back in time. I'm headdesk-ing again just thinking about it

Offline Felix

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1064 on: November 17, 2009, 10:33:24 pm »
oh god please say it does not have anything to do with Twilight. and please be telling the truth.

Um. I died laughing while reading these. Just in case you need nano motivation.

Oh man I thought I was bad...
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Malaria

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1065 on: November 17, 2009, 10:45:45 pm »
So not JoAnn's but Scrap for the cheapness and awesomosity(<-totally a word)?
Good chance it'll be raining when we go, so it'd be best to take the 6 to prevent infection and pneumonia and death. : Db
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline jaqua

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1066 on: November 17, 2009, 10:57:08 pm »
Oh no it's nothing that bad. It's fanfiction though. I haven't written fanfiction since I was like fourteen and an idiot. fffffffff
somehow i knew you were going to assume that thought bahahahaha

... Okay that did make me want to work on my NaNo. The story I'm kind of working on is weird though, it's realistic fiction and really, it's nothing like any other story I've had an idea for. I think my problem is that I'm having a hard time getting it started. :| Which is always the hardest part for me...

@Malaria: Nah, we should go to JoAnn's. Scrap is awesome, but not entirely reliable. It's made of creative odds-and-ends. So... JoAnn's for business, Scrap for fun, in short xD

Offline Malaria

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1067 on: November 17, 2009, 11:05:29 pm »
Okay. Tuesday the 24th of November, we meet up in some central downtown location, get on the Max to Beaverton TC, get on the Wes, walk to JoAnn's, and hopefully avoid losing anyone along the way.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline jaqua

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1068 on: November 17, 2009, 11:52:14 pm »
Sounds good. Pioneer Square work? I think it's a pretty standard meeting place. Or maybe Lloyd Center, if people are planning on driving to the meetup point and don't want to worry about Portland's ridiculous parking fees.

Offline Felix

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1069 on: November 18, 2009, 12:11:20 am »
I'd go with Pioneer, because it's more open. It'd be easier to miss someone in Lloyd Center, and LC's a lot larger and more convoluted.
Where do we want to do patterning? and are you planning to make Sealand's hat out of the same material as the pants? and the little collar... thing? It would probably look best if you used one fabric, a lot more together, like it's all one costume and not assorted bits.

Scrap is a first-stop sort of place. You go there, and you might find something really cool, but then they might not have anything even close to what you need. And their stuff is mostly smaller pieces, so ... yeah.

Oh god. fanfic of what? (...I don't read fanfic.)
but there are people who use fanfics for their nanos. which is LAME.

...realistic fiction. why. D8

Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Kero-sempai

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1070 on: November 18, 2009, 11:59:21 am »
@Felix: Okay~ Thanks. And no, I haven't, D : I'm on a bit of a fiscal lockdown at the moment, and I had to stock up on art supplies recently,, not yet. ;;

@Malaria: ...You weren't allowed to use it? Wow...that's...I don't even know what that is. XDD!
YAY. Short and to the point! That's my kind of meetup summary! Is there a time of day yet? (C...can it be kind of later in the day? Like, mid-afternoon? :'3)

I'd go with Pioneer, because it's more open. It'd be easier to miss someone in Lloyd Center, and LC's a lot larger and more convoluted.


I would like Pioneer Square better, too. I acutally sort of know where I am there. Kind of. :'D

Offline Felix

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1071 on: November 18, 2009, 12:40:56 pm »
Mid-afternoon is probably more likely, since I'm meeting Malaria early for patterning purposes, and the chance that I won't be staying up until at least four in the morning the night before is pretty much nothing. xD; But ... we don't have a time yet, as far as I know. It's possible that we were waiting to see what worked best for every one else, because we want people to be able to make it. I'm pretty open, once it's past noon.
That's okay, though. I was just curious, since I'm trying to finish it by December so I can do a photoshoot in the wintery atmosphere. Funny, the Hetalia was originally my last priority; now I'll probably finish it first. I blame you guys for being awesome.

Oh, and jaqua, if you're back at your dad's at any point before the end of Thanksgiving week, you should bring my stuff. I still need pictures of my mask for DA.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline goatchild

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1072 on: November 18, 2009, 09:19:34 pm »
@Felix&Malaria: ...I was gonna ask if I could join ya'll for patterning, and maybe offer up my room as a place to do it, but... I have class until 2pm. >> Which also means I vote we meet up after 2 of course.

...and that's my two cents! : D
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

Offline Felix

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1073 on: November 18, 2009, 11:46:19 pm »
Sounds good to me! I assume you'd probably want to drop stuff off after your class. How long would it take you to get to Pioneer CH Square? (I'm pretty sure we've decided on that as our meeting place...)
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline jaqua

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1074 on: November 19, 2009, 03:36:32 am »
@Felix: YES REALISTIC FICTION. I like realistic fiction, it's fun. I can make references to pop culture and not have to worry about whether it's canon or not. It's not true realistic fiction, though; it's kind of a Blade Runner setup where it's in the near future-ish, but society has changed and become more cut-throat. You've never seen Blade Runner so you're not going to know what I mean. But read its wiki page or something I don't know.
It's fanfic for TF2... Which you also don't know about. But I've become like WAY obsessed with this stupid computer game over the last few months (even though I've never played it lololol, but it's not like it has a plot so that's not really a big deal actually). I'm going to be one of the characters (I'll show you a picture of him when next I see you) for Kcon... And I'm thinking that I might be another character from it for Sakura.
And I think it's a total cop-out to write fanfic for NaNo and I generally don't read it either except I've started to just for TF2 because. Obsessed.
And yes I will bring your mask/things you've left at my house. Assuming I can find/remember everything.

So... Meeting up around 2:30-3:00? Sounds good to me, I've been getting up around two every day anyway. :| I'll got to Scrap this weekend to see if they've got good stuff; anything in particular anyone wants me to check for?

Offline Felix

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1075 on: November 19, 2009, 01:12:25 pm »

I'm getting back into Portland on saturday sometime, probably midafternoon.

Also. I have to do that community service thing for my German class. Which is making something, probably strudel. If anyone wants to hang out while I'm making it... or I might just bring it to the meetup.  And be saying random things in German, because I'm kind of supposed to.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline goatchild

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1076 on: November 19, 2009, 03:42:20 pm »
@Felix: At most, it would take me 30min to get to my dorm and then bus to Pioneer Square. And put on my Sitaly wig maybe but that doesn't take long. I'll just make Malaria tell me all the awesome things you teacher her some other time. |D

I will laugh if I am the only one who ends up cosplaying at this meetup. XD
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

Offline jaqua

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1077 on: November 19, 2009, 03:56:31 pm »
Oh sure. I'm probaby going on Sunday but I won't have a lot of time to hang out... Mom and Cristian get back from their two week vacation that day and the place is a total mess so I need to do some serious housework... I'd go Saturday but I'm doing Saturday market with my friend Abby.
I swear I've been to Scrap like five times in the last week and a half, the people are going to be like OMG GO HOME. WHY ARE YOU HERE AGAIN.

So... Shall we say be at pioneer square by 2:30-ish? And who all is planning to be there (just so we know who to plan for)?

Offline Felix

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1078 on: November 19, 2009, 07:18:59 pm »
jaqua - I'll call you about Sunday. have your phone on.

2.30 is good. On Tuesday, pioneer square. I'll be at least in partial cosplay - I'll definitely be wearing my England coat, if not the whole costume. It'd probably be good if we waited a bit, just in case someone's running a bit late. Maybe we can make a list of every one who is definitely coming, so we don't leave anyone behind?

but I dunno, realistic fiction isn't my style; I've never read interesting realistic fiction. I can do pretty much anything else, except not really romance, but other than that....
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Malaria

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1079 on: November 19, 2009, 07:28:11 pm »
So, uh. Awesome news. I can't go anywhere Tuesday because I have a CPR class that goes all day. How's everyone feel about rescheduling to Wednesday? 8D;;;;
If you don't, I totally understand. This was utter fail on my part.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline goatchild

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1080 on: November 19, 2009, 09:13:24 pm »
I'm fine with Wednesday as long as I get back to PSU by 6pm. : 3
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

Offline Felix

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1081 on: November 19, 2009, 11:57:28 pm »
That's fine with me. Same time?
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Offline goatchild

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1082 on: November 20, 2009, 10:22:19 am »
Oh, and if we do it Wednesday, my morning classes end at 10am, so you guys can come use my room for pattern stuff if you want. : )
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

Offline Felix

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1083 on: November 20, 2009, 01:51:40 pm »
Awesome! PSU's a lot closer to Pioneer than I am; I'm not sure about Malaria but I'm sure that would be a lot more convenient, and then you can listen to my cheap methods er, 'wisdom'. PM me?

And Malaria, when we do the patterning, bring a pair of pants that fit you well (sort of the way we want the costume to fit). And not the ones you're wearing. It makes patterning a lot easier to have a reference. Also, if you're making the hat out of the same, you might want to figure out how much that will take. (in the pictures I've seen of sealand the hat, trousers, and little scarfy thing were all the same shade of blue... correct me if I'm wrong.)

so for anyone else who is confused/hasn't been following, the time is 2.30 Wednesday, in Pioneer CH Square. Probably final this time. I think.

Who wants to look up the bus routes? 8D;  We all know how fun that is...
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline Malaria

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1084 on: November 20, 2009, 05:16:18 pm »
Thanks for shifting around my scheduling bumble all easy-like.
I plan to cosplay, 'cause I didn't get to last time. Probably won't be wearing my murder boots, though.

Here's how it's gonna go:
Anyone who wants to come to JoAnn's with us (and why wouldn't you? We're super cool.) should come to Pioneer Square on Wednesday, November the 25th, at 2:30 PM. Once we've rounded everyone up, we'll get on a westbound Max to Beaverton TC. From there, we'll transfer to the Wes, which we will take to Tigard TC. From there, it's about two blocks to JoAnn's.
Anyone who needs to talk details/issues with me can PM me/ask for my cell number.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline Felix

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1085 on: November 20, 2009, 05:47:34 pm »
Awesome. I'm not familiar with that area or its bus routes, but I'll just stick to you guys.

I'll grab my boots as well as my regular shoes and make up my mind about how much cosplay I want to do later. Because I put these sorts of things off till the last minute. xD;

...I still haven't finished my coat pattern. why am I so lazy? D8

I'd like to add that it would probably be a good idea to tell us you're coming so we don't accidentally leave you behind.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline jaqua

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1086 on: November 20, 2009, 09:06:15 pm »
Thanks for shifting around my scheduling bumble all easy-like.
I plan to cosplay, 'cause I didn't get to last time. Probably won't be wearing my murder boots, though.

Here's how it's gonna go:
Anyone who wants to come to JoAnn's with us (and why wouldn't you? We're super cool.) should come to Pioneer Square on Wednesday, November the 25th, at 2:30 PM. Once we've rounded everyone up, we'll get on a westbound Max to Beaverton TC. From there, we'll transfer to the Wes, which we will take to Tigard TC. From there, it's about two blocks to JoAnn's.
Anyone who needs to talk details/issues with me can PM me/ask for my cell number.

damn straight

Wednesday should be fine for me too, yay! So far it kind of looks like it'll just be the four of us... xDD Which is like, totes chill. Check out that lingo. That's how chill it is.

I seem to have lost my phone somehow, so just like... PM me or something? Stupid phone. But man last night was crazy for me. Woo-wee. I saw New Moon at midnight (and since I know you're all super duper curious I thought it was excellent, much improved from its predecessor) and then on the way home I realized I'd forgotten my keys and phone in my house so I hung out with my friend until 6 AM until my dad got up and then went home. And then had to be driven downtown. And feed my cats. And THEN I went to sleep at like 7 AM.
Just a day in the life. BD
But yeah, the way that all relates it that I think I texted my mom or something this morning and then left my phone in my dad's car. Or something. I'm not exactly sure. And I don't really have a way of making sure so I'm just kind of assuming.

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1087 on: November 20, 2009, 10:26:38 pm »
^^ have fun you guys!
Next con: Kumori-con

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1088 on: November 21, 2009, 11:13:15 am »
...really, nothing was more satisfying when this one woman had them open the windows and she exploded into a huge fireball when the sun hit her. that's how it should be done. not... SPARKLES. I mean wtf.
but I'll still probably see the first one someday just for that fraction of a second that you're in. because you're in a movie so I must see it even if it means watching Twilight.

'totes chill'? is that a nanoism, or something intentional that I just can't comprehend?

or you could go on dA because I check those messages more often than my PMs on here. 8|
but that doesn't seem very likely, does it?

Someone should lend me Temeraire, by the way. I ended up buying GO.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline goatchild

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1089 on: November 21, 2009, 12:41:33 pm »
Well I saw my old high school's production of Dracula last night. >> It was sufficiently creepy with bad accents and everything! But the tech part was awesome, so it was all worth it.
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1090 on: November 21, 2009, 09:01:58 pm »
Oh good, you bought GO since I forgot my copy 8D; lolol

Hahaha, is it weird that I know you're talking about Let The Right One In just from that little tidbit? I was unimpressed by the movie, but that's because I'd read the book and had all these amazing expectations which went mostly unfulfilled... Except for the end bit with Oskar in the pool, that was awesome. But my favorite character was, like, BARELY MENTIONED in the movie. I was like, madly in love with Lacke (slight exaggeration but you get the idea) and you probably don't even know who I'm referencing because his part was THAT SMALL. Plus... the book cannot truly be made into a movie, because the book is bizarre and creepy and awful and there's a lot of sexual stuff. So.
... I think it's so ridiculous that everyone gets caught up on the sparkles. It's not like they just randomly sparkle to be SUPAH PRETTY, it's like... Explained and stuff. Their skin cells have basically crystallized (for lack of a better word), so to me it makes sense that they would make light do crazy stuff. And really, the sparkling is such a tiny thing that so many people get caught on, I just kind of sigh in exasperation when people make such a big deal out of it. :|
but i won't argue about twilight since it's a book series so who cares really

totes chill = totally cool

I don't want to go on my da it makes me sad inside

I could possibly lend you Temeraire, but I've only finished the first one, so...

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1091 on: November 21, 2009, 09:24:33 pm »
I can only read them one at a time anyway, so I'm fine with just the first one.

It's not just the sparkles, but I'd rather not get into this. Especially since it's dreadfully off-topic.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline MiriaRose

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1092 on: November 21, 2009, 09:32:58 pm »
. . I keep thinking I should post in here more but I don't know what to say. xD;;

Have fun, you guys~
"Would you kindly. ."

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1093 on: November 21, 2009, 09:47:36 pm »
Whatever you like. Clearly we are rarely on topic. xD;
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

Offline MiriaRose

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1094 on: November 21, 2009, 10:07:06 pm »
xD Really? I never noticed!
"Would you kindly. ."

Offline CLAP_attack

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1095 on: November 22, 2009, 02:29:38 am »
Baah , If I wasn't so packed and limited. I'd totally be South Korea ; A;
kcon plans 2013 ' plans ;

Minato Arisato - P3 ( 50% )
Renzou Shima - AnE ( 0% )
Finny in wonderland - Kuroshitsuji ( 0% )

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1096 on: November 22, 2009, 01:29:07 pm »
Sorry I've been so quiet lately, I had to organize a shoot for me and some friends to get senior portraits zombie style.

Felix: Looks like we're all agreed on the whens and whats of patterning, so I will see Wednesday.

Clap: There's always the year after that? XD
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

Offline IcyMelon

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1097 on: November 22, 2009, 06:13:02 pm »
Baah , If I wasn't so packed and limited. I'd totally be South Korea ; A;

Ooh :C yeah same :I
I will be dropping Korea and instead I'm going to be America~

Offline Malaria

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1098 on: November 22, 2009, 07:09:13 pm »
Icy: Updated the list.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia '10
« Reply #1099 on: November 22, 2009, 09:41:21 pm »
I'll probably go as S. Italy for this P:
I know I'll have something done by Mew, anyway~
"I like the way you fire that gun."
"Thanks. I like the way you take a bullet."