Author Topic: Axis Powers Hetalia and Scandinavia and the World '10! Bring us pictures.  (Read 422290 times)

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Offline lychee-twist

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There's another war pairing: Japan and Russia.

Japan kicked Russia's ass back in the 1800's. Totally sunk the Russian navy. It was really impressive for such a small country. Then the UN got together, looked at Japan, and said, "Knock that sh*t off".

So Japan did. Until it teamed up with Germany in WWII.

Then the US was all
Check this out, Japan! I made a nuke!" "BOOM" "HAHAHAHA!!"

And Japan was like "WTF, America?"

Then the US said, "Oooh, back-sassin', eh? Have another! *BOOM* So much for Nagasaki! HAHAHA"

And Japan started to cry bitterly as he went back to his rice field.

Then Russia cocked an eye at the US.

US was all, "Watchoo lookin' at, Russia? Eh? Comrade? Lawlz"

Then Russia's like "Hey, that's neat. I'll make one, too".

America soon shut up and said, "What? No, you can't d-"

"Oh look, I made one!"

"OH SH-"

And thus the Cold War Arms race started :)

There's also China and Japan over Manchuria, too.

On a serious note, my boyfriend's Latvian and escaped to Israel when the Soviet Union collapsed. It was pretty crazy what happened in that li'l Baltic country over there. I guess he had a banana in his stocking for Christmas, and his neighbors were seriously impressed.
Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

Offline Malaria

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Russo-Japanese War was definitely 1904-1905. o.o

I wouldn't characterize Japan and China as fighting over Manchuria as much as Japan going OH LOOK THINGS EXPLODING MIGHT AS WELL FIX IT FOR YOU ELDER BROTHER HAVE YOU MET MANCHUKUO?

Awesome summary nonetheless! Are you asking for all those war pairs listed/implied in there?

Dude, bananas were huge in former Soviet states. Imports were hella expensive, especially fresh fruit, so a banana was luxury x10. I remember when I went to Kiev in 1996 (borders were open in theory, free trade for all yadayada) people were still all OMG BANANAS : DDD 'cause of the whole crushing national poverty thing.
Kumoricon 2012:
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Offline majinekochan

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Ukraine and Canada. Such a cute pairing, and historically acurate.

Due to the overwhelming poverty after the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine couldn't support it's population and many people imigrated to the only country that would accept them, Canada.
I have a friend who's Ukrainian-Canadian and is very interested in his history.

Offline AgehaIX

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France and Englands! nomnomnom<33
kcon 13': Ranma Saotome, TBA, TBA

Offline Malaria

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Maji: That's interesting. o.o The way I heard it, it was still pretty hard to get into Canada if you weren't a skilled professional.

But that reminds me! Holland, Canada and tulips~.

Ageha: Delicious FrUK.
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Offline AgehaIX

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Mmm, may I get you guys opinion?

For one photoshoot, I shall be going as Egypt, but should I wear his military outft or his causal white robes?

and for the other photoshoot, should I wear China with the rest of my little asian group, or wear my romaheta italy to get neato romaheta pics, or leave that for another date and time?

i need to start sketching out meh cosplay schedual >.>
kcon 13': Ranma Saotome, TBA, TBA

Offline majinekochan

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Maji: That's interesting. o.o The way I heard it, it was still pretty hard to get into Canada if you weren't a skilled professional.
That may be but there were four major waves of immigration starting in the late 1800's with most of them settling in Canada's prairie interior.
And Canada was the first Western nation to recognise Ukraine's independence in 1991.

Offline Malaria

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Ageha: I think Egypt's military version is cooler-looking, but if it's ungodly hot the white robes would keep you from getting overheated. As for China, you're pretty much guaranteed to see other Chinas at the shoot. Romaheta's much rarer, and variety=awesome.

Maji: There's a joke there about moving from wheat fields to wheat fields.
That's very cool, though. Thank you for the knowings.
Kumoricon 2012:
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Offline AgehaIX

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Thanks, Malaria! That helped alot, Im gunna be running around pretty much everyday, its nice to have some solidarity.
kcon 13': Ranma Saotome, TBA, TBA

Offline KyoKyo866

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Oh yea! Minor characters is a good one for the photoshoots! One we dont really pay attention to a lot of the time xD though Cananda doesnt count he gets loooots of attention!
KC '16 Cosplays:
Sweden [APH] - Nearly Done
Germany [APH] - Uncertain
Modern Day Russia [APH] - Done
Lolita - Done

Offline Malaria

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Ageha: No problem! You seem like you've got so many Hetalia cosplays lined up. D'you have two for every day or something?

Kyo: So true! The greater variety there is, the more varied shots we can do. If it's all just the G8 and Canada then the fun is limited.
Kumoricon 2012:
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Offline AgehaIX

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Malaria: *headdesk* I dont even know. Im going to be running around with my Asian group as China, go to one photoshoot as Egypt and the other as Romaheta!italy apparently! : D The others in my sig are pretty much for other photoshoots that seem to all be on saturday as well. |I <-- my not amuzed face. And Norway, he kinda got pushed to the back of the line. *strokes Norway* I'm sorry my precious; someday!
kcon 13': Ranma Saotome, TBA, TBA

Offline Malaria

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That sucks a lot about the scheduling. It's no fun when you can't take a good amount of time to run around and get the most out of your costumes.
Norway is fun, with all the magical fairies and trolls~.
Kumoricon 2012:
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Offline AgehaIX

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I would have to agree~! I wanted to save Norway for when I can wear him without checking my watch to see how much longer before I have to change out of him and run to another fandom's photoshoot! but he might make an appearance on Monday. ^_^ running around in the parks or something lol
kcon 13': Ranma Saotome, TBA, TBA

Offline Malaria

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I just had this terrible mental image of you running through the park with all your fairies and meeting England's fairies and then a Westside Story showdown happens.
That made perfect sense don't look at me like that.

The Nordics are more fun to just wander in than doing photoshoots, since they don't have a huge range of ridiculous actions that can be done at a photoshoot, but they're pretty comfy cosplays (unless you're Hashi wearing Finland). You get a lot of love from strangers, and you're not bored at shoots!
Kumoricon 2012:
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Offline AgehaIX

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Hahahah! Now I want an England to do that with.
Its gunna happen, you just wait!

I'd imagine so, they are above all the ridiculous shenanigans of the rest world! They're effing Scandinavia.
And stanger love is the best kind of love! cons...I meant. ...maybe not. XD;
« Last Edit: August 04, 2010, 12:25:38 am by AgehaIX »
kcon 13': Ranma Saotome, TBA, TBA

Offline KyoKyo866

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I wont doubt your England plans'll happen xD Quite the popular to cosplay out there~
KC '16 Cosplays:
Sweden [APH] - Nearly Done
Germany [APH] - Uncertain
Modern Day Russia [APH] - Done
Lolita - Done

Offline Kero-sempai

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I'd be happy to see some comedic Seven Year's War shots. (Prussia and England vs. Austria, France, Russia, and Sweden, with Germany [...or was it called the Holy Roman Empire at that time?] in the middle.)

Oh, Malaria, we must have an uber-dramatic French Revolution shoot sometime, you and I. We simply must. <3

Offline Malaria

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It was still the Holy Roman Empire then.
I'm pretty sure.
Damnit, Germany, your history is so nonsense.

Haaa. Austria during the French Revoluation was just a lot of dickery. "Instability in your nation~? Why I think I'll take some chunks of land-- HUNGARY STOP GETTING IDEAS"
Kumoricon 2012:
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Offline lychee-twist

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You know who's history has been tampered with? Japan.

Did you know Iwojima is no longer Iwojima? It's Iwoto. Japan changed it back in 2007 to it's pre-WWII name.
Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

Offline Malaria

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It's bad that I'm no longer surprised when Japan does terrible things to other people's histories in order to shine up their own.
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Offline lychee-twist

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Meh. They're not the only one. The US does it, too. Did you know there was the Philippines were occupied by the US? It was a pretty brutal attempt for the US to become an empire. You can thank Teddy Roosevelt for that one. He was a racist bastard, but, damn, he was great for state parks and such. I can thank him for the camping trips I go on.

I love how this thread is all about history all of a sudden. History is awesome.
Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

Offline Malaria

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I'm not saying it's just Japan. Ukraine just recently stopped rewriting the history of its Partisan Armies, no thanks to Yushenko. 3<

Hetalia should always be about history. Without the history, it's just a series about a bunch of bumbling boys.

I know about this, actually, thanks to the IB program. We dedicated an assload of time to American foreign policy starting with the Monroe Doctrine, going all the way through... Churchill, I think? I'm pretty sure he had the Good Neighbor policy.
ohgod now my brain is running through like the last seven units we did in IB History of the Americas make it stoooop
gaaaah now it's on China that was such a terrible exam
Lychee you broke me ;~;

BUT ANYWAY. America=dirty imperialism everywhere all the time. We're the new Roman Empire, really. Sorry, HRE and WW1+2 era Italy.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2010, 10:35:17 pm by Malaria »
Kumoricon 2012:
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Offline lychee-twist

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I'm running through high school history and a few Japanese and American college history courses from UO myself. I haven't thought about this stuff in quite some time.

Don't worry, Malaria. I'll fix you. I have tape.
Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

Offline Malaria

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\o/ The more you know, the more you can add to the shenanigans.

'Kay. ;;
Kumoricon 2012:
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Offline snafu

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Ooooh, history dicsussion?  I shouldn't even get started, because I'll probably just ramble on and on... social science major who's taken mostly history courses so far.  Oh, the crazy things going on in China about a hundred years ago...

Anyway, DPRK is ready to go, just need the wig fixed up properly and it'll be at 100%.  I'd thought about carrying around a cardboard sign that says something like 'Will threaten for food' or the like, but I am already carrying around a flag, so that's iffy.

Holland may be in jeopardy because I cannot find a bloody wig for him.  I've found one that's close: , thanks to someone on  Problem is that even with the give of the elastic hairline, it still would be about half an inch too small for my 23" around head!  Rrr.  I have having a big head.  Now maybe I can find a plain wig of the right length somewhere that I can get express delivered and spike myself.

Offline Malaria

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China was just fine until the Western Empires noticed how awesome China was at everything.
Arda Wigs might have something for you. They have extra large wig caps and the fibers are sewn in extra thick. There's nothing like the Netherlands, so you'll have to style it yourself.

Whoo DPRK!
Kumoricon 2012:
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Offline Saki-the-cat

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My wig just arrived in the mail today :'D

Offline GenkiIchigo

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Yayyyyy~ I'm done with Nomad!Hungary. 8D Finallyyyy~ I'm so excited. XD<3

Offline Malaria

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Saki: 'Grats!

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Offline GenkiIchigo

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Ahaha I shall put it all on later and take a picture! <3

Offline Fuyuko

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Hooray to Saki and Genki~! ^.^

I has progress too! <3 Just got the pattern and all the fabric for my chibi!Canada. I'm so excited!! x3

Offline GenkiIchigo

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Hooray to Saki and Genki~! ^.^

I has progress too! <3 Just got the pattern and all the fabric for my chibi!Canada. I'm so excited!! x3

Thank youuu~ And oh my gosh, you're going to look so cute as chibi!Canada! <3

Offline Harucha

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I have made no progress on any of my cosplays ;;

But I do want to say that I have a Lichtenstein coming with me! and maybe a Japan.

A-also...I noticed my name wasn't put up on the Hungary and S Italy lists.....Nor was I mentioned as a Sweden. Just thought I'd mention that. Not a big deal or anything. Now I'm super awkward feeling.

And if no one's mentioned it yet for the shoot groups, could we have a Bad Bros Trio? England, Denmark and Prussia? That would be sweet. <3
Possible '11 Cosplays?
NONE. College has gotten in the way and I will not be attending KCon '11

Offline Malaria

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Harucha: Aaah I am so sorry! >< Adding you and your shot request right now.
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Offline goatchild

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And if no one's mentioned it yet for the shoot groups, could we have a Bad Bros Trio? England, Denmark and Prussia? That would be sweet. <3

ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

Offline Saki-the-cat

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I just had a random idea for a picture (not sure if someone else already said this though) but..
I've seen a lot of these like, 'family' pictures with France and England as the two dads and America and Canada as the two sons. I just think that would be a really cute idea in the photoshoot ^^

Offline Fuyuko

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8D I second Saki's request. <3

Offline Malaria

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Added the FrUK family portrait.
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Offline lychee-twist

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I like that idea! It's cute. You could do the same idea with the Baltic states and Russia. That USSR was freaking huge.

Oh! China, Korea, and Japan would be good, too. Japan was so cute in the 400 AD. Copying all of Chinese and Japanese mannerisms. Like rice cultivation, bronze work, language, etc.

Adorable. X3
Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

Offline Malaria

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The USSR is already on the list as Former Soviet Union.
Someday Himayura will do Central Asian and Balkan states. That will be a good day. Or actually use Bulgaria, damnit. D:

Added Japan, Korea and China. Also added the Asians as a whole.
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Offline lychee-twist

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Has no one seen Afghanis-tan before? It's not by Himayura, but it's pretty cute.  It's chibi hetalia for the Afghanistan's history.

Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

Offline Hashi

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« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 11:47:23 am by Hashi »
Jet [atla]
Jet [MAoH]
Man-delaide [HINABN]
Mephisto [AnE]

"Wanna be a Freedom Fighter?"

Offline Malaria

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Hashi you should check the first post and tell me if I put in the name correctly. It's been so long I don't even remember. D:
« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 11:47:57 am by Malaria »
Kumoricon 2012:
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Offline GenkiIchigo

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia+SatW '10! Make photoshoot requests. WE HAVE A PJ PARTY.
« Reply #2894 on: August 10, 2010, 01:14:05 pm »
OMGGGG PJ PARTY~ Yayyyy~ Last year was so much fun. <3

Offline nekovamp13

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia+SatW '10! Make photoshoot requests. WE HAVE A PJ PARTY.
« Reply #2895 on: August 10, 2010, 01:24:15 pm »
I shall try to go! But the panel I'm in may be at the same time....So I don't know...

Oh, and I may be just doing regular Greece instead of Chibi at con...I'm having troubles finding the time to make the outfit...
Or I will be TOGA Greece XD
~Sakuracon/Kumoricon 2014~
King Candy (Sugar Rush)
Dot (Animaniacs)
Ice King (Adventure Time)
Beetlejuice (Animated Series)
Cosmo (FOP)
Octodad (Octodad)

Offline Malaria

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia+SatW '10! Make photoshoot requests. WE HAVE A PJ PARTY.
« Reply #2896 on: August 10, 2010, 01:32:42 pm »
Genki: We'll try to make it EVEN MORE AWESOME this year.

Neko: Toga Greece would be awesome and easy. Bedsheet and safety pins, whoo! XD
Kumoricon 2012:
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Offline KyoKyo866

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia+SatW '10! Make photoshoot requests. WE HAVE A PJ PARTY.
« Reply #2897 on: August 10, 2010, 01:45:00 pm »
Hurray another year with my infamous mochiengland pj pants xD though I have no idea what i'll be for it.. Im getting tired of being England for it every year TwT
KC '16 Cosplays:
Sweden [APH] - Nearly Done
Germany [APH] - Uncertain
Modern Day Russia [APH] - Done
Lolita - Done

Offline Saki-the-cat

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia+SatW '10! Make photoshoot requests. WE HAVE A PJ PARTY.
« Reply #2898 on: August 10, 2010, 01:57:59 pm »
Will i be able to go to this PJ party even though i'm 14? Because i heard from a friend that you can't be anywhere at the con that late if your not 18...

Offline Malaria

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Re: Axis Powers Hetalia+SatW '10! Make photoshoot requests. WE HAVE A PJ PARTY.
« Reply #2899 on: August 10, 2010, 02:03:47 pm »
Kyo: Maybe you could throw something together for your Japan cosplay?

Saki: Panel's from 8 to 10, and Portland citywide curfew for minors is around 12, I think, so you should be totally fine.
Kumoricon 2012:
Who even knows, man