Author Topic: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?  (Read 9704 times)

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Offline Kero-sempai

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Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« on: October 02, 2009, 01:59:19 pm »
The thread I was going to post in has been locked since 2008. >.> So, here's a new one!

I'm wondering if there's anybody within the Kumoricon forums who is currently attempting to write the storyline for a manga right now, like I am attempting to. I feel a need to talk with a like-minded individual who gets how hard it can be to write for these things. (It's really a rant thread, isn't it? xD)

Not to mention trying to draw it all out whilst balancing school hours and the lack of tools, currently. <.<; And jeez, how many times can a person's drawing style refine itself?! Gosh! I can't draw anything unless I do it in a three-month period! o.o;;

I need a non-photocopy blue pencil and another ruler. -.-

Links to online art accounts are warmly welcomed and devoutly wished. ^^

Offline GenkiIchigo

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2009, 02:45:10 pm »
Ah! I am~ It's something I've been working on for a really, really long time. For some reason, I keep procrastinating on drawing it, always saying 'when I get better, when I get better' though.  >.<;;

Hehe I don't have the school balancing to do, more like balancing my drawing time with work, but it would be cool to talk to you if you'd like to!

A link to my DA is in my signature. I have my MSN listed in my profile too~ n.n

Offline Kero-sempai

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2009, 06:20:28 pm »

8D +watch

But it is really a good idea to put your manga off until you are comfortable and satisfied with your style. When it comes to one's art, other people know little. xD Remember, it turns into a business, so think a lot about sales. So make sure you're really happy with it~! <3

Ahaha, you're in my cosplay group. Will you be at the cosplay meetup on the 24th? I'm bringing my sketchbook, so we can talk and critique if you're there. ^^
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 07:00:33 pm by Kero-sempai »

Offline dshwshr55

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2009, 08:51:14 am »
I often get home after 9+ hours of work and just feel like, "I don't feel like drawing just now. I'll do it later." I realize now that you have to set a deadline for yourself and stick to it (whether you have the materials or not, at least get the panels and story done), because we're not getting any younger. So I try to get in about 3 hours of drawing on the weekdays. If you can't make your own personal deadline, you can't expect to make it later in life.

Also, waiting until you get perfect is not the way to go. I used to have that problem myself. I still do, kind of, but not as much. Sketch a few pages of your story (even with just a pencil), and as you keep going, you'll see some minor improvements. You CAN redraw the old pages, but if you look at almost any volume 1 manga compared to a final volume of the same manga, there'll be differences, usually for the better.

So your style doesn't have to be perfect; it'll naturally improve. But you have to have the drive and consistency to put out what you love to do. Being a mangaka isn't a job, it should be a dream, right? School might be a first priority, but what's your next priority?

I got a devart page, too ^^

Offline nyahaha

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2009, 09:06:37 am »
recently I've decided that I want to attempt, but I can't think of a good story. I made up all sorts of good ones when I was little, but they were all based on the movies watched...
check out my facebook page!!

Offline RemSaverem

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2009, 11:20:00 am »
You're more than welcome to join
Both have many manga-ka (both artists and storyboardists). We've offered workshops on manga and webcomics at KC for years as well :)
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Offline GenkiIchigo

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2009, 11:59:15 am »
@Wade: Haha that's what I was thinking too. The perfection thing I mean. Since art should always be improving, I think that if you're at-least semi-satisfied with your art, you should give it a try. Most manga start out looking different from when they're finished just because the artist improves a lot over the course of the work.

The 'when I get better' thing for me is just an excuse because I'm afraid to jump out and start drawing something that's been such an important project for me. XD

Generally, I try to draw for 4-8 hours each day. Sometimes that includes coloring though. n.n

@Kero: Yayyy I watched you back~ <3 I'm sad that I can't make the cosplay meetup. I'd love to but I have to worrrrrk. Otherwise, that would be really fun! ;.;

@Ellen: Yayy I'm going to join those groups. Despite trying my hardest I just didn't get time to make it to the creation station this year. Next year I'm determined to make time to enter some things. XD

Offline RemSaverem

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2009, 09:31:20 pm »
That would be wonderful! Let me know if you are interested in helping run any workshops or events, as well! We are always on the lookout for additional talented staff, panelists, and volunteers! *loves*
Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
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Offline Kero-sempai

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2009, 07:40:13 pm »

@dshwshr55: Edited that. -.-;; My typing fails, nurgh. I didn't mean don't draw, or stop drawing, I just meant that you shouldn't spend money on 100+ copies of 100 some odd+ pages of manga if you don't think that sales will at least refund the cost of printing.
Also, I was completely talking printing. Like, if you're just drawing cuz you love it or drawing for your webmanga, it doesn't even have to be clean. (Not to mention both of those are pretty much free, unless I'm misinformed about teh interwebs. ^^; ) So just draw, everybody. Don't listen to me that much. XD

@Genki: Aww. ;.; That's too bad. BUT, there is always the internet, and we'll have other meetups, no doubt! (6.<)d

@nyahaha: Oh, but that's how it starts. X3 You should send me something sometime. I would love to see what you've got. : D (And don't worry, I'm already basically an critic/editor for no-charge hire. Your storylines and character designs go no further than my eyes. xD)

Offline ScrumYummy

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2009, 12:20:52 pm »
I just meant that you shouldn't spend money on 100+ copies of 100 some odd+ pages of manga if you don't think that sales will at least refund the cost of printing.
Also, I was completely talking printing. Like, if you're just drawing cuz you love it or drawing for your webmanga, it doesn't even have to be clean. (Not to mention both of those are pretty much free, unless I'm misinformed about teh interwebs. ^^; ) So just draw, everybody. Don't listen to me that much. XD

That's what print-on-demand printers are good for :D  Best of all, they allow you to follow your own rules. So if you want to draw a comic entirely in pencil, you can.

And if you are going the webcomic route, there are a slew of free hosts (just for webcomics!), most of which allow you to tie a .com to your comic (which costs between $6-$10 a year). So there are a lot of economical ways to get your start.

I might be doing a panel on self-publishing at next year's kumoricon. I can let you know if I do, if you want :)

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2009, 04:55:01 pm »

@nyahaha: Oh, but that's how it starts. X3 You should send me something sometime. I would love to see what you've got. : D (And don't worry, I'm already basically an critic/editor for no-charge hire. Your storylines and character designs go no further than my eyes. xD)
Thank you! I'll have to do that sometime.

I had one of those moments when you randomly think of a good story in the middle of class xD. I'm still working it out, but I'm gonna start puting up stuff on my DA soon ( )

How do you name characters? I can't think of anything...
check out my facebook page!!

Offline Kero-sempai

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2009, 05:23:51 pm »
@nyahaha: For names, I usually go to either Issendai's Lair, with has a nice expensive list of Japanese boy's and girl's names, or to here and search by either the ethnicity the character comes from or the letter I want it to begin with. After that, I pick which name has the best meaning for my character, based off of personality or role. ='3
And of course, if you search for names on Google by ethnicity or beginning letter, you can get really neat results that way, too.

Offline AllyKat

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2009, 06:12:12 pm »
What kind of format do people use when creating webcomics? I start several ideas... create the first few pages on GIANT paper (cause I like detail and I'm no good at doing detail on regular old copier paper) but then I get discouraged about transfering it and making it all pretty like for the websies... How does one stick to ONE idea... finish it and then move onto the next project... or is this something all writers and artists either over come or fail at...

And if any of you have ever been published; what did it take to get that way? how much did you have to have finished and ready to go before a company took you on? I'd love to get into real publishing of either books of manga/comics but I seem to lack the self motivation required to actually finish a project... (isn't that what editors and managers are for anyway??? :) ) So, at what point should you bring your stuff to a publisher?

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Offline ScrumYummy

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2009, 09:54:29 pm »
So, at what point should you bring your stuff to a publisher?

It differs depending on what publisher you are submitting to, but here are the general requirements:

1. Title of Project
2. 3-10 completed pages (sometimes more)
3. The projected length of your project (page numbers, number of books, etc)
4. An outline of your story, otherwise known as a pitch. This should not be detailed (unless the publisher specifies otherwise), but it should tell a publisher exactly what happens in the story and leave absolutely nothing up to speculation. I could write an example for you, if you need. (name a manga you are familiar with)

Other things publishers sometimes ask for:
1. character designs
2. your pace/what you can deliver and how often
3. character descriptions

Self-publishing is also becoming easier and more lucrative. And you get to be your own creative boss. (Going with a publisher is great and can help you get your name out, but your editor(s) have a say in the writing and presentation/marketing of your book; not to mention, you make more money per book as an independent comic artist).

Offline AllyKat

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2009, 10:21:07 am »
Wow really? If all thats true I have like... SEVEN items ready for being sent to a publisher... A couple more that are just a few more finished pages away from being ready... Thats how I work; Character design, story map and chapter outline with plot summary. and then rough and final drafts... I am waaay too much of a planner...

So would you say the benefits of independent publishing are worth it to a serioud procrastinator like myself? I'd be too afraid (as of now when thinking about the concept) of not meeting my deadlines... sometimes I require that extra push someone higher up to me might give....

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2009, 11:37:49 am »
That's good! I have to plan things out, too. ^^  I think for the most part it's better, although apparently from what I have heard, Tite Kubo (mangaka of Bleach) just DOES things, from characters to story. He'll just draw a character, then name the drawing and start writing a background for it. Completely backwards from how we are trained to work XD

Anyway. I think your next step (if you are looking at submitting to a publisher) is deciding which publisher would be best. There are general publishers that publish a variety of genres (such as Tokyopop, Viz (which just started accepting submissions, by the way!!), Del Ray, Dark Horse, CMX, and Yen Press), genre-specific publishers (such as Yaoi Press, which is not currently accepting submissions, Aurora/Deux/LuvLuv, Icarus, ALC, Yaoi Generation, etc), small press publishers (eigo manga, Slave Labour Graphics, NDP), online publishers (Netcomix, eManga, WirePop) and also publishers that just want artists and not projects (Seven Seas, Antartic Press).

Anyway, if you are serious about putting out a manga/comic, start planning your submission tactics; decide which story you want to dedicate your life to for the next however long, pick your top three publishers and pitch your project idea to them first, give them six weeks to respond (unless they specify some other time frame) and then continue to shop around for other publishers.

As far as independent publishing goes, for the most part, you get what you give. If you stay dedicated to a time schedule, promote yourself widely and consistently, tour conventions, and be good to your fans, then you will succeed. It does take a lot of dedication, and a lot of work; if you procrastinate, you are only hurting yourself. To me, it's worth it, which is why it's the route I am taking :)  It does come with problems, though, most notably the lack of exposure and promotion that comes with being published by a company with distribution power. However, I'm working with some other independent studios to come together to combat this; we're still in the idea stages, but if you're interested in learning more/getting involved please send me a message :)

Offline AllyKat

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2009, 03:03:13 pm »
You mean like a collective of independent artists working together?

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2009, 07:19:55 pm »
Yeah, but in the sense that we would work together to help each other be promoted/seen. Each individual group/artist would still be working on their own project(s), but we would help promote each other.

It's a little weird/complex XD  but I'll send you a message explaining in more detail :)

Offline RemSaverem

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Re: Fellow manga-style cartoonists?
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2009, 12:10:12 pm »
BTW, ScrumYummy plans to run a panel in Creation Station next Kumoricon about manga, including how to publish one's work or get it published! :) *hugs SY*
Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
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