I fail... have not kept track of my food for almost a week now. have not been to then gym is over a month. other then work, and even there I been moving slow, I have not been doing any workout like activities. have not been sleeping well... like normally only 6 hours. Water.... maybe a glass a day. Vitamins, simi-okay still... only missed my night ones 4 times and morning ones 3 times this last month. Blarg.. I feel so bad lately too, I know why... but.. blargness. I am afraid to weigh myself. last time I did was like a month ago almost... I was 148 then... I feel like I'm 152 or more now. Might not be but sure feel like I am. I was really sick one day though, lost all the food I ate that day. Damn body not liking solfer..sulfer... whatever it's called. that stuff that's in eggs and nuts and beef. Ate an angus from Mc.D's and the next day body hated me so much. My leason, NEVER eat angus again, too much sulfer in it. Hazelnuts did that too me to when I was at summer camp with my son this last summer. ate way too many of them and tummy was doing all it could the next day to get it all out of me.
anyways... I fail.... Kick my arse people, I need it. ><