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Offline NightLotus

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #200 on: January 08, 2010, 09:03:56 pm »
oh god i need to loose between 10 and 20 more ^^
I'm excited to get in shape for luca! :D

Offline ishpumalibu

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #201 on: January 08, 2010, 09:19:25 pm »
oh god i need to loose between 10 and 20 more ^^
I'm excited to get in shape for luca! :D

oh come now, you must weigh like a buck ten max, you don't need to lose weight, people like me need to, bleh.

Offline fleur_fraise

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #202 on: January 08, 2010, 09:30:00 pm »
I've been meaning to post in this thread, since telling people I'm going to try to loose weight will probably motivate me.

I want to loose some two or three inches on my waist, and I want to tone my legs more. At the end of last school year I was doing some exercise, but I got lazy over summer vacation and never picked it up again. We have an elliptical at my mom's, so I'll do that for half an hour every night to start out with. I just finished a couple of minutes ago, and I forgot how awesome I feel afterward. My body always feels so light!
 I've been drinking a bottle of water a day, and I'm going to move it up to two bottles as my new goal.

Eating is also something I need to work on. I don't necessarily eat too much, but I don't eat enough healthy things. It's almost impossibly for me to put together a healthy lunch for school, since I don't have much time (or creativity) in the morning to pack anything, and school food is a joke and I end up going to the local Plaid Pantry instead.
Do you guys have suggestions for healthy-ish lunches that are fast to make or cheap?
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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #203 on: January 08, 2010, 10:40:12 pm »
Make your lunch the night before. That way you won't be rushed.
Done: Blue Spirit (A:tLA), Sollux Captor (HS)
will do: Yukio (AnE), Robin (YJ), genderbent Nilus (MAOH), Dave and Signless (Homestuck); other things I'm forgetting

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #204 on: January 09, 2010, 06:28:35 am »
Motivation is always the best, so I'll post here. :3

I want to build up muscle for my job (baker), and to be healthy. I've been eating healthy, not going out for food for 2 months at a time, and I hand make a lot of my food, so I know what exactly goes into it. To heck with counting calories, carbs, or whatever. The food pyramid is where it's at. :3 Along with getting the proper nutrition, it'll help you have the energy to get up off the couch and go for a walk. My favorite time to go out is in the morning or evening, when there are not a lot of people out, and when it's somewhat dark. Rain does not bother me, ever since I went to Alaska, where summer lasts only a couple of weeks, then it's one week of fall, then winter sets in. It was snowing in May! Running from the bears helped, too. XD Having small weights to work with also helps, so if you don't want to go outside, you can still do a bit of work.

Since my cosplay is ivysaur, I don't have to loose that many inches. I just want to be back to the size 12 pants that I always wore. My build is short and stocky, since I'm only 5 feet tall. XD I accept that, and I love the way I look. All it boils down to is health. If I'm healthy, I'm happy.

So please, everyone, put your health before your looks. I don't want you collapsing due to lack of food or overworking yourself. Also remember, less weight, more reps works just as well as more weight and less reps.  :)

Edit: Another note; Please remember to stay warm! Nothing cramps faster than cold muscles, so make sure you wear warm clothing when working out, and take a warm shower after you are done. The heat helps relax those muscles so they won't cramp, and it feels great to go from super sweaty to super clean.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 08:22:54 am by Ottery »
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Offline Sutie

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #205 on: January 09, 2010, 11:35:26 am »
Oh yes, for sure stay warm. I'm not lucky enough to have room for a treadmill or cordinate work times with gym times and bundle up so much before going out for my morning jogs. I feel like a giant marshmellow running down the street. Lol!

Great anime review site!

Offline soundninja12

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #206 on: January 09, 2010, 01:09:13 pm »
oh god i need to loose between 10 and 20 more ^^
I'm excited to get in shape for luca! :D
You are so thin Lotus!
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Offline ishpumalibu

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #207 on: January 09, 2010, 02:07:36 pm »
I'm pretty excited I just got a scale from sports authority, and it does like... everything! Measures body fat/water weight/tells how many calories you need a day/measures muscle mass. I can't wait to use it!

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #208 on: January 09, 2010, 03:32:18 pm »
so my body fat % was 20.1 which is the high extreme for optimal for a male of my age I was at 176, so I've also lost 4 more pounds woot! my body water was barely in the optimal as well, but on the low side it's range is 57-63% which mine was at 58, need to drink more water it seems. my muscle mass is at 43% which is only 3% higher than normal boo! and I need 1899 calories per day with 2, 20 minute workouts per week.

if anyone cares.

Offline FynХоук

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #209 on: January 09, 2010, 06:50:40 pm »
blah! I weigh like 20 more then Lotus... It needs to go! I wanted to play Jo but my flab disagrees  :-[

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Offline fleur_fraise

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #210 on: January 09, 2010, 07:30:44 pm »
I decided that I'm only going to watch anime online while I work out. Our "computer room" has the elliptical in it, so I can just turn the video on full screen and it's good to go.
I'm almost done with Baccano! and I really want to finish, and it's making me want to do the elliptical XD I have a feeling that this was a good idea to get me to work out.
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Offline soundninja12

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #211 on: January 09, 2010, 08:07:00 pm »
That's a great idea Katie =O
I might drag my laptop down to the room with exercise equipment and watch it there!
Although it's not as convenient as having an elliptical machine in my office xP
Next con: Kumoricon
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Offline fleur_fraise

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #212 on: January 09, 2010, 08:25:01 pm »
Hidamari gave me the idea, actually XD She said she did her exercise while memorizing her monologues for our theatre class, so I decided to watch anime!
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Offline Lizzie

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #213 on: January 11, 2010, 09:26:20 am »

@Lizzie- That does help a lot! I may try looking into that Brat diet thing a bit more. As I said to Roddy I think it was just me being paranoid about eating anything that had any sort of fat in it. I can't afford to go to a doctor but I'm just going to try eating small things all day instead of eating big meals.

BRAT diet is a great thing to fall back on when your digestive system is doing things you don't approve of. Do that for a week, and then you should start to introduce proteins (because proteins are ESSENTIAL to your body's functioning) and other plant forms into your diet besides the apples and bananas. If you need protein and your stomach's doing funny things then I would recommend salmon baked or smoked (l buy the safeway smoked brand, it's not bad) or baked/boiled chicken breast. When I do the chicken breast, I use a little soy sauce so it's not so tasteless. And the soy shouldn't make your stomach do bad things...speaking of which there's been times where I've not been feeling so well and miso soup was a pretty great way to get a little protein in. AND it's low calorie (Japanese food in general is pretty low-fat, low-calorie, filling and won't irritate your GI tract if you stay away from the fried stuff).

Offline ishpumalibu

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #214 on: January 14, 2010, 11:14:47 pm »
lost another .1% body fat down to an even 20% and lost another 2 lbs. down to 174

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #215 on: January 14, 2010, 11:19:52 pm »
I'm sitting here eating a banana daydreaming about my new debit card so I can FINALLY get a new gym membership (my gym shut down in late September.) Luckily I've maintained my weight loss by walking a lot, but I'd like to get back to real workouts ASAP. =]
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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #216 on: January 14, 2010, 11:24:27 pm »
I don't think I said this allready..


Offline ishpumalibu

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #217 on: January 14, 2010, 11:25:32 pm »
just so you guys know this thread is really good, you're 300% more likely to keep up with your workouts if you have people holding you to your goals, so keep it up all. I know most nights I feel tired, but I keep on keeping on because of not only myself.

Offline NightLotus

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #218 on: January 15, 2010, 08:31:16 am »
I've been using MyPlate a lot, and its making me at least aware of what i'm eating! (granted i've gone over my goal twice) but I think i'm getting better at obeying ^^
also i'm working out with my sister which helps me stay motivated! ^^

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #219 on: January 15, 2010, 08:46:37 am »
nice. The obeying part sounds kinda funky like someone is forcing you to eat right and workout heh.

Offline Sutie

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #220 on: January 15, 2010, 09:42:42 am »
I did AWEFUL on monday night. Went out to dinner on a dubble date with boogie. We had fancy, rich itallian food.... and then I didn't go jogging in the morning :(
Now I'm back on route! But I'm looking outside and it's so freakin' stormy I don't know if I can get out for a run. Thankfully I'll have a treadmill with my new place! ^^

I'll have to check out MyPlate. Sounds interesting...

just so you guys know this thread is really good, you're 300% more likely to keep up with your workouts if you have people holding you to your goals, so keep it up all. I know most nights I feel tired, but I keep on keeping on because of not only myself.
It's true!!! I've never been this motivated. Not even when I was doing sports. I can just picture it now at my 10year HS reunion.
"Wow! you look great!"
ME: "Thanks! :D"
OTHER: "How did you stay so skinny?"
ME: "Cosplay."

Great anime review site!

Offline fleur_fraise

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #221 on: January 15, 2010, 04:06:12 pm »
I think I've been doing well. I've brought my lunch every day this week, and I made sure to have a vegetable, a fruit, a protein, and a grain. And a bottle of water. I'm drinking two a day now!

I've also done the elliptical every night since I posted, except for Sunday and Wednesday.
Since I'm going to my dad's for the weekend, he has Wii Fit and I'll do that in the evenings instead until I get home.
Current Kcon Plans:
-Ringo Oginome
-Anarchy Stocking
-Roxy Richter


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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #222 on: January 15, 2010, 04:35:58 pm »
Me and my friend are gonna start doing jogs twice a week together as soon as finals are over. And I'm eating an apple right now *3*

Offline NightLotus

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #223 on: January 15, 2010, 05:04:27 pm »
I've been *trying* to work out... but its rainy and muddy near my house, and i only have a car like twice a week and the gym is far away T^T
but I've been eating right, and suffering looking at the myplate graphs with the big angry red lines on some days ;;>_> (i get hungry ;;>_>)
and i think its actually working! i'm feeling great both physically and about how i look ^^

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #224 on: January 15, 2010, 06:36:53 pm »
for when i can't work out outside, like jump rope, running whatnot, I use my resistance band that hooks into my door, it was pretty cheap and neat, i think it's on the pit workout site or something like p90 I don't remember. Well I guess I use that and outside whether it's rainy since I like the rain.

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #225 on: January 15, 2010, 10:49:34 pm »
ugh... ive been doing so bad lately... i havent been exercising as much as i should... been thinking about signing up for classes... but cant decide which one to try... (no balance to speak of)
Kumoricon 2011 cosplays:
Day0: Hunny (Ouran Host Club) COMPLETE
Day1 (possibly late night panels): Ran Mao (Black Butler) 50%
Day2: Kaoru Hitachin (Ouran Host Club) 90%
Ball/Rave: May (pokemon)
Day3: pirate


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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #226 on: January 16, 2010, 02:20:01 pm »
I run every day in the morning.

Drink milk after.

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #227 on: January 16, 2010, 03:11:43 pm »
Haven't had a cookie since the break! LOL!

Yoga and Pilates...but I only have time for those twice a week. Guess that making progress ! ! !    ;D
And so it begins...

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #228 on: January 17, 2010, 12:58:55 am »
Aside from hitting up the gym 3-4 times a week im going to try also hit up either the bouncy gym or vertical World (rock climbing gym) at least once a week.
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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #229 on: January 17, 2010, 01:10:14 am »
I climb trees. 


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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #230 on: January 17, 2010, 09:50:15 am »
I did my plate for the past week and have lost 3 pounds! I am finally losing some of that weight that never stays off long!

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #231 on: January 17, 2010, 10:18:10 am »
ok so i'm not really sure if i'm goin to kumori con this year i really want to but dunno if i have money but i like these forums yuuppp hmm man losin wegiht is hard if you just watch anime all day ya know? but my dad got me a membership for the gym i work out like 4 days  a week there for an hour its soo hard lol its soo worth it though for lookin better in cosplay i actally lost weight in the first 3 days and i can finally fit into my tightclothes again with out havin muffintops LOL and not the good muffin tops you can eat . finally can do my cosplay bikini edition this spring wooot

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #232 on: January 17, 2010, 11:36:54 am »
I've already lost a bit of weight. <3
Though, my official weigh in isn't for three weeks. xD
But I can already tell~
I put on this blouse that was too tight on the arms and it's still a little tight, but it's not cutting off my circulation. xD;;;
The website was weird and didn't say that the sleeves were teeny. xD;;

Phentermine + ballet 5 hours a week + whenever I can get to the gym + walking two miles a day on average = wonderful. <3 I'm finally losing weight.
KumoriCon '10 <3 (Fifth year in a row! WOO!)

Lenalee's third uniform - D. Gray Man - 100%
Lenalee's first uniform - D. Gray Man - ?%
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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #233 on: January 17, 2010, 11:16:12 pm »
im taking a hip hop class at pcc this term and my mom got me a book for christmas called "eat this not that 2010 edition" my friend on facebook used the grocery store edition and lost weight

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #234 on: January 17, 2010, 11:35:44 pm »
So my diet has gone kaput. I've been sick for a week and I went to the doctor. Found out I have a stomach ulcer YAY. I can't eat many fruits or tomatoes and I have to eat a crapton so I don't get hungry because my stomach acids start boiling up again. And I'm on like 2 different meds :\ I can't really work out for a week either. BOO.

~2012 cosplay mofos~
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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #235 on: January 17, 2010, 11:39:15 pm »
sad faaace! D: hope it gets better soon!


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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #236 on: January 17, 2010, 11:56:48 pm »
Damn, that really sucks.

I stretched a lot today, stretching feels goood. I want to join a yoga class or something.

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #237 on: January 18, 2010, 12:08:09 am »
I climb trees. 

I aspire to do this.

I lost another inch and half.

Pull the trigger, pull the trigger, pull the trigger. BOOM

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #238 on: January 18, 2010, 09:33:08 am »
Ever since my BF has been back in town I've been doing aweful on the dieting... still running but I did skip a couple days :( Not a good week for me.
Though starting today, now, I will get back on track!

Great anime review site!

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #239 on: January 18, 2010, 11:10:06 am »
I need to do something today. I'll probably focus on abs in my room :P

Offline fleur_fraise

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #240 on: January 18, 2010, 11:45:13 am »
I took my measurements for the first time in about a month, and I think my waist went down an inch! Last time it had gone up to 34 inches, but now it's back at 33. I'm hoping to get to around 31 or 30 inches at some point, and I hope I'm on the right path!
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-Anarchy Stocking
-Roxy Richter

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #241 on: January 18, 2010, 11:50:18 am »
That's great!

I need to stop being a lazy bum and get working, I've actually gained weight since the last time I weighed. myself

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #242 on: January 18, 2010, 11:57:48 am »
i have a goal... its not a number... its more when i feel comfortable looking at myself in the mirror and not see what my flaws are but what i truly like about myself... im putting my dad on the same diet... it helps that all my friends are vegetarians... i eat their food during lunch.
Kumoricon 2011 cosplays:
Day0: Hunny (Ouran Host Club) COMPLETE
Day1 (possibly late night panels): Ran Mao (Black Butler) 50%
Day2: Kaoru Hitachin (Ouran Host Club) 90%
Ball/Rave: May (pokemon)
Day3: pirate

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #243 on: January 18, 2010, 12:19:37 pm »
I have a goal as well. Waist at 27 hips at 37 and thighs at 21 or something like that.....maybe it was 22 I don't remember XD

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #244 on: January 18, 2010, 04:52:59 pm »
you seem smaller than that already, but it could just be because I see you in pictures...

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #245 on: January 18, 2010, 07:39:20 pm »
good luck everyone! right now my goal is to realy work out my tummy... i want some muscle defination then when i cosplay chars with exposed bellys. i also wanna try to trim down my thighs a little bit or at least make them more muscle-y again...

so far i've been doing verying leg lifts, crunches, push ups, wii fit, and we cheer 2 xD thouse two games realy are a work out and make you sweat, that must be where a bunch of my weight went
kumoicon 2013:
day 1: morning- Guu (hare + guu)
day 1: afternoon- Terra (ff6)
day 2: chibi moon (sailor moon)
day 3: Princess Zelda (loz:oot)

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #246 on: January 18, 2010, 08:22:05 pm »
i just want my tum to disappear... but i digest... i am active, but i am out of practice  for more strenuous exercises, like balance wii fit games vs the hula hoop, man them hoops hurt my knees for a bit
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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #247 on: January 18, 2010, 08:25:40 pm »
I got a free 7-day pass to a really nice gym in my area, depending on how things go tomorrow I'm going to try to make my way down there and check the facility out since it's one of the places I've been considering getting a membership at anyways. =]
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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #248 on: January 18, 2010, 08:26:51 pm »
yay tomorrow i have hip hop! i can't wait

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Re: Getting in shape for con season 2010
« Reply #249 on: January 18, 2010, 08:31:52 pm »
So i have this job now where (although its a really shitty job ;;>_>) basically pays me to dance around and burn calories! ^^