Okay, updated thread title, have the WIP title for this in it.
All the main cast is all in!!! Yippy!!!! I love you people!
Story writers, all still wanting to be part of the writing of this please PM me so we can talk about planning times to work on things.
We will still need side rolls so if you wanted to do voices for this you still can! Also, we already have ideas for season two so if you were not casted as a main, and want to be a main, maybe you can be in the second season.
On that note, these people will need to stick around for the second season. (Note it will take place years later.)
Also note they are all going to be supporting, there will be a new main cast.
nekovamp13 for boy Horatio's voice (but not that long into it.)
RoscoeTEHclam for Jeremiah Kincaid
Anamink for Sigma Kincaid
SirenMarina for ... Sophia? kinda...
FateChooseMe for Susanna Brice
the rest can try for new roles. And even some of the returning might like to have a second role to be too they can try for. But the second season is VERY rough idea only right now and we'll worry about it after we are a lot closer to the end of the first season.
Also again, I know there were more interested, and if I missed you I would still love for you to be involved. I wish I could have a bigger cast of main roles, but this story, the first season anyways, really cannot handle any more mains. But as noted, there will be plenty of other voices. Off the top of my head; anyone in Horatio's family, Jeremiah's father, flashbacks with Natalie's family, Sigma and Sophia's mother flashbacks, and more.