Enter Soundy, a Freshman at Bend Senior High, year of 2013.
I have never felt so friggen disrespected in my life.
I am a freshman too, and it isn't just upper classman they've lost respect for. It's other freshman, even teachers.
My generation has gained options that the generations before us didn't have, but we are losing the respect that you all used to have.
I hold the door for about 7 out of a 10 minute passing period, and I've never heard a "thank you", and I have been knocked over, and they didn't even apologize.
The school I went to before this high school, taught children to be respectful, friendly, and always have appreciation for everything around you, because in a split second, it could all go downhill. They taught us this by sending us on 3 day field trips, back packing journeys, and days out spending time with our local rivers.
At my school, if you tripped, at least 4 people would reach to help you up, but the closest thing to that I've gotten this year is "Let the girl go first, ass hole"
I want my generation to be the smartest yet, I want us to surpass every other, because that's the way it's supposed to be.
"I stand on the shoulders of giants" Well, those giants grow yearly, but my generation is losing sight of that.
Respect, Kindness, Manners, those are lacking. Without those, you are never going to go anywhere.
The best I can do is stick to being myself, and respecting everyone else, and hoping it'll rub off...