Then perhaps the OP should edit the opening post and maybe this Thread should be closed
(Mods to the rescue?)
So as not to confuse anyone, because I don't like the idea of writing a letter to someone I
only know somewhat if I don't know why we are needing to bail her out or for what reasons.
I prefer to know the whole story before i go baraging a parent with spam snail mail about how
much we appreciate their daughter and telling soundy that i care only sounds like I'm just trying
to make war with her parents.
But this whole Thread (up until my questions) sounds like a desire to flood her mail box with love
and support... which now sounds like NOT what she needs, she needs to go ride bikes with some
of the local friends that she has (apparently there are 9 of which, as noted on her blog) or do
something outside of this group here. I mean, whats to stop her from getting those local people
involved in Anime, then kumoricon, so she can create a group in her area that goes to events
and car-pools and the like? If she enjoys the convention and it's meet-ups, maybe her close
friends would like to get involved.
I vote for this being something her close forum friends deal with, if they need more help from us,
they can pm us, but since this seems to be a personal issue between her, her friends and her
parents... a call to arms of the forums is not a good idea I suppose...