Well... not to jump back to a dead thought but...
They are expensive, with launch costs ranging from $50 million to $400 million.
With even the lower end of that budget spectrum, we could easily buy some parcel of
land and fund some sort of construction for our own convention space; with the higher
end we could do that and have every famous manga author in this country and japan,
and a translator for any who need it plus....
Ah to dream....
Also, I post all the time... and I am always on the forums.... especially at late night times.
The reason why I might be on, but it seems like I'm not posting is that sometimes it takes
me about 40 minutes to write one of my novels... because I have to scrounge the internet
to make sure my concent is true and real!
But this post only took me 6 minutes! woot! Go nasa's easy to navigate files!