OK so I really hope you're reading this information because I'm taking this seriously. I have given each pokemon's strengths as a costume, a link to the
Bulbapedia page for that pokemon, and their picture. So if you didn't already tell me which one I should get in the other thread then please review the choices before you vote. Thanks!
Also, feel free to promote your choice to others because people will be allowed to change their votes.
Togepi, super cute, huggable and well known, get to talk like a girl, might be the biggest togepi cosplayer ever
Drowzee, plenty of attitude, get to be a total creeper, fun to say
Blastoise, super recognizable, big and tough, I would get to make cannons for my shoulders
Slowking, Awesome hat, I get to be pink, royalty
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/SlowkingPsyduck, I've always had a weak spot for him, PLATYPUS BONUS, get to be a total weirdo
Bidoof, this one is great because of the other possibilities the basic parts of the costume can be used as.
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/BidoofI can easily change pieces of the costume to become...
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Bibarelwhich also lets me remove pieces and become Tanuki Suit Mario
Though I would have to also make a big sheet with this on it.
Then for the ultimate, after hours I could add the combat scrotum for a POM POKO tanuki
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4_Nmco2dtEHere's who originally suggested the above Pokemon in the original thread.
Pokemon------ VotesBidoof------- Konan-Chan, Kistiene, danayoki,
Drowzee------ CatchxMe, oslapedo
Togepi------- cthulhu, soundninja
Psyduck------ jaybug, superjaz,
Slowking----- Roddy Manic, nightlotus
Blastoise---- cthulhu