Come on, everyone here's seen the opening. It would have been much easier to say something like OH MY GOD P3P USA RELEASE DATE OH MY GOD I'M SO EXCITED.
Not all of us are EWWW ONE SINGLE PLOT THING HAS CHANGED ON ONE STORY (when the whole girl's story has several differences, because it's supposed to be like THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT and how everything changes BECAUSE Minato is not there, END GAME SPOILERS OF MALE STORY which may or may not include housing Ryoji and Pharos, which affects the entire ending, so it is not altogether impossible to imagine earlier events are also different. Maybe Shinji and Aki DIDN'T accidentally kill Ken's mom. Maybe it was Strega. Maybe Ken's mom isn't even dead and he's just a quiet kid and Shinji would die ANOTHER way, had a social link not been formed between him and FeMC. There is a lot of room for growth in the same characters just by having a different Wild Card present, who actually affects things. The entire game isn't OMG RUINED because it doesn't happen exactly as you remember it. I'm not even going to start on fanfiction.) THIS ENTIRE GAME SUCKS, and besides, you can just play the male's story if you don't want to see the differences. Don't diss it just because you're not interested. We'll think you're being a troll. ;D
iiiii for one, am quite excited. I'll just need to save up for that psp 3000.