That is correct!
I am wanting some one on one time with some good cosplayers. This requires time and control.. which is one thing that is typically short when at a convention!
So! If you are interested in having photos taken of your cosplay then contact me.. My only stipulation is that you come to me.
i live in Southern Oregon, Medford to be exact. But if you are really wanting some photos and are not capable of traveling, then let me know and maybe we can work something out.
If you live in Oregon and want photos, I may just ask for gas money to get home and back. ANY QUESTIONS, email me @
call me or text @ 541-973-7133
I will need to see photos of your cosplay because I am wanting to expand my portfolio of cosplay photographs.
Also, check out this great gallery of cosplay photographs. You could be havin' some epic photos as well, just contact me!