Nice to see you again Tofu. We must grapple again, I'll try to be more aggressive. =P
*latent homosexual urges throw* SAVED!
tofu ftw!
@seluecos you were the guy with the long curly hair that liked throat singing right? didja like my "coweoke performance" of pleymo - new wave?
@emo sasu... YaY! i has founds you (sorta) your adorable.. thnx for being so nice at mew this year, i got kinda emo fer a bit thar.. and and your gonna be at kumo '10 right? you need to get dragged around by our ouran group! and the cow eventually ^.^
@lynx bastard didnt warn me of this fanclub.. your uppance.. its in the mail, you'll recieve it in four business days.
@tofu i has 2 pics of you on mah facebook, you should tag yourself..